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Hey everyone, it's been a hectic month, apologies for the lack of Patreon updates. Though for those wanting more regular, shorter bursts of info be sure to follow my Twitter:  https://twitter.com/ClassicGJ 

Anywho, on to today's first topic, Alpha 5.0. If you're at the $5 tier and would like access, simply reply to this post and I shall add you to the list! It's the same as last months as I'm currently putting the finishing touches to Ancient Greece Trap and Droo The Ripper's boss battle, with the hope that they will both appear in next month's!

Speaking of Droo's battle, it's practically complete with both intro and outro cutscenes! All he's missing is a voice (which should be coming very soon). It's a 3 stage battle with increasingly difficult attacks to dodge, timed with some platforming!

Ancient Greece Trap is coming along great too. The island of Flambé  is nearly complete and Unitaur's volcano and it's labyrinth are also done! This world has ended up being quite a large one, with two distinct areas. There's plenty to do in each with a more linear trial through the volcanic labyrinth as well as the open exploration of the island itself!

That's our lot for today, but there'll be plenty more to come soon!

As always, thank you for your continued support!




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