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Ahh, the true villainy of Patreon!






I hate to play grammar police but I think you meant where rather than wear.

Chris Miller

There's the punchline.

Cahn Siumartinez

Love how its bottom lefty that has the credit card ready. Hopefully this isnt the end of the chapter.

Andre Leitao

Kkkkkk, this why I pay for internet! Very funny!


Who hasn't their credit card data memorized nowadays, besides bottom lefty? :) Also, shouldn't this post be public as an ad for the higher tiers? ;)

Jason Moon

WebbyCam? The last panel made me think of this from the Babylon 5 spin-off Crusade: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EvVW1EPX24" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EvVW1EPX24</a>

Jason Moon

Well, that's one to encourage people to donate to the Patreon, eh Krow?


Mecha Maid's the one in control of the mouse in the second-to-last panel, and in the last panel, she's in Spinny's lap! Soooooooo, they're about to watch internet porn together. Of their Drider nemesis no less! I love those two. :D

Akashimo Hakubi

in before, a legit actual Evil Spinny Patreon spin off page just. (with guest apperances of all the ladies at one point or another) Also, love how Heather's boobs seem to be extra, for lack of the better term, UNFF, for this page.

Aeryn Monet

Spinny with a credit card in panel 2, Mecha Maid clicking in panel 3, them sitting together in panel 4. Glad to see this is a joint operation, at least?

Ian MacLaren

I hate pointing this out, but you forgot to put “be” in “shouldn’t we be happy she’s reformed”


one spelling error it should be 'where' not 'wear' other than that great ending! XD

Chuck W

I'd gladly pay the $6! Does she have different tiers of memberships? (-:

Chuck W

PS thanks to the sharp-eyed Patre-ons that pointed out the details like the credit card ….(-:


I knew it! April Fools joke.


I am with the people pointing out the grammar and typos - two in one strip is two too many. If you can’t see them please have someone who can proofread for you. If they get pointed out - correct them and repost the strip - at least do it before you collect them into a book that gets kickstarted.

Mr Lit

There's a typo but whatever. Maybe Heather and Marilyn will get aroused and start making out? I mean they're very curious about dryder vaginas after all.

Mark Williams

On the topic of dryder vaginas all I can think of is Hermes from Futurama going “dats a very good question!”

Andre Leitao

hope this is a kind of threesome...


To be honest though I do like the idea that Marilyn and Heather watch porn together.


Oh that was a priceless twist there. I'm sure those two have much research to do about driders. Especially this one who loves being a bad girl. 😊

Johnny Charneca

Not bad... I laughed more than I should with this page. Is this the end, or are we going to see Heather paying to see more? xD


That's very specifically what I've been wondering since this arc began. I've been torn between the desire to know and the desire really, really not to...


now those are some good muscles on Spinny :3 good to see


Where or wear? Or if she can transform even were I suppose

Henri Black

Bottom lefty clearly approves of this content.

Mr Lit

Lower lefty's like "oh yeah booooyeeeh!"

Opus the Poet

Dangit, it was discussed but not revealed.😡