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In the next month, we’ve got a couple of projects coming up where you’ll see #Ad on some of our posts.

What does this mean?

Well, in one sense, it’s a legal requirement, a way of disclosing that we’ve been paid for the work we’re promoting.

But more importantly what does it mean in the context of RKG?

As this is the first time we’ve ever done something like this, we wanted to be completely transparent with you guys about what it means for us and why we’re doing it at all.

Since we launched in January, we’ve had several offers to do this type of work. But we’ve turned them down because they weren’t right for us – either we weren’t into the project in question or we didn’t feel like it would produce a video we’d want to be a part of

The RKG Patreon gives us financial independence to say ‘no’ to opportunities that aren’t right.

We’ve said ‘yes’ to these upcoming projects because…

  • We think they’re fun.
  • We like the thing they’re about.
  • They present us with unique opportunities we wouldn’t haven’t access to otherwise. 

That’s the only reason we’ll ever agree to stuff like this, not the money.

#Ad means we are being paid for our time, and we’re going to invest that money in growing RKG. Our priority remains the same as ever: make the best original content for you, and if you’re a Patron, giving you more value for your pledge.

If you have any questions, pop them down below and we’ll answer them as best as we can.




If it's a Corona sponsorship, make sure the contract includes a clause to get a retroactive pay for all those hours of free advertising you already did!


Boyos we get it, do what you gotta do, certainly not going to change my opinion or Patreon status x


This is why you guys are so amazing. You always keep it real and it shows that you truly do care about your viewers. Much love!


Wow a "company" that are transparent with their "customers". Once again you lads are doing a bang up job and I personally am honoured to be a patron of suck a kick ass community


Nice, guys. Thanks for the transparency, and by all means, take all of the sponsored content you can. I mean, don’t let it get in the way of your original stuff, but I like to see the boys getting paid when they can.


We all gotta eat! thanks for the transparency! Awesome post


This is amazing! I actually just joined Patreon so I could support you guys. I'm ecstatic that I can be a part of this community and support content creators that are so transparent and loyal to their fans. And I agree with everyone here--take all the sponsorships you need. We're all here to watch you guys succeed!


One step closer to the RKG mansion.


So long as you ain’t slangin’ slug repellent, ‘s’all good man.


Thanks for joining, Andrew. Glad to have you with us!


Anytime boys, the only way you’ll lose me is if Murphy puts the hammer in on Newport again 😉😂 #upandcoming