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I figure half of our readers will find this hot, and half will find it terrifying ;)

Full page is in the attachment!




Well, I became a patron for this issue... and you didn't disappoint. Hope to see more Evil Spinnerette in general, but this is a great start. ;)

Juan Chanco

And half will find it both.


I figure about as many will join the Patreon as will run away screaming. :)


Don't know if want... (Oh who am I kidding? :) looks good.)

Cahn Siumartinez

I'm just wondering what will happen when Spinny and MM run into evil Spinny in the regular comic again

Cahn Siumartinez

So I have to ask. Who is next and when do we get the Kat orgy fantasy chapter.

Jared van Kell

I am kinda curious as to who is going to become the love of her life so to speak. Admittedly he would have to be pretty strong willed and capable to be able to tangle with a Drider of her caliber.

Jared van Kell

I would imagine they would end up beating her this time. The last time they went in blind but now they know what she is capable of and can act accordingly. Forewarned is forearmed as the saying goes.

Chuck W

Apparently 'doggy style' wouldn't be an option (-: (-:

Cahn Siumartinez

Its possible. Just need a lot of space, webbing and flexibility. Clean up would be murder.

Jason Moon

Reminds me of something once said about the Borg Queen: "She's sexy, but in a Hellraiser kinda way." THAT'S the "yummy/gross" dichotomy we're lookin' at.


So THAT'S where that was

Tom Kauffman

So are Spinny and MM doing this - ah - "research" under the guise of 'know thy enemy' in the law enforcement sense or in the Shakespearean sense?


This does mean that Evil Spinnerette is going around just/// hanging out/// all the time. Didn't know she was that level of exhibitionist.


You know the two halves probably overlap for some. Just a bit more scarousal out there in the world.

Akashimo Hakubi

Its terrifying and hot at the same time and I can't figure out which of it is more hot or more terrifying.


... well... its got to go somewhere...

Johnny Charneca

By the way... who will we have next for the NSFW chapters? Please, plase, let it be Spinny and Mecha Maid once more! We need more hentai of those two, Krow. Please, I'm begging you!

Mr Lit

Alexis: curing arachnophobia one boner at a time.


I still hate her. I want to crush her spiderbutt and let her die of blood-loss while gouging her eyes.


the human pussy in the spider parts just looks wrong, I'll stick to looking at her tits


oh my

Andre Leitao

I like the first SuperMilf comic, but it´s not enough, there´s a lot of potential in there that needs to be explored, we need another NSFW!


“I like them round..and BIG.”


ES Page 9: Not hot. Not terrifying. Reminds me of a cartoon titled "Pinky Pie discovers Rule 34" - "Why would you even DRAW that?!?"