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Work in progress for the upcoming Kickstarter exclusive!

That girl does like her butts...




Butts rule!!!!!!


I'm surprised Bottom Lefty is behaving then devious.

Mr Lit

So will this an illustration or a chapter?

Jason Moon

She likes butts, and she cannot lie...

Juan Chanco

I didn't not hear a word you just said.


anime nose bleed


I realized I should ask; how is the kickstarter exclusive chapter accessed? Is it included as a PDF once you pledge, or....? (I feel like there were details and I missed them somehow.)

Henri Black

I'm not sure how I feel about Spinny cheating on MM...


Yeah, know what you mean... maybe it will be a sexy dream?

Donovan "Ravenhull"

I love pics like this. Yeah, sexy and naughty, but also just plain cute.


Krazy Krow you son of a gun!! you doing it!it's finally happening? Her villain name is the hostess!? awesome!! Can you leave a note for the artist? Heather needs more muscle bulk and I thought her hair is suppose to be short. I hope this chapter is canon


I can hear the Hostess now, "It's not gay if it's a threesome." Love the look the two are giving our way, very exciting.


I doubt Spinny would cheat on MM, and I doubt KK would give us a story about Spinny getting mind control drugged into sex, that’s a bit too dark for these comics... So what’s the story gonna be, I wonder?

Lex of Excel

To float a theory, I think it's going to involve Sara Nicole detoxing off the drugs that drove her to villainy and having a heart to heart with either Spinny or Heather.