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I'm terribly sorry that this has been announced so late. Had a rough month.

May's poll has come to an end and here are the results of what would be your rewards for June 2019's batch!

Zero Suit Samus came first. I kinda expected the Smash hype to die down a bit after a big while of the game release but seems like Samus is still standing atop of everyone's waifu spot. Great! I must admit I've played just Super Metroid on SNES and that's the closest Metroid knowledge I have but Zero Suit Samus in Smash for the other hand, is very well known for every kids on the street. Will try my best to do her justice!

Wiz won second! Now THIS is a surprise. Who would have thought? It seems like there are way more of you guys that read Konosuba's light novel than I thought because otherwise it wouldn't explain Wiz getting this high regards and this is great! I'm down on drawing more Konosuba.

BB Summer the yummy tanned bitchified BB got the third place. This is neat. I have a thing for any character turning slutish no matter what the context is. I ca't wait to get my hand on this.

*Female Trainer (Pokemon Sword & Shield) got a +2 bonus votes from losing the stand off battle on the previous poll but that is still not enough to bring her to the top spot. May be once the Sword & Shield actually comes out she will get a chance once more? She will still stay on the poll though.


Again, as most of you know I'm on a big delay on delivering rewards, but you all will receive your supported monthly rewards eventually even after you're out of patron status. My big apology. I'm trying my hardest to catch up. 2019 has not started in the best way for me. Back condition issue got worse.

I have been having a compensation batch exchange system open so if you're a new patron who are interested in that, send me a message! I will explain it to you there.

You can check out my Rewards Archive to see what's coming up next as a reward. I will be updating this one into it as well.

Thank you for your supports and participation, guys! Have a great day!



Will Martin-Foster

How the hell does the Female Trainer keep losing even after all the hype and pushing she gets every poll?!