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Hey everyone,

We’ve come to the end of April, so here’s a little update of what we’ve been up to on the Patreon and in real-life.

Firstly, Producers can catch-up with Krupa’s search for Dark Souls 3’s Platinum. The Loremaster has the end in sight. There are no more covenant items to grind, so he’s finally on the cusp of that elusive trophy. You can watch Episodes 11 and 12 right now on demand.

Meanwhile on Shield Up, we’ve been talking about whether the DLC announcement for Elden Ring has affected our plans for the forthcoming season of Retry. More recently Gav sat us down to make a heartfelt confession.

Meanwhile, in real-life, things are really progressing in the studio. After months of careful planning and research, we’ve finally reached the installation, and things are progressing quickly. Last week Gareth, our studio man, came to install the new background system and lighting rig. He’ll be back in a few weeks to fit some acoustic curtains and tweak the lighting with us. But the bulk of his work is done.

So what else is left to do? The focus is now mainly switching over to the installation of the new tech we want for the space. We want to switch over to more professional broadcast-quality gear across the board not only to improve quality but mainly make our set-up more sophisticated and capable. This is what’s going to make producing videos in the way we want to so much easier. It’ll be transformative for RKG, and will allow us to make more of the things you love. We’ll have much more to show you in next month’s update.

Oh yeah, we also just ordered a new custom backdrop from the US for a little show called Retry: Elden Ring. We won’t reveal what that is just yet, but it’s going to look really fantastic and be a fitting backdrop for our adventures in The Lands Between.

Alongside all of this, we’re spending a lot of time rethinking our Patreon offering. (Hence last week’s suggestion box.) It’s something we’ve been thinking about for a long time, and with the increased capability of the new studio, we’re now positioned to explore new options. We’re already working on some new ideas that we’re very excited to tell you about. But that’s also for another day.

Unfortunately Ramen was placed into an Iso-Cube for the duration of the build. (He wasn't really. We took him out for breakfast.)

We’ve talked about these plans for months, often in these posts, but it’s incredibly satisfying to see it all come together. The new studio combined with our new approach to making videos will transform what we do and what we’re able to deliver to you, our patrons. You make all of this possible.

We have so much more to tell you about, but right now isn’t the time. Next month we’ll be able to share a little map of what’s to come, but until then we hope you enjoy the conclusion of the SPOOKIES: Double Bill and SPOOKIES: Dead Space.




Love it guys!!!!

Todd Snelgrove

Can't wait to see it all come together! Sitting and watching Ep9 of Dead Space right now, you guys are the best

Brian Raasch

Retry elden ring is gonna be a masterpiece! I cannot wait. I hope we get it soon but I understand I have to have patience.


Love you guys, looks like things are really coming together! Very excited for Elden Ring :)


Can’t wait everything you do is worth the wait boys and glad the studio is shaping up!

Liam Griggs

Nice update, really looking forward to elden ring!

David Reese

Can't wait to see the finished product!

Jon Hogan

Love you Krupa, Gav and Rory. https://youtu.be/DKb2E3IcxNA Just watched this again. I know you don’t get no 🤑 but it still made me cry. I’m with you for the long haul.