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This cosplay of the con weekend made me the happiest, I was finally comfy and warm and the character choice is easy because I just get to be dorky and fun and , well myself to be honest!
I cant wait to fix this up a bit and reshoot it 

the shirt kept billowing in the massive winds outside and half the photos I look like i was pregnant 😂 

but ive probably mentioned this before but when i was starting out I never got to do group cosplays really at cons. i didn’t have the right friends, didn’t live near the ones that would, and it’s always hard to put together 

but this worked so well and it just made me so happy. idk why but I have issues with always feeling very alone or odd or just left out, I think just trauma from my childhood, so finally doing group cosplays ….I was really nice to feel welcome and wanted. 

my brain tells me such bad stories sometimes about how I’m a burden, or I’m too intimidating for people or something idk. so it means a lot that they really wanted me to be there 



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