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Automatic Black Forest Labs FLUX models 1-Click downloaders for Windows, RunPod, Massed Compute

The downloader scripts have resume capability, skip if fully downloaded capability and will auto retry 100 times if an error occurs and continue from wherever left automatically

15 August 2024 Update

2 August 2024 Update

  •  aws FP8 model weights downloader added - If you are under 30 GB GPU use them no difference

  • FP16 T5 XXL clip downloader added - 24 GB can use this

  • By default SwarmUI downloads FP8 version of T5 text encoder

  • More comparison tests zip file added

How To Use

  • Download and extract zip file in the attachments into SwarmUI parent folder like below

  • Full Windows, Massed Compute and RunPod tutorials here : https://www.patreon.com/posts/106135985

  • For Kaggle we already have updated notebook here : https://www.patreon.com/posts/106650931

  • I have compared FP8 vs FP16 mode and Turbo model in below imgsli in details

  • Running at FP16 requires 28 GB VRAM but produces better quality

  • FP8 vs FP16 vs Turbo vs FP16 T5 model detailed comparison (16 different tests) : https://imgsli.com/MjgzODYy/7/6

  • Turbo model and dev model has same VRAM usage and per step speed

  • Only difference is number of necessary steps needed

  • When running FP16 model at FP8 it gives identical results as FP8 version - half size

How to run the model at FP16 shown below



Hi. Unfortunatly your script FLUX Auto download Models doesn't work. I got this error Entry Not Found for url: https://huggingface.co/black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-schnell/resolve/main/ae.sft. Retrying in 1 seconds... Error occurred on attempt 2 for ae.sft from black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-schnell: 404 Client Error. (Request ID: Root=1-66b22ae6-301ae63614e9dfc309f16ef1;e729ca78-800f-48e0-a645-0d31df3842a7)

Furkan Gözükara

hello sorry for delay. they renamed files. so i updated zip files. please redownload FLUX_models_Auto_Downloaders_v5.zip

James Kokonas

I'm noticing another error which claims I'm not running the autodownloader in the right folder, because they've renamed the base folder from SwarmUI -> StableSwarmUI

James Kokonas

When I rename the folder to get the downloader to run, it errors at: "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dataclasses'" and then quits. Any ideas?


Hi. Everything is very well documented. Thank you. I did get this error when trying to use the downloader for the extra encoder. Here is the error: Attempting to download t5xxl_fp16.safetensors from comfyanonymous/flux_text_encoders... t5xxl_fp16.safetensors: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 9.79G/9.79G [08:44<00:00, 18.7MB/s] Error occurred on attempt 1 for t5xxl_fp16.safetensors from comfyanonymous/flux_text_encoders: [WinError 183] Cannot create a file when that file already exists: 'E:\\AI 2024\\SD 2024\\Swarm\\SwarmUI\\Models\\clip\\t5xxl_fp16.safetensors' -> 'E:\\AI 2024\\SD 2024\\Swarm\\SwarmUI\\Models\\clip\\t5xxl_enconly.safetensors' Retrying in 1 seconds... Error occurred on attempt 2 for t5xxl_fp16.safetensors from comfyanonymous/flux_text_encoders: [WinError 183] Cannot create a file when that file already exists: 'E:\\AI 2024\\SD 2024\\Swarm\\SwarmUI\\Models\\clip\\t5xxl_fp16.safetensors' -> 'E:\\AI 2024\\SD 2024\\Swarm\\SwarmUI\\Models\\clip\\t5xxl_enconly.safetensors' Retrying in 2 seconds...

Furkan Gözükara

hello it is true. you need to delete pre-downloaded T5 and redownload. when you first time generate an image swarmui auto downloads fp8 version of T5. I am hopefully going to update downloader and fix this issue and add new versions as well like n4f and merged of turbo and dev version.


any suggestion for which option for 12gb? (4070)


never mind found it in your benchmarks file: "If you have a 12 GB VRAM or below GPU use flux1-dev-bnb-nf4-v2 - 30 steps"