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TRIGGER WARNING! This episode contains depictions of SA. 

Also just a heads up I didn't do much actual reacting other than crying compared to my usual videos. I kind of shut down half way through recording




Oh god here we go, time to watch Morgan cry!


This is a really hard episode to get through, but I hope you enjoyed my favorite song in the show so far.


The fact charlie almost went full demon on val when she saw what he did to angle


I'm early in the reaction, so I apologize if you realized it eventually, but Travis is the director! EDIT: Yup you figured it out literally 2 minutes later lmao


I honestly do feel really bad for Angel Dust. Like he doesn't deserve this. I understand the pain that Angel is going through. I really hope Valentino gets killed in a slow and agonizing way


Guess you could say he had loaded dice


As detestable as he is, Valentino is a brilliantly designed and written character. We see him show anger in 3 ways: he’s a drama queen but still calms down easily when he’s with Vox who he likes and works with, he tries to keep it together in front of Charlie until he literally can’t any longer, and with Angel we see him fully mask off with someone he has power over. It’s so realistic on how abusers are, and why I think it’s important they showed him with Vox first as opposed to Angel—abuser aren’t monsters to everyone in their life, and some people (the other Vees in this case) will know exactly what they are and work with and be friends with and enable them anyway (Velvette literally makes love potions which are basically roofies), and that’s a hard pill to swallow. Joel Perez was going OFF in that booth he deserves all the flowers for voicing him. Also, he has some of the sickest character design i’ve ever seen. The reveal that his coat is actually his wings was BRILLIANT. Just a perfect example of a character you love to hate.


im the type person who listened to broken house by veela constantly when younger but poison allready sad before context but seing the context damn A ps incase anyone wonders broken house is a song sung by the lover of somone who takes their life after being sa and abused all their life by their father the songs a angry and sad song sung to the father


Val is such a POS but holy fuck his character design is top tier.


As for the huskerdust song. I have listened to it probably 100 times in the last few days. Every time I see any clips of it online I HAVE to watch it


I absolutely adore how healthily Husk handled the song. He didn't say smth like "Everything will be okay", instead he said "You are fucked up, everything in your life is bad, and you should embrace it, accept it and not mask it anymore like everything is fine. I understand you and we can deal with it together". This is VERY healthy and sweet ;(

Rian Woods

I'm excited to see your reaction to the next two episodes, I just got finished with them, they were a BLAST!!

Reaper Scythe

Love the Husk lore in this one. We got not just the backstory but a lot of personality, too. The shit eating grin when he starts calling Angel a loser gives me life.

Dotty Davis

Bruh, Blake Roman killed it with the voice acting this episode 100%


I have to ask, why do you hold your phone up to reflect your computer screen in the beginning of the video just curious is it like a synking thing?