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Hey all!

Another month, means another chance to grab an alpha build. The build is the same as last month (since I'm currently working on another level), but I am extending the invite to either those who opted out last time and would like in now, or new $5 tier supporters. So please, if that describes you be sure to leave a comment on this post!

For those unaware, this current alpha build contains the level Cajun Mob Bog, a boss fight with Baroness Samedice and a portion of the hub world. Future alphas will include more than this of course, but my plan is to have each level included in a fully playable state before testing starts!

As for now, I'm currently working on Corsair's Cove. This level sees Clive, Wrench and Nancy embark on a swashbuckling adventure on a mysterious pirate island! Careful though, there's a legend going around about a baboon, his Kraken and numerous "dad jokes"...

As always, thank you all for your support!
