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V-Express: Conditional Dropout for Progressive Training of Portrait Video Generation : https://github.com/tencent-ailab/V-Express

21 June 2024 Update

  • Scripts upgraded to Version 7

  • Download latest V_Express_Installers zip file

  • Huge VRAM optimizations have arrived

  • Now with 8GB VRAM GPUs you can even generate 20 second videos or maybe even more

  • Now on Kaggle you may even generate 1 minute video try it

  • Installers are updated and all model files will be downloaded as a single zip file

  • Thus, you will be able to resume model download if fails with Resume_Models_Download_If_Error_Occurs.bat file

  • So pay attention to the installer CMD

13 June 2024 Update

  • All installers updated since the original authors had changed model source folder structure

12 June 2024 Update

7 June 2024 Update

  • Free Kaggle Account notebook added with instructions

  • The notebook file is inside attachments zip file

6 June 2024 Update

Works on Windows, Massed Compute and RunPod. Hopefully will try to make a Kaggle notebook as well.

Follow instructions for RunPod and Massed Compute. For RunPod Cuda 11.8 having template mandatory for high speed

You can see 34 comparison tests results and their configs in this file : https://huggingface.co/MonsterMMORPG/SECourses/resolve/main/Comparison_Tests.zip

I think best config is as below but you should look at each test

  • Retarget Strategy = offset_retarget , Reference Attention Weight = 1 , Audio Attention Weight = 1 and rest is default

  • Lower Audio Attention Weight = lesser erroneous mouth movements


  • You need Python 3.10.11, Git, FFmpeg, CUDA 11.8, and C++ tools

  • How to install all above is shown in below tutorial step by step

  • https://youtu.be/-NjNy7afOQ0

  • If you still can't make it upgrade membership and message me from Discord

How To Install

  • I am recording a tutorial right now but so straight forward

  • Just double click and run Windows_Install .bat file

How To Use

The generated files will be saved inside outputs folder inside V-Express

As you increase your input audio or video duration, it will become slower for each step

I don't know if it has a duration limit but i generated up to 20 seconds very easily

You can use Massed Compute A6000 - 48 GB GPU if you get out of VRAM error - 31 cents per hour


Brett Baker

Thank you! The install worked perfectly. I was able to generate a video using an image and an .mp3 audio file using the fix_face Retarget Strategy, When I use an image and an .mp4 video using either offset or naive retarget strategy, I get the error " raise RuntimeError(f"File not found: {filename}") RuntimeError: File not found: temp_process\ref_20240602195005\target_audio.mp3" Do you know what might be causing this error?

Furkan Gözükara

can you show me screenshot of your error getting? i tested all combinations never had any error what are the file names? did you install ffmpeg accurate? type ffmpeg and let me know what you see. also your python version?

Brett Baker

Thank you for your quick reply! Yes, I have ffmpeg installed accurately. My python version is Python 3.10.10. Here is a video capture of the process that is happening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naQxO0GEcKE

Furkan Gözükara

it was due to you having space character in your folder path. the error was from the original repo authors. just made update. but still it is best if you install into like c:/my_Ai. now run windows update bat file and it should be fixed

Brett Baker

I will install as recommended and run the windows update bat file. Thank you so much for looking into this!

Sahil Sangani

Hello, should I select your deploy creator wise GPU to run this on mass compute? Please help as I am new to all this but want to use this tech GPU Type: L40 GPU Quantity: 1 Category: Creator Image: SECourses SSH Key: Coupon Code Verify Deploy 4 Available Specs: RAM: 128 GB, Storage: 625 GB, vCPU: 26 Price: $0.99/hour

Đạt Nguyễn

The corresponding video length is 1600. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/media/dev_ai/LinuxData2/V_Express_Installers_V4/V-Express/inference.py", line 277, in main() File "/media/dev_ai/LinuxData2/V_Express_Installers_V4/V-Express/inference.py", line 217, in main assert os.path.exists(args.kps_path), f'{args.kps_path} does not exist' AssertionError: ./temp_process/tttttt(11)_20240612150754/kps.pth does not exist how to fix it ?

Furkan Gözükara

That means install error. You have to have python 3.10, Cuda 11.8 and c++ tools and ffmpeg installed on Linux as well. You can see all installed on massed compute virtual machine

Đạt Nguyễn

I have 2 gpu 3090 dual link, do the following to run it on 2GPU, do you have any way?

Schlecky Silberstein

I picked RunPod Pytorch 2.1 https://postimg.cc/crYCjN9d Where can i find demo content?

Furkan Gözükara

sorry for late reply. it is accurate template. i am gonna test again now. the demo files are in attachments of this post. e.g. : Demo_Images_And_Videos_Part2.zip

Furkan Gözükara

hello it turns out that original authors had changed the folder structure in hugging face repo. i have updated all installers please reinstall now works ty

Furkan Gözükara

hello it turns out that original authors had changed the folder structure in hugging face repo. i have updated all installers please reinstall now works ty

Anshul Gupta

This AI tool cant face swap on more than 5 minute long 4k video at Rtx 4090, due to overheating, the PC is getting restarted again and again. is there any solution of this