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She goes full cyborg in the 90's!



Marissa Van Opens

That looks awesome...same with the 90s Gravity Girl. It brings me back to the edgier (some times literally pointier) days of the 90's.

Bill Saunders

Looks like she’s ready to join a D&D adventuring party - fantastic!

Lex of Excel

Very reminiscent of Psylocke! Nice job.


Wishful thinking, I know, but I hope that's in the cards for her modern incarnation, as well


Loving this new look to her. Definitely looks like she is a much more experienced hero and incredible femme fatale.

Jason Moon

Is this in reference to a possible NSFW story?

Jason Moon

Very mecha, but no very maidy. Not that I'm complaining.


Clearly she and 90's spinny are an action pack dynamite duo

Joel Kreissman

I can see her and 90s Spinny *very* aggressively asserting that they're straight.

Nathan Smith

Love the 90's look of the cast. It's so spot on with the troupes.


passed out in a pool of blood


After seeing 90s Spinny... I imagined... edgier