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Hey everyone, there's a couple of things to cover in this update!

Firstly, if you are at the $5 tier and would like access to July's alpha demo, please comment here and I will add you to the list. Please note though, this is largely the same as Alpha 5.0 from last time, only with some tweaks here and there based on feedback.

Beside that, I am still working to finish Tempus Tombs, and still plugging away at Ancient Greece Trap too. Working on these two simultaneously makes sense for a number of reasons, but largely because the two worlds have an intertwined story! The video above is a little insight into how I'm trying to include new ways to use existing mechanics, such as hazards that can also be used to your advantage.

I've also introduced the world to Nevermore the scarecrow this week who is set to be voiced by Playtonic's Daley Johnson; she will be quite an interesting other worldly character, that's for sure!

That's about our lot for now!

Thank you all for your continued support, and patience with me taking a little detour for the public alpha!


Clive 'N' Wrench - The Eye Of Unitaur

A quick test showing off this specific room. Working on polishing up additional mechanics such as here, where an environmental hazard doubles up as something quite handy!



Count me in.


Hey bud! Just tweeted some support at you, I'd love to check out the July Alpha whenever ready! Is there any other playable content you've released that's not in this Alpha? I'd love to check that out too, much appreciation for what you do!


Hey, thank you very much! Unfortunately you've missed the boat on this one, but there will be another at the end of the month. In the mean time though, there is a public alpha available from Itch: https://1-rob-41690.itch.io/clivenwrench Hopefully that'll tide you over!