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May 2018's batch was completed and delivered! Please check your Patreon message to grab the download link if you were a patron for May 2018 and your pledge went through successfully.

Also my Gumroad has been updated with these contents. If you missed May 2018's rewards because you had not become my patron in time, check out the Gumroad option!

My Gumroad store >> https://gumroad.com/fuya

**May 2018 batch is now available for batch trading as a part of compensation system. If you want to exchange your successfully paid pledge, please send me a message.

New items

  • May 2018 Contents Package 
  • Yamashiro - NSFW Package
  • Konosuba - NSFW Package
  • Jeanne D'arc Alter - NSFW Package

Thank you for your supports =)

If you have any feedback on the April 2018's contents, please feel free to give your comment here!




May2018? Not 2019? I support you since May19' Does this mean i dont get any of you fine artworks? I'm confused. D:


It is confusing Tina, because I'm on a HUGE delay and yes this is indeed a May 2018 batch but I have a compensation system that allows everyone to trade in their new pledges for 2017/2018 batch they want, this one included. You can message me to ask for the trade or any other question!

Frank Leo

Than K You


Thanks for your answer. Now i unterstand. :)


I just checked and didn't get a message


That's because this is May 2018, a year long batch due to my big delay jambalaya! But you can trade in your paid pledges for previous batches of your choices within 2017/2018 (refer to them on Gumroad) and this batch included. If you want to trade in, send me a message