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Robbie Thornton

I really can't wait to see this :D


In which we FINALLY meet the Devil Daddy of hell himself.


Alastor saying 'Fuck you" was so unexpected man, it had me laughing and also in shock, the fact he is so cool minded all the time and all it took was Lucifer to make him lose his temper a bit (L Vox, your rival found another one LMAO), but I also think that Alastor is under contract with Lilith, thus having him be on a leash too. I believe Lilith gave Alastor a SHIT ton of power, even enough so he can be a powerful overlord and go MIA, and then show up again 7 years later, in exchange for him to keep an eye on Charlie and watch her and to make sure she's ok since Lilith and Lucifer split and both Charlie and Lucifer weren't on great talking terms, making Alastor get pissy at him when he walked into the hotel...sorry, HIS hotel


So many good voices this episode!! Sarah Stiles (Spinel) and Jeremy Jordan!!!!!


vaggie isnt looking forward to going to heaven... uh oh


Barbbatos is a goecia demon , azzazzel well in judaism he is the actual fallen angel not lucifer the gregori aka watchers angels who watch over humans fell in love with humans and fell after they taught humans ti defy god azzazzel is one of the 200k watchers and one the ones who fell he is high up he taught mankind to forge weapons to defend themselfs and gave woman makup im suprised the gregori fallen angels are showing up Her contacts kind of prove the reality that she is least on contact terms with all thenhighest demons and fallen angels


“Also on a leash” i theorise that alistor may be on lilliths leash and that may be why he kicked mimsy out as he has ro keep this place safe by orders of lillith who knows maybe he allways been on her leash and she made him so powerful This would also suport why alistor has beef against lucifer yet lucifer has no clue who he is he may had been given info on lucifer by lillith that turned him against lucifer early


Lol two minds think alike on the lillith front


Lillith granting him power may also explain why he can go so big like wee seen beelzebub do that but seing a overlord do what a sin lord can do is like wow no other overlordmis shown be as close to that in power


On lucifers last song , what if when he tried it they made clear either he lets the exterminations happen or they kill charlie and the hellborn demons that would exsplain lutes coment in ep 1 “daddy pardoned your hellborn kind” what if the cost of that parson was the extermination making it a punishment for his atempt to save people


The twin could be lucifuge its a ocult demon thats often seen as lucifers brother he is the dark star to lucifers morning star


They never talk about demonology in church either way

Rian Woods

i think its a bit too soon to say if Allistor actually does care for the hotel, since all the times he says things that could be evidence for him caring can be explained by "he is playing it up for the hotel crew so they let their gaurds down" or "it can be interpreted in different ways. Personally, after seeing how Allistor treats Husk, i am hesitant to trust a thing he says.

Rian Woods

I think the climax of the show is actually going to be trying to redeem Allistor, if the Radio Demon of all people could be proven to have changed his ways and work for the betterment of others rather then to help himself I feel then that would prove Charlie's quest was a success more than anything else.


Would also explain why they're tied together by "disappearing for 7 years" At the same time. They're connected in some way


constantly reloading as i need to see the reaction to episode 6


Just wanted to make a lil note. Love that husk automatically made angel a drink without being asked, but is grumbling bout making mimpsy(?) One

Kimberly Oblinger

I think Allistor will eventually be a good person but I don't think he's there quite yet.


I don’t know if this is stupid to point out, but if you guys look how all the demons have fangs and Charlie has a mix of regular teeth and fangs cause she’s part angel and Vaggie has full regular teeth because she’s full angel. I feel these small details may have answered our questions about Vaggie a while ago tbh.

Joey Quixote

While I do think Alastor sang what he sang predominantly to get under Lucifer's skin, I do think there's some truth to it. He's here for whatever reason, even if it's strictly at Lilith's behest. But the fact that he dismisses Mimzy, his friend, for the betterment of the Hotel shows that there's more to this than "just business". Time at the hotel is even changing Alastor. Full disclosure, I went into that first song siding with Lucifer. But you're 100% right. Alastor has been there all along while Lucifer just swooped in and is attempting to slap his name on it. But maybe that was part of Alastor's game. Starting shit with Lucifer to give him something tangible to fight, to make him actually care about what Charlie is doing. I do think the beef with Lucifer is tied to Lilith. Perhaps Lilith resents him for giving up and Alastor is mirroring that. Or Lilith still adores him and Alastor doesn't get what she sees in him. Or maybe he went after Lucifer just because he likes to start shit. Alastor is a bit of a diva, but we love that about him.

Sean Shepherd

I get the vibe that Alastor hates not being the most powerful person in the room. Charlie was his only angle to establish a position of strength against the most powerful entity in Hell. I definitely suscribe to the theory that he has a contract with Lilith to protect and help Charlie, and is probably angling to make a deal with Charlie to get out from under Lilith. If he actually cares about Charlie in any capacity beyond an avenue to get what he wants, I'd be very surprised. He's probably having fun with the hotel from time to time, but that's not the same as caring about it. That scene with Husk was very deliberately placed: we are being forcefully reminded that Alastor is an exploitative, tyrannical overlord just like Valentino. The fact that he's less overtly cruel to his (let's be honest here) slaves doesn't change that fact. I am open to being surprised, though. The show has already had its share.

Reaper Scythe

The duet with Charlie and Lucifer is amazing. They both sound so great. It's my favourite song so far. However, the highlight of the episode is Alastor saying "Fuck you." There's just so much venom in those words, I love it!

Sean Shepherd

I honestly hadn't thought about Charlie redeeming Alistor. So far we haven't seen a scrap of honest humanity out of him that, as you say, couldn't be explained away. But if we dig really deep into Alastor in the second season, then it wouldn't be impossible to pull off. The trick would be to plant the seeds of that arc sometime within the next to episodes, or drastically change his situation in a way that takes his power away, forcing him to rely upon, rather than simply use, the residents of the hotel.

Sean Shepherd

Additionally, for any potential redemption arc to work with Alastor, he has to do something to hurt or betray Charlie or the main cast as a whole. This goes way beyond taking responsibility for his actions. He'd have to change his ntire perception of human relationships. As he is now, I think he can't fathom a relationship that isn't built on a skewed power dynamic or manipulation. There is one fly in the milk with this, though. Mimzy said he always used to bail her out without complaint. Why? She doesn't seem particularly helpful or capable. In fact, to hear Husk tell it, she's a total pain in the ass. His tolerance of her up to this point I can only explain as a nostalgia for the period he was alive, as she's the only other character we've seen who shares that experience with him. This is really the only fact that humanizes him at all.

Rian Woods

I definitely agree with you on all fronts here, for a hypothetical redemption to work, Alastor's dynamic with Charlie needs to be tanked in a significant way in order for this to work, and I think we have a very easy way to do that. Lilith. If it was revealed at the end of this first season that the Radio Demon was contracted by Lilith in order to help Charlie, this could open up an avenue where Allistor tries to get Charlie to make a Deal with him. This would give Allistor power over Charlie, and such, power over Lilith (if she does actually care for her daughter) Then in Season 2 Allistor could then drop all pretenses of caring about the hotel and turn on the main cast, and if they really wanna make it hurt they could have Allistor kill Husk, maybe as he was protecting AngelDust, as an example to the rest of Hell, that no one is safe now that the Radio Demon is unleashed. But that's just the show I want, I doubt that will be what happens but Im very excited to see what comes our way regardless.


Something odd is that Lucifer clearly didn't like Alastor BEFORE even talking to him. An interesting question is: why? He was friendly enough to EVERYONE ELSE. So what irked him so much about Alastor to warrant completely different treatment from second 0 without even speaking? I posit that something is off and obviously Lucifer can sense it. To what extent, we don't know. And what about him, we also don't know. I'm curious to find out.