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This video is really rough. There are some pretty bad audio affects, I messed up the volume at the beginning, I was planning to do some animation, but they turned out to be much too much work, so next time I'll use live screen recording in it's place — and, yeah. It's far from perfect. But it's an experiment. I'll keep telling myself that. 

Real Artists Ship. That's what Seth Godin says, and that's what I'll keep telling myself. 

The next one will be better.


PS. I didn't have time to implement the suggestion I made in response to Connar's reply on the last post, but it should go without saying that a video going into discussion of an unwritten chapter outline is going to contain spoilers ^^ 

PPS. Apparently youtube has a fifteen minute limit on videos if you're unconfirmed, and I can't confirm right now, so I'm uploading the video to google drive instead.


chapter one outline narration.mp4


Ryan Crook

You mentioned two Harry Potter fan fic what are their names if you remember?


The first was The Difference One Man Can Make by joen1801, and the second was An Avalanche by Lady Hallen. An Avalanche is a Fem-Harry story apparently. I forgot that, but it has been a while :P