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Hey everyone,

We're redoing so much of the studio at the minute, so just one Producer Stream this month but it should prove to be quite an epic.

Krupa's Dark Souls 3 Platinum Ep.13: The End

  • 19th May @ 7pm BST | 2pm EDT | 11am PDT | 5am AEDT

After nearly 3 bloody years of pursuing this bloody Platinum on-and-off, we’ve finally reached the end. Join me for what will be the last in this epic series,  where I’ll hopefully (surely?) get my hands on my second-ever Platinum trophy.

What’s left to do? Not much at all. We’ve got a bunch of rings to collect that are only available in NG++ and we need the third ending. So essentially we’ll have to do a massive hoon through the entire game from start to finish on NG++.

Please don’t let me brave it alone. Producers, if you’re playing on PlayStation like me, you’ll be able to join for the ride, and hopefully help me embarrass these bosses and claim the trophy.

See you then!

Krupa x


Ben Mitchell

Should be able to make it. Hoon run is it? 👀

Conall Jennings

I'm already looking forward to watching these back through once it's all over ❤️


Gives me almost three weeks to get my character up to scratch to help with the final push. Cannot wait!


This is gonna be so fun! Really looking forward to it, will make sure I have a character prepped for summoning ;)

Joey Lacon

I should be out of hospital by then and housebound so all over it.


Is it possible to create a playlist of Krupa's Dark Souls 3 Platinum run?


I totally forgot about the producers page! Don't worry about it