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How to use NGROK to connect Gradio apps on free Kaggle notebooks : https://youtu.be/iBT6rhH0Fjs

3 July 2024 Update V14:

  • Zip file updated to : instant_id_v14.zip

  • New feature Change applied LoRA Scale added under LoRA selection section

  • You can now set the applied power / strength / scale of LoRAs

  • Just run Windows_Update_Version.bat if you had Version 13

  • Libraries updated to latest versions

  • Per step speed added to the command line interface window (CMD - Terminal)

  • Kaggle notebook updated to V4 - now uses kaggle/temp directory so we can download more models

  • A cell added to the Kaggle notebook to download SDXL Base 1.0, RealVisXL 4.0, Juggernaut_XL_v9 and Juggernaut_XL_v10 into models folder automatically

30 April 2024 Update V13:

  • InstantID updated to V13

  • FP4 and FP8 support added. Thus even with 8 GB GPUs now you can use amazingly

  • Fully supporting older weak GPUs as well

  • Kaggle notebook updated and now works much better than before with FP8

  • Kaggle notebook is inside the zip file

  • Massed Compute installers and instructions added to the zip file

  • RunPod installers and instructions added to the zip file

  • Newest lower precision and cpu offloading required VRAMs as below

  • Several metadata saving and loading bugs fixed. E.g. it was saving style prompts as well or was giving error when you didn't use any

18 March 2024 Update V12:

  • InstantID updated to V12

  • Now Metadata of the images will be saved into saved images

  • You can load and see Metadata from newly added Image Metadata tab

  • Load & Set Metadata Settings buttons will load and set the same settings of particular generated image including input images

  • If images are not existing anymore they won't be set

  • update_windows_version .bat file will update to this version if you have V11

  • If still doesn't work try to run update_windows_requirements .bat

  • If still not work install into a new folder like C:/instant_id_v13

25 February 2024 Update V11: 

  • LoRA model support added

  • You can even use multiple LoRAs at the same time 

  • Select the LoRA models from LoRA model dropdown 

  • The Gradio will scan loras folder inside the InstantID folder

  • You can also give custom LoRA models folder path with this argument --loras_path 

  • Example full argument 

  • python gradio_demo\web-ui-multicontrolnet.py %extra_args% --models_path "G:\automatic1111\stable-diffusion-webui\models\Stable-diffusion" --loras_path "G:\automatic1111\stable-diffusion-webui\models\Lora"

  • Download latest InstantID and extract into folder where you want to install

  • LCM sampler bug fixed but it is really bad quality

  • Installer library version bug fixed

  • App screenshot updated : instant id app screenshot.png

21 February 2024 Update:

  • Face cropping feature massively improved to support

  • Different aspect ratio having input face

  • Different aspect ratio having outputs 

  • Please do a fresh install as we have a new library dependency 

  • Also the detected face and cropped input images will be saved inside temp_faces folder inside InstantID foder

  • We also did a fix to lowvram option which was causing 1 click working 1 click error 1 click working

  • Please report any other errors you might encounter 

20 February 2024 Massive Update:

  • Fixed model reloading with V5 update

  • New style and depth model added as well

  • In rare occasions CPU Offloading could cause error especially on Kaggle

  • This error is fixed

  • Added refresh models feature - Only SDXL models work

  • Fixed RunPod instructions error

  • If you want to use existing models folder: edit run_web_UI. bat and add your folder path as below  

  • --models_path "G:\automatic1111\stable-diffusion-webui\models\Stable-diffusion"

  • Don't forget "" and give your own model path

18 February 2024 Massive Update:

  • Now supports Pose, Canny & Depth ControlNets - all auto installed & downloaded

  • Single controlnet web app removed since all optimizations applied to multi controlnet and should work very well even with 8GB GPUs

  • When starting the app it will ask you Low VRAM option, Gradio Live share option and FP16 option

  • Use Low VRAM option if you have lesser than 16 GB GPUs

  • Low VRAM option will enable CPU offloading and it is super optimized. All thanks to amazing work of Pelolisu from our Discord channel

  • Use FP16 option if you have older GPUs such as RTX 1080 TI which doesn't support BF16

  • Use Gradio Live share if you want to share your app or if you are running it in RunPod or such cloud, etc

  • Kaggle notebook also updated to latest version

  • On Kaggle notebook, if you want to use ControlNets you need to add --lowvram to starting parameter

  • However this will slow down the generation a lot

  • Without additional ControlNets, Kaggle works super fast

  • RunPod instructions txt file added. Just change the paths if you are a Linux user

10 February 2024 Update:

  • Automatic image cropping feature added so now you can upload any aspect ratio image and get any aspect ratio output image - it is auto active

  • CPU offloading feature added to the single controlnet gradio app so it works super fast with 12GB / 10GB GPUs even 8GB gpus should work fine now just reduce target resolution

  • Multi-ControlNet app is also now supporting CPU offloading and with 16GB GPU you should be able to use it very fast with multiple ControlNet at the same time

  • To update either do a git pull or do a fresh install

  • How to do git pull : https://youtu.be/-NjNy7afOQ0

Full tutorial video : in production

Fully automatic installers for Windows and Linux for InstantID : Zero-shot Identity-Preserving Generation in Seconds > https://instantid.github.io/

Watch it to learn how to install Python (3.10), Visual C++ tools properly > https://youtu.be/-NjNy7afOQ0 since you need C++ tools installed for InsightFace library


  • 1 click install on Windows (local) and RunPod and Kaggle (free account) and Linux (local or cloud) systems

  • It will install everything and download everything into a new VENV

  • Advanved Gradio Web APP compared to the official demo with following features

  • xFormers - faster

  • Custom image resolutions - enter any final resolution of image you want (some specific resolutions may fail but common ones working like 768x1024, 1024x1280, 768x768, etc.)

  • Scans models folder and let you pick any model from there

  • Give full path or Hugging Face repo of any model with an input box

  • Generate any number of images like set 200 images and it will generate 200 image

  • Every image is saved by default into the outputs folder

  • I am talking with developers to add extra lower VRAM (probably below 6 GB) feature

  • Supports pose, canny & depth ControlNet combination

Comparisons & Experiments


  • Select target resolution with same aspect ratio of your input image

  • Crop your input image with same aspect ratio of your desired output resolution

  • E.g. input image is 1746x2619 so target resolution can be 768x1152 - same aspect ratio 

  • I use resize feature of Paint .Net (free open source) to find target resolution or cropping 

  • You can download any SDXL model from CivitAI or Hugging Face and use. Download into models folder inside InstantID folder and restart the APP


  • Tested on Python 3.10.11 so use Python 3.10.x

  • C++ tools has to be installed for InsightFace library

  • Full tutorial to install these 2 : https://youtu.be/-NjNy7afOQ0

Windows Install Instructions

  • Download instant_id . zip from attachments

  • Extract files into any folder you want to install

  • First double click windows_install .bat and install the InstantID

Kaggle Instructions

  • Upload kaggle notebook inside zip file (import notebook)

  • Select Python and GPT T4 x2 and Internet On

  • Instructions are well written on the Notebook




Hello, I've just tested V2 but, unless I've made a mistake somewhere, there's a problem. Each time an image is generated, it reloads the model I'm using, which makes each image generation very long. It didn't do that with the previous version.

Furkan Gözükara

Hello. We are still working on improvements. But If you install windows_install.bat it won't do that. Hopefully I will update this post once we are fully moved to better version

Steve Bruno

RuntimeError: Expected all tensors to be on the same device, but found at least two devices, cpu and cuda:0! (when checking argument for argument index in method wrapper_CUDA__index_select)


Hi, im getting error with version 10: RuntimeError: "upsample_bilinear2d_out_frame" not implemented for 'BFloat16'

Rick B

Working great on Kaggle with notebook from 25 Feb. Using it with & without ControlNet (lowvram option). Thanks

Evan Helga

Hello I found error, and also I dont see anything at InstantID\models\ Downloading ./models/antelopev2.zip from https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface/releases/download/v0.7/antelopev2.zip... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/kaggle/working/InstantID/gradio_demo/web-ui-multicontrolnet.py", line 85, in app = FaceAnalysis( File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/insightface/app/face_analysis.py", line 27, in __init__ self.model_dir = ensure_available('models', name, root=root) File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/insightface/utils/storage.py", line 28, in ensure_available return download(sub_dir, name, force=False, root=root) File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/insightface/utils/storage.py", line 17, in download download_file(model_url, File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/insightface/utils/download.py", line 73, in download_file raise RuntimeError("Failed downloading url %s" % url) RuntimeError: Failed downloading url https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface/releases/download/v0.7/antelopev2.zip

Furkan Gözükara

hello. Hugging Face (where we store models) is in maintenance mode so currently it will not work. can you try again later please?

Hung Do

I have a problem. This works so well (fun) with styles, loras, models that after few hours of playing with a different combination, I ended up with a folder of nearly 100 images. Among them, I found a few looks that I like. So here is the problem, I can't seem to be able to to repeat the look. Can I beg for embed metadata in the PNG or an adjacent text file with same file name that show the configuration? At least which Lora(s) and Checkpoint I used. If someone come up with a different solution to log the process I am all ears.

Furkan Gözükara

hello. On my todo list hopefully. I plan to save .txt file of all settings into a folder with the file name. would that work?

Evan Helga

Last time I try at kaggle. I get error File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/tempfile.py", line 483, in func_wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device

Stephen Yip

Installed InstantID v12 on Kaggle using the Installer. Images seems generated but not viewable in Webui. Runtime Error: no "view" mailcap rules found for type "application/octet-stream". For your kind advise Dr, Thank you! -------------------- Image 1/1 generated in 70.76 seconds. 1 images generated in 70.76 seconds, average 70.76 seconds per image. Warning: unknown mime-type for "/kaggle/working/InstantID/outputs" -- using "application/octet-stream" Error: no "view" mailcap rules found for type "application/octet-stream" /usr/bin/xdg-open: 869: www-browser: not found /usr/bin/xdg-open: 869: links2: not found /usr/bin/xdg-open: 869: elinks: not found /usr/bin/xdg-open: 869: links: not found /usr/bin/xdg-open: 869: lynx: not found /usr/bin/xdg-open: 869: w3m: not found xdg-open: no method available for opening '/kaggle/working/InstantID/outputs'

鸣 陈

I only saw uploaded pictures of faces and movements, but no reference to my own style.

zhou jie

can we use insitantid with inpainting?


Have you seen Krita AI? I just discovered it today. It's an open source ai plug in for Krita (a free open source photoshop type program). From the github description "Streamlined interface for generating images with AI in Krita. Inpaint and outpaint with optional text prompt, no tweaking required." It's an amazing plug in which allows real time inpainting, lora and base model support...SD or XL. ComfyUI back end. Super easy to install and use. Very robust and user friendly. It might be worth a look for a future tutorial video. https://github.com/Acly/krita-ai-diffusion


How much space does this all take? Accidetaly filled my HD first atempt to install.. would be good to write out so people know =)