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It's crazy that this season will already be over just next week!


That’s what I love about this show that everything is gray, not black and white.


heh, anger issues much, dont get me wrong I can relate, but.....its too much rage for a tv show, like, relax Morgan XD


also, I may sound like Alastor when I say this, but if Angel is the one who dies and it causes the fandom to explode, it'll be entertaining to watch all the reactions......if it even is Angel which I hope it isn't him who will die but Viv did say one of the main 6 and I'm aiming for either Husk or Angel


dont worry man, I saw a tweet online saying that Season 2 is being recorded, so it wont be long before it comes up


I was so excited to see your reaction to this episode! The Vaggie reveal we all saw coming but still had us gasping and shocked!


I respectfully disagree, their rage, sadness, intense emotions, is too relatable and honestly gives me sooo much catharsis LOL; I want them to show their real raw reaction if that's how they really feel instead of holding back for the camera haha. Angel better not die!! But we did see a part in the trailer with Charlie crying over his photo which didn't happen yet so...it better just be a bait because I will sob uncontrollably if anything happens to him. Also I think Viv said something more along the lines of she isn't afraid to kill off a main character; but not that she 100% will decide to do so.


Seraphim is the hebrew for arch angel sera emily and lucifer are the only seraphim we met


even Sera though, is acting in shades of grey, she doesn’t seem to LIKE to have to do exterminations, and it seems it was Adams idea. even if you look back at the intro of episode 1, sera is there, and she looks sad before Adam pops up


My poor roommate, who watches this show with me and loves it but knows NOTHING about it apart from what she’s watched (yes she saw the pilot and Addict too) had to deal with me screaming two different women’s names out of nowhere last night lmfao in ep five I was like MIMZY?! and then ep 6 it was a much bigger MOLLY??????? 😂😂😂


To be fair what can balintino do to nifty he cant make a deal with her as her soul is allready owned by alistor so it would just cause a war if he tried


we never know man, these next two eps coming out next week could be intense after this ep.....I hope they are at least chill

Luke Teasdale

that 'hell is forever' reprisal is my favourite thing I have seen in this show, give me more of emily and charlie singing, that sh*t was fire


I was genuinely so worried the entire time for Em when she learned the truth that she'd suddenly become Fallen


So like why does Adam think he even stands a chance attacking the hotel alastor can get Rosie zestial and probably carmilia who already killed one to help and if he even thinks lucifer would let it happen he could probably ask the other sins for help except mammon


After the last episode, I want Alastor to take Val's soul and torture it for the rest of eternity, broadcasting his pathetic screams for all of hell to hear. I love the section of the last song where Charlie and Emily start singing together. I bet hell was never uprising, and it was all a lie Adam told as an excuse to kill sinners.


Ah, Emily. What a G. A real potato, that one. Also, it's nice to see my girl Cherri again. Missed ya, sweetie.😊


I'm not sure if you figured it out by now, you probably have, but in case you haven't: Sera introduced herself as High/Head Seraphim. Also, Lute reminded Adam that the Seraphim's one rule was "only exorcists can know about the extermination" when we first saw them.


More likely than not she will end up fallen. Probably some others with her like Peter and Molly…. Just a theory tho


Imo Sera is gonna be the season 2 villain. Viv said we would meet the new villain in late season 1. As of right now that gives us Mimzy, Cherri, Sera, Emily, Peter or Lucifer. Or it could just be a rando in the background but it seems unlikely. Plus the fire reflected in Sera’s eyes during the second song, her veiled threat to Emily and her keeping the secret with Adam and Lute puts her in a suspicious position if you ask me.

Joey Quixote

Niffty swiping a chunk of Valentino's fluff didn't feel... random. Certain magics require the possession of a personal object of the target to work. The old trope is that this is a common requirement for Voodoo. Also, so fucking proud of the spider boi in this episode! Angel Dust really is putting in the work.


My guess is that Adam somehow convinced Sera that the extermination is necessary because he's pissed that Lilith rejected him.

Sean Shepherd

I hadn't noticed before, but Val's voice sounds a lot like Darqui when he's speaking in a lower register.

Reaper Scythe

Didn't Niffty come out of the fireplace in the pilot? Maybe she was burned for witchcraft? I wanna see her skills. Alastor has to have her contracted for a reason.