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Sorry for the delay, bee traveling!




oh my


Yow, VERY nice.


Just a comment though; back in the day the panties went OVER the garters to make trips to the facilities simpler. Nowadays it allows the lady to drop her drawers for funtime and leave the garters & stockings on for, um, inspiration? :-)

Paul Britt

Photogs and lingerie models put the panties on first because it presents a smoother look. My wife puts panties on after the garter belt for your mentioned reasons...(when I can talk her into wearing one)....

Jason Moon

Well, the Hostess has quite an imagination! And now Spinny will unleash her six hands of groping! Also, you've "bee" traveling?


Spinnerette is looking a bit like "Betty Paige", which is wonderful. Even Bottom Lefty is asking Hostess to come her. 😊


Plot twist: this is not her imagination. This Spinnerette comes from an alternate reality were she and the Hostess were lovers, but the later died in an accident; and now Heather has found her deceased's lover alternate self who is still single. Nah, I made it up, but it would be an interesting story XD


I'm hoping for some giantess content in this one


Yeah, that's my question. Is it just a trick of perspective, or is this Hostess after she's been made the mostest?

Henri Black

I still kinda want to see Mega-Hostess using spinny as a sex toy.

Henri Black

we have had alternate universes in story, so this is entirely possible.

Mr Lit

The first spinnyxhostess was the hottest spinny lewd in my opinion so I have super high expectations for this to go even sexier! Speaking of which, Heather once said super MILF's boobs transcend sexiness for her. Any chance of those two getting together sometime?


Given she's having fun with her sissy-maid assistant at the moment I'd have to read her as kinky-straight, Heather wouldn't be of interest...


Good to know! I guess my photo references were more for the look than practicality ;)

Jason Moon

Spinny's STILL after a taste of the Hostess' CREAMY FILLING!


What!!!? come on now youre teasing us. make them canon. find a way :3 if this is a what if, it would be awesome if this happens to be Heather's dream this time


I love Swole Spinny. 😍


You ever consider releasing the first hostessxspinny comic? Hell I just be willing to paid for it out right