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Hello you beautiful Patrons, Gav here with a little update about all the things we got up to in August.

It was a busy one! Not only is our Resi 2 series ticking along nicely and fast becoming one of our favourite series we’ve made but we released the first part of a new challenge series and even did our own tabletop livestream – it’s all been going on! 

Cuphead x RKG

Earlier in August Krupes and I hosted the launch party for Insert Coin Clothing’s new Cuphead range. Things got pretty rowdy as loads of you crazy bastards came down to show off your mad Cuphead skills. It was an absolute blast seeing so many of you again and meeting others for the first time.

Huge props go to the winners of our challenge, Callum and Dr. Sam. 

We’d love to do more community events like this in the future and getting people to come up and play with us has become one of our favourite things to do at live shows - especially when they're as cool as little Kaiden (above).  

IGN UK Podcast 500

We got invited to rejoin some of our best mates onstage at IGN UK’s Podcast 500 celebrations for a big live podcast extravaganza. That podcast was a huge part of all our lives for a long time and it was lush to record another episode. The thing that properly got us in the feels though was seeing so many people wearing our shirts at the event – I don’t think I’ll ever quite get over looking out at an audience and seeing someone wearing a T-shirt we’ve designed. It’s absolutely wild. 


RKG’s first trip to Cologne for the world’s biggest video games show was a raucous, Kölsch-filled week of madness. We recorded a couple of videos we’re really proud of while we were out there and you’ll start seeing those very soon.

The way we’re approaching covering shows like this is very different now and we’re always on the lookout for new and interesting things to make at these things. If there’s anything else you guys would like to see out of these bigs shows like E3 and Gamescom, make sure you let us know. 


This mad magnetic tabletop (not ‘board’ as we’ve now learned) game has taken over our life a little bit. I’m writing this update on the plane as we’re flying back from Helsinki where I went head-to-head with the Klask World Champion. I’ve had two very talented coaches with wildly different coaching methods helping me out and the three of us got to see how far beginner’s luck could take us. Check out the first part of our video here and look out for Part 2 coming in September. 

New T-Shirt

To top August off we launched our second RKG T-shirt which is available until September 20th. We had a lovely time coming up with ideas for all the silly in-jokes on the back of the shirt and we’re really proud of this. Hopefully you guys can see and appreciate the effort that we’ve been putting into making sure our merch is really special rather than just chucking out shirts willy-nilly. 

As you can see – August was pretty full on and we’ve got some crazy big plans for September already. More on that soon. 

As always, we can’t thank all our patrons enough. We’re always stopping to think about how lucky we are to have your support and for helping us make all this brilliant stuff that we’re really proud of. You guys are amazing <3 

RKG x 



great update, keep up all the awesome work! (fyi for some reason this update post keeps crashing my patreon app)


Love it. Thanks so much RKG!