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Yall...i am SO happy i went so hard in November with content cause, per my last post, shit was fuckkkkeeddddd this month. So this backlog is saving my LIFEEEE. Still gonna do a spice shoot tomorrow and get that out before month end tho 👏

In any case autumn was popping off HARD this past fall and the leaves were to die for. I made a trip to the park near my house three times in a week to do three different shoots so i could really utilize the leaves before they were gonna yeet.

I love this golden look i threw together! It was so nice to do a fantasy layered look and not feel hot as BALLS. (Why they do ren faires mostly in summer ill never know 😩)



S Halwood

Not sure what I liked more? The content or the "leaves are to die for" during autumn joke. 🍂

Mason Conner

Suck beautiful scenery and Love seeing the sneaky little blooper photos you add in there.