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I hope you are all having a great month! If you could take the time to read this it would mean a lot to me! Big changes will be happening here

As of right now I currently don’t have the strength to continue making my content the way I do. Lots of things have happening in my life that have been not so great and just simply can not keep up mentally AND feel inspired and motivated to continue making art on the schedule my Patreon demands right now.

So what does this mean!! I am not going to stop my Patreon entirely because I’m certain I will keep creating art and I will want to post it BUT it will all only be on one 5 dollar tier. And it will be me posting when I want to and not myself forcing myself to bust out cosplays when I truly do not have the heart for it.

I love cosplay and I don’t want to stop but a lot of bad things have been piling up to the point where I wake up hating cosplay more days than I do loving it. And I think we all sort of knew this, I think we all knew this was coming in some way. What with me just generally slowing down these past few months causing stress for me to keep up my regular content. It’s been causing me burn out and I’ve been killing myself to try to keep everything going well because I hate disappointing people more than anything else in this world.

I will probably open up a print store for those who like to receive my prints and I’ll be putting some sets up on gum road too so they will be available to get set by set. November rewards of course will still be going out!

I don’t know how long I’ll keep things like this

But it’s something I need to do. I need to heal myself right now, like actually instead of me saying that I’m doing that and then digging myself into a further hole in desperation to feel normal again. I’ve tried “faking it until I make it” for about a year now and now it’s just time to take a step back.

I want to reconnect with my passion and love for cosplay and the craftsmanship around it. Maybe hone my sewing skills finally and or learn how to 3D print. Make big builds again without worrying about all the other things I need to do to fulfill my content quota for the month.

I want my art to feel like it’s coming from my heart again. I want to make it because it feels good and it’s what I love and I know I can get there again.

So if you decide to leave my Patreon I understand! I’ll still be active on all my other platforms. But it’s not fair nor acceptable for me to keep running my Patreon the way it is with that state I am now.

But for those who want to stay, come hang out on the five dollar tier where I’ll still post extra goodies for y’all 🥰 I don’t want to say goodbye to you guys either since a lot of you have been my biggest supporters since day 1 and I love you all so much. Seeing your usernames makes me so happy everytime.

But I’m just so tired, I can’t handle what life is throwing at me, and I’ve been on the brink of choosing not to exist for a while now (if you catch my drift) so it’s time for a little brain repair.

But don’t worry im not disappearing 🥰 still expect to see me online and posting and maybe even streaming again!

Thank you all so much for being here and being a part of this. I cant begin to tell you how grateful I am. You’ve truly helped make my dreams come true. But I lost my way and it’s time for me to find that again so I can come back and shine even brighter

Thank you so so much






Love you so much Bukkit! Take all the time you need! We would rather have a healthy happy Bukkit anyways! Thank you for all that you do!


I know this must have been hard for you but I'm proud of you for finding the strength to make this step 💖 Take your time, find your joy and know I'll always support you 🥰

James dormer Schneider

I’ll keep with the $30 teir as long as I can. Hope it helps. No stress and sending good vibes. I sent you a dm a while back asking if you wanted help with a print on demand posters site that also allowed for auto downloaded old sets. So you don’t have to lose the money with other sites. Huge hugs and best of luck ❤️

John Frazer

I can only imagine just how difficult this was for you to do. Thank you so much for feeling able to share this with us. I hope that you are able to take this time for you and to use it to heal and grow, and re-kindle your love for creating. And if it doesn't grow back in the same way, that you are still willing to have us along for whatever form the next part of your journey takes.


It's no problem. I joined the patreon just because I think you're cool rather than for all the rewards and stuff.


Totally understandable! Take all the time you need. 😊


I understand, Thank you for sharing with us all that you have done - If we aren't able to access past photo galleries because the links aren't working, do you want us to DM which links need to be fixed ?

Marc Jacquard-Sowa

I can only imagine how difficult things have been for you. But you and your health definitely come first. You’re an awesome person and I’m happy to help support your passion in any way I can. All the perks were a bonus to being able to help out and I’ll keep doing that as long as you have me.


Health is the most important thing 🙏 All of us here will be supportive and understanding! I'm here to stay😁


Here to see you thrive not dive. Proud of you, this would not have been an easy decision and I’m so glad you are working towards building your passion back to a good point. You are amazing bukkit. You deserve the world.


My joy in seeing your creations is not worth your health. I have hope that this break will lead you back to joy whether that comes from baking, mushroom hunting, or a new undiscovered hobby.

Kant B. Write

I know that I enjoy your content (on what ever platform you choose to use) and that when I see that you've made a new post it makes me very happy to see what this quirky creator has done. But I also know that I would be much happier to know that you are happy; if that means that you step away from this platform (or all if needed) then that's just what needs to happen. As for struggling with your life over the past year; I'm not gonna say that I get it because it's your life and I'm not gonna make assumptions about it, but I am gonna say that it's okay to ask for help. I did and it stopped me from doing something there's no coming back from. I still think about it on the bad days, but knowing that there is someone I can talk to (even if it's just once a week) has made the weight of those bad days a little easier to deal with. I can't tell you that the path to happiness isn't hard (I'm still walking it) but that doesn't mean it's not worth the effort. We all deserve to be happy, it's just a fact that not all of us get there as easy as others do.