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tom crisp

amazing reaction morgan keep powering though and thanks for being an amazing content creator

Starlight 420

You do not know how excited I was to see that you uploaded this reaction! I loved it! I wish you luck for the next episode! 👍🏻

Kathleen Elizabeth

Best of luck and enjoy next episode. (get the punch bag ready hehe)

Josef Hammond

Love your reaction when will ep 4 be posted ?


Zestial is played by Ozzies actor


If u ever read the book or seen the show ameeican gods the vs remind me of the new gods very arogant reckless and no resoect for older overlords same way the new gods treated the old gods in american gods , the older overlords getting along also is like the old gods in american gods you had jesus being friends with the pagan godess of easter being happy to share a holiday with her and spending t8me with odin and other norse gods like older gods had sorted their rivalries out and finaly got along while new gods were taking over and hated the old gods


I think it be interesting ifnthey double down this side of vaggie and have it that she was ones in the army before her death maybe died in war and maybe that killing is why she is in hell or they likely make it way more indeph comolicated and sad than i could imagin i just like the idea that she had some soldeir roots to show how she ended up this way

Reaper Scythe

I've lost both my parents with my mum being the most recent so Carmilla's part of the song where she hugged her daughters was what brought out my first Hazbin tears. Parent stuff always opens the floodgates for me.