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I submitted a pledge at the beginning of this month but then I removed myself as a patron, would I still qualify?


Krow im currnently working on a Hostess Spinny pic. But i gotta ask. Is it possible that they might become canon in the main story? The build up for these two has been there since they were kids. please krow :3

Lex of Excel

D'aww, how adorable! Makes me super interested in her upcoming return in issue 28! How might this progress?

Jason Moon

"I like to feel pretty." Oh Hostess, YOU ARE! (man, her church really did a job on her. GRRRR!)


Very cool! I love getting gift art :) As for the future, I never give away spoilers... but the next main arc will be Hostess focused.


Gah, my card keeps getting declined for apparently no reason. Is there any chance for me to sort this out with you through some other channel (e.g. PayPal)? (I'll pay transaction fees.)

Cahn Siumartinez

The more I think about it, the more I sympathize with the Hostess. Also further proof radical mind altering meds are a bad idea. Rarely do they work and you run the risk of them turning insane and try to take over a middle American small town.

Johnny Charneca

So beautiful and extremely kinky. xD By the way, I commissioned this little thing here, and I thought that you might want to check it out, and who knows, share it with everyone around here. <a href="https://www.deviantart.com/sonicpossible00/art/Spinnerette-and-Mecha-Maid-Love-in-Pink-760341301?ga_submit_new=10%3A1534791026&amp;ga_type=edit&amp;ga_changes=1&amp;ga_recent=1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.deviantart.com/sonicpossible00/art/Spinnerette-and-Mecha-Maid-Love-in-Pink-760341301?ga_submit_new=10%3A1534791026&amp;ga_type=edit&amp;ga_changes=1&amp;ga_recent=1</a> The artist is Alice NoWonder: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/AliceNoWnder/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.facebook.com/AliceNoWnder/</a>


*rocks back and forth awaiting the hostess chapter*


Awwwww I missed my chance


Missed it myself! Backed the Kickstarter, but late on Patreon. Any chance for second chances?