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July's poll has come to an end and here are the results of what would be your rewards for August 2018's batch!

Okita Alter as the first place. I kinda predicted Casual Jeanne would rule this and Okita Alter might not even make it top 3 but here we are. The hype is real. I have been a big fan of her design since she was revealed as "Majin Saber" wayyyy back so this will definitely be fun!

May/Haruka came second! Oh man she has been in the poll for a while and here is her chance to shine. Who would have thought I'd get to draw her after all this time but I'm glad I do! Been a while since I get to draw naughty protagonist pokegirl!

Casual Jeanne won the third place! There was a big race for the 3rd place between some of the participants and Jeanne got overwhelming votes in the final moments. Can't wait to draw her yum yum naked back.


Again, as most of you know I'm on a big delay on delivering rewards, but you all will receive your supported monthly rewards eventually even after you're out of patron status. My big apology. I'm trying my hardest to catch up. This month has some accidents like food poison, diarrhea, and my brother's wedding so things didn't go so well... I may have failed to lessen the gap of the delay again, but I will try my best next batch...

You can check out my Rewards Archive to see what's coming up next as a reward. I will be updating this one into it as well.

Thank you for your supports and participation, guys! Have a great day!  

