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so about a week ago I started playing genshin impact. I love it, I’m obsessed 

several months ago I got contact to cosplay xiao, the opportunity fell through but I was already obsessed with the character after so much research in preparation. I really wanted to cosplay xiao 

so I’m waiting for the wig for two months, getring addicted to the game, the moment the wig came in the mail yesterday I jumped on styling it 

I used the crimping method, which was entirely new to me for styling wigs but it was fun! I always go severely natural styled wigs for cosplay so it was cool to try and go more animated.

today o really really wanted to try it all on so I did my makeup and made up a set to shoot in andddddd hated it. Hated it so so much. my guess is dsyphoria based from The wig style I’m not used to.

i tried really hard to make any crumb of content from this makeup test but I kept just feeling worse and worse. 

I don’t what is going on this month, every cosplay I try on feels AWFUL and I hate it. I don’t understand. I felt fine as the fairy tho? maybe because it was my own character who knows?  I’m just really sorry this keeps happening

anyways  one more shoot to post before the month is up! Thank you so much everyone! 



Brian Brady

Personally I think you look great! But I get it, maybe since you had more control over the fairy cosplay you liked it better? Idk but keep killing it and don’t be afraid to step away when you’re uncomfortable

Darcy Strode

I was so excited to see this cosplay! I think it looks great! Good job Bukkit 💙


I know you're not feeling it but you do look stunning 🥺❤

Me Are Awesome

Really? I thought was a pretty damn good cosplay. I'm not exactly an expert, though....i just like what I like


I’m sorry you have been experiencing dysphoria with all your cosplays this month (except the fairy) I know it probably doesn’t help, but you have looked amazing in all of them! Is there anything I could do to help? Also what is the crimping method? I tried to google it but still confused


AAAHHH!!! BUKKIT!!! YOUR XIAO IS TO DIE FOR! Wow! I'm so happy that you love Genshin. It's my favorite game right now! Thank you so much for blessing me with this content! I'm in love!