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Hello everyone 🤗

Hope you're all doing great and are as excited as me to discover all the amazing talents 😍😍

The theme this month is to create a kitchen in a farmhouse style!

It is now your turn to choose your favorite (s).

  • You're free to vote for yourself
  • You're free to vote for as many participants as you wish

End of the vote: November, 30th, 2022 - 11:59 AM CET

The winner will receive a refund of her/his last pledge on December, 1st, 2022 :D

(in case of exæquo results, I'll make a refund for all winners)

1/ Xenaria


For this farmhouse kitchen, I chose warm browns and soothing whites because I hoped to give it a very welcoming and comfy look with this neutral but warm color pattern. I wanted the room to be spacious without looking empty because hey, I love myself some clutter! The kitchen leads to a small dining room from where the living room can be entered. I hope you like it!

Social media

In case you would like to see all of my builds you can find me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/xenaria.sims/ where I will also post this build once it is finished… one day far in the future, it’s still a WIP, shame on me! =D

Much love!

2/ Maria Boyle

3/ Marta Barradas


My inspiration was what I love the most: Rustic Farmhouses.

I really enjoy creating a warm and cozy farmhouse that reminds me of comfort.

I almost can hear the rain outside while I'm drinking tea in my kitchen nook.

With the new season coming I really wanted to do something with a Christmas feel.

I felt truly inspired.

Social media

My Instagram account: @the_sims_4_design • fotos e vídeo do Instagram

4/ Panda


What are your favorite creations? Let us know below 😛🤩

I don't know about you, but in my opinion, it's impossible to vote for only one creator 😱😱 Everyone has their own style, and all the atmospheres are so completely different from each other but all are so mind-blowing that I'm lost 😱😂

Hopefully, do not forget that we can choose to vote for multiple creators, and creators are allowed to vote for their own work 😍 it should help us 😂

C'est parti !!! 🥳🥳🥳

EDIT 30/11

And the winner is … Xenaria!!! All my congratulations 🎉🍾🎊😍❤️

Thank you so so much to all the participants and everyone who took the time to vote 🙏❤️😘

Will you enjoy a Christmas theme for next month? 


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