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Thank everyone so much for your support this past month! It means so much to me, i cannot stress that enough ;A; And once again, I hope everyone is safe and healthy in the time of this pandemic. Please stay safe!

With 2 proper animations under my belt, I'm feeling back up to speed with my animation pipeline! I'm very excited to announce that as of July 1st, I will be starting up pre-production on a sequel to my 2016 short film, 'The Hitchhiker'! I don't have a working title at this point in time, but the basic pitch is gonna be "Alex fucks a werewolf-gal" so hey, I hope that sounds like fun to y'all : )

I'll be providing updates as usual. My goal for July is to put out a rough animatic to give everyone a better idea of what to expect! Additionally, providing I can budget enough for it, I'm really hoping to add actual voice acting! Fingers crossed!

And as before, if anyone has any questions, comments, or concerns about my patreon, please do not hesitate to ask! Leave a comment below or shoot me a DM either here on patreon, or via twitter @Dieselbrainart if that is more convenient!



Risax the Imp

That's some exciting news! I hope you manage to snag some voice acting for this, but even without it I'll just be happy to see more Alex! :D