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Roundtable Hold is our new companion show to RETRY: Elden Ring. It’ll be available exclusively for RKG patrons subscribed to our Extra Features ($10) tier and above. We wanted to tell you more about the show and what you can expect.

Roundtable Hold is a fortnightly video show where we look back at our recent adventures in The Lands Between. It’s the companion series to RETRY: Elden Ring. Without doubt, it’s going to be our biggest adventure to date, so we want to give you an opportunity to experience more of it with us.

What will be on it?

Roundtable Hold will be varied, but it’ll take its lead from what’s just happened in our playthrough. A typical episode might involve us reviewing footage of a difficult boss fight, Krupa pointing out a little detail we missed, ranking our favourite NPCs, a dreaded lore quiz, and of course, responding to your questions and comments.

Each episode will function as a companion to where we’re at in our playthrough. But it’s important to say that we’ll never put something into Roundtable Hold that should be on RETRY. We won’t be picking up a controller or dropping a major lore beat only on Patreon – that’d be a terrible experience and something we’d never want to do.

We know not everyone can be an RKG patron – and we really do appreciate everyone’s support – but we want to reward those who can, and make this entire thing possible, with extra material. Roundtable Hold is the conversations we have amongst ourselves between shooting and down the pub. Patreon gives us a great reason to record and share them with you.

As we said in the What’s Next for RKG? video we published at the weekend, we want to provide more for the people who support us financially – that only seems right and fair to us. But that’s a good thing for everyone: a strong RKG Patreon allows us to be more creative for patrons and non-patrons alike, and ensures bigger adventures lie ahead.

When can I watch Roundtable Hold?

The show will debut on Sunday, July 9th. Future episodes will be published fortnightly during the run of RETRY: Elden Ring

As we haven’t yet officially journeyed to our home across the fog (i.e. started playing Elden Ring), the episode airing this weekend is Episode 0. We recorded it right before our first day filming RETRY: Elden Ring. So Rory and Gav know almost next to nothing about what lies ahead. We talk about who the new Finchy might be, Rory and Gav try to predict the storyline of Elden Ring, and we watch the original 2019 announcement trailer and the incredible Story Trailer published on the eve of the game’s release. (RKG viewers may remember that we watched the 2019 reveal trailer live on this stream, but Powers has absolutely no memory of that. So it was good to have a recap.)

This episode is a great example of what Roundtable Hold will allow us to cover. We’d never discuss these things at length in an episode of RETRY, so it’s fun to find a home for them here on Patreon and share them with you.

How can I watch?

RKG patrons subscribed to our Extra Features tier or above (Producers and Posh Slugs) will be sent a private link to watch new episodes on YouTube. So you can watch them wherever you normally enjoy watching YouTube. These will be delivered directly to your inbox or you’ll be able to find them through our page on Patreon.

We want to hear from you

We want this to be an interactive show. We’ll be sourcing comments and questions from comments on YouTube and Patreon, but we’ve also set up a new email address for you to reach us directly about Roundtable Hold.

So if you’ve got a suggestion for something you’d like to hear us talk about from our recent adventures you can reach us at roundtable@rkgvideo.com.



Sounds like a crackin idea and I cant wait. Always great to hear what you all are thinking. Would you be able to tell us roughly how long you boys aim for the episodes of the companion show to be? Just so we know what to expect.

Ben Mitchell

Love it. Has Episode 0 already been filmed? Or is there still time to email questions in? I basically want some juicy Gav and Rory predictions to see how right or wrong they get things.


What a great idea. This game is so huge, it will be fun so see you chat about the crazy thing you come across (and hear Rory and Gav explain what they think is going on).

Paul Davies

This is perfect


I cant wait


It’s already been filmed. There’s definitely a few predictions in Ep.0!


We're still refining the format, but we're aiming for 45-60 minutes. Or around there.

Jonathan Cox

Absolutely fantastic idea! Well done gents!


Can’t wait

Darren Walsh



F*** yes! I’m on board. I’ve played it for 110 hours and only just found [redacted] in [redacted]. The game is hooooge.


And that’s why we’re going to laugh our tits off for the foreseeable future. Thanks lads!

Kyle Boren

This is really cool and absolutely a great inside track for us as Patrons. A perfect yes and to the content and a great reason to watch as the content drops. Can’t wait to watch!


Honestly cannot wait for this, Elden Ring is such an amazing (and difficult!) Game! And this drops on my birthday!!


Just rejoined the pay tiers after a couple of years away. I have been eagerly awaiting this and now the extra content makes it so worthwhile.

Hamish Grant

Cheering!!! More RKG can never be a bad thing.. cannot wait, boys 🤤


This is such a banger of an idea. Great stuff boys.


All this content sounds amazing. Thanks so much for everything!


Elden ring felt like a culmination of everything From had learned up to that point, and it feels like this Retry is going to be the same for you guys! Really appreciate the extra effort into making these tiers more valuable, although I love to support regardless.


Such a great idea! God I can't wait for RETRY


More RKG I never a bad thing. What a wonderful idea! Thanks for all the incredible work!


Got worried when I first saw the email that you guys were going to be locking some side video content behind the pay wall, but this is excellent. Adds to experience without taking away from people who can't afford to pay, can't wait to check it out!


I'm soo keen for all of this!!

connor norcott

So excited for this & everything the future holds for RKG. Truly the greatest to ever do it!

Andy Wain

This is like EndGame for slugs!!

Drew Worth

Yes lads! I was hoping you’d do something like this, I love these kinds of bonus shows. This is gonna be brilliant!


Cannot wait! I’ve played maybe a dozen hours of Elden Ring, but life and Zelda got in the way. Now, I’m looking forward to playing alongside Rory, and getting great advice from Gav and Krupa along the way.


This is exactly what I would want for extra content - essentially those juicy DVD extras for your favourite movies and shows. Buzzing!