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We have a special bonus NSFW chapter for Patreon backers who pledge on the Kickstarter as well!  While The Hostess is detoxing from her own mind-altering drugs, she has a vivid what-if experience, wondering if Spinny had sided with her...

To get the chapter, follow these steps:

1. Back the Patreon at a $6 or greater level between May and August

2. Back the Kickstarter OR pre-order at a $10 or greater level

3. Once we've finished the bonus chapter, we'll e-mail a download link!


Pre-orders end in 24 hours!






Well drat, i know i put in for the backerkit, but besides its not acting like it did so need to double check later what i did to sign up for it, i joined in july for patron from the mention on the spinny home page.

Jason Moon

The Hostess is being swept off of her feet by Spinny's Six Arms of... of... I'll be in my bunk.


Drat, I wasn't able to join until I think it was June or July due to money issues, I hope there will be another way to see it someday... T.T


Bummer about the May requirement. I’d been a patreon for a while since last year but had to stop due to money issues. I just restarted last month so it’s a shame to have missed it


Uhhhh...this doesn't make any sense. I thought Spinny already professed her love for Mechamaid? Won't Mechamaid find out...or worse, take it out on Spinny for her infidelity?


"Vivid What if Experience" It's just a detailed Fantasy Hostess is having

Lex of Excel

Oooh, splendid! Does this mean that the bonus comic is close to complete?


Preeeeetty sure Bottom Lefty is up to some shenanigans...


Damn...I really hope those NSFW get printed so I can buy.


How are you guys still shipping Spinny and Mecha? Spinny and Hostess are meant to be!! Please make them canon. Its gonna be interesting. Hostess thinks Heather i fat. But when those clothes come off, Hostess will see that she's jacked :3


Between May and August my dude


Put in my pre-order ;) can't wait for more Hostess hotness!


..because frankly the hostess is still a selfish bitch and a complete mary sue?


Does already having bought the White Heron book count as pre-ordering? Kinda like I pre-purchased the pre-order lol


Afraid not, it's only the Spinnerette Book 6 Kickstarter that's part of the tie-in.


I missed the Kickstarter for Book 6 and I can't find the button on Kickstarter. Can I order it via Backerkit and still get the bonus chapter?


I went to the kickstarter, pledged but I'm not sure if I did everything right.