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I wanted to just whip this cosplay out again, been a year since I wore it, still seemed relevant with covid and all.

Just wanted to try some simplistic shots with the white on white and I want to further alter them in like procreate or photoshop to make them like cool good health propaganda? I don’t know

Lol just ya know check if your cosplays fit after a year before you do the makeup lol.

Anyways you might have seen me talk about this already but my dad had to put the family dog down yesterday. And I’m just really sad and not doing well. I really wish I could have been there but I know she’s no longer in pain now from the cancer that was growing a large tumor. She went into the forever sleep in the comfort of home.

I’ve felt so disconnected from everything so far away from family that this is just hitting me way way harder than i can handle right now.

But anyways mailing is still going out, sorry for the delays I had to buy a bunch new equipment to deal with at home shipping and label making. And mothra album I’ll be editing today and one more shoot before the end of the month, the spice shoot but I haven’t decided on it yet.



Gilbert Creemers

Love the album! Also I'm so sorry for your loss! Please take your time! We can wait and your health is way more important! I'll burn an extra candle and say an extra prayer for you! <3