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So this is how this happened 

I got a friend a chel cosplay on her wishlist for the holidays, my friend see and get real excited about cosplaying tulio to her chel and then ropes me in and suddenly we were planning secret Miguel and Tulio cosplays to completely surprise my friend who cosplays Chel and this this cosplay was born!
I was my first time wearing a fake beard and I- 😳 hello. me likey 

it did feel horribly wrong to cosplay him alone and take photos alone, hopefully when covid is gone we can get all together to do this again 

it was very hard to bring the CHAOS as just one person but I did indeed try my very best to be the most crazy bard I could.

unfortunately it start raining on me during the shoot so I wasn’t able to full explore the posing of his character they way I want to. 

but in anycase this was an absolute joy to throw together to have fun with friends admits quarentine cause dear lord ive been very lonely 😅  




The stars are not in position for this level of awesomeness! 😂❤