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This is a map of where your country's largest diaspora is over the last 500 years. Here are a few interesting things I've noticed.

1.Brazil has accepted many immigrants, especially (involuntary) ones from Africa, being universally the largest single nation for immigrants from the Atlantic Slave Trade. Nigeria is the exception, who's slaves were seen as lower quality and thus sent to the less attractive 13 British colonies. Other regions with a surprising diaspora in Brazil are Lebanon, Japan and Italy, who were expelling immigrants after the US closed its borders in 1920. 

2.There was a migration from Yemen to Tanzania in the 17th and 18th centuries when coastal Tanzania was part of the Omani Sultanate, which interestingly controlled much of the Western Indian Ocean.

3.Saudi Arabia has an enormous guest worker population, mostly from monsoon Asia. They are treated as second class citizens. 

4.Although this map doesn't measure scale, the national diaspora populations that are larger than the their home countries are in the US(UK, Ireland) and Brazil(Portugal). 

5.Most of the countries that have "no data" are oil rich, low population nations where the native citizen population have enormous wealth and thus no reason to migrate.




This just makes me laugh. So all of the Chinese people fled to Thailand, and in turn, all the Thai peoples fled to the United States.


Thailand has the largest Chinese diaspora due to migrations in the late 19th century.