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Hello everybody!

Just gonna give a current update!

Since 2024 began i was immediately slapped down with covid, as i finally got to the point of being able to somewhat function again a massive winter storm hit portland.

I have not had power since the 13th thru 17th and then just as we got power our pipe burst and flood my office so we had to shut our water off. The plumber cannot come until the 23rd. As of last night our power has gone back out again. Currently we have No power, no water. I was handling no power, and i was handling no water but no water AND no power is....a lot.

We attempted to get supplies when the road was temporarily clear but everywhere was empty. No snow shovels, no firewood, no generators.

That same night after going out we got stuck in our house again due to ice rain and insane winds. Trees have been falling everywhere blocking roads, crushing houses, etc. the danger is still very immediate. I live in a majorly hilly area and it's impossible to get out.

During this time i have not had internet and I have burned through my cell data.

I can not load the photos to edit for this month nor can i shoot new sets at this time. I cant upload things either. I cant work on my cosplays for katsu con and the freezing cold has impacted my healing from covid.

I am thankful for everyone caring and offering words of wisdom but i have now had every piece of advice thrown at me. Please know I am doing my best to stay sane, warm and fed. Boiling snow for toilet water, making blanket forts, staying in one room, making makeshift candle heaters etc...

I am stressing over the amount of work ill need to catch up on once this is cleared. I have not been able to do laundry, dishes, take a shower, take my trash out.... I thought id be able to work on some stuff but the stuff i had ordered for cosplay has been delayed due to the storm. All i can do is wait this out.

Such is life and i am just dealing with it all. I ask for no further advice at this time and I will not be leaving my house as it would do no good and cost a-lot of my extra money that i need to save for damage repair.

I hope everyone is staying safe and warm themselves. Just gotta get to the other side

Just keep swimming as they say



Daniel Farnitano

Focus on keeping yourself safe, and keep cuddling that very good dog of yours! Cosplay can wait until things are less crazy.


Hey Bukkit,your personal well being, safety and comfort comes first. Sending you, your other half, and your pupper all the hugs and warmest of wishes.

Nicholas Jones

Stay warm just worry about being safe, hope that you'll be ok

Tyler Brown

Guh, I also got slapped with the New Year’s COVID — hope you’re holding up well!