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Hey Producers and Posh slugs,

Come watch us play Snipperclips for a bit while we answer your questions and hangout after today's stream.

See you there!

- RKG x


Post Show #7 – Snipperclips

Time to manoeuvre ourselves into some sexy, puzzle-solving shapes. --------- Follow us on... Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/RKGvideo Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/RKGvideo


Jonathan Cox

Not sure if it was my current mood or something else but this show had me creased with laughter!! Loved it. Innocently sexual 😂


Just a heads up to you in terms of the CrowdCast quality. It’s been pretty bad most weeks for me. I watch on a replay and this weeks was terrible for the first 15 minutes. Last week was just as bad and most of them are unwatchable for the first half of the stream 😔


Hi Jonathan. We've got Crowdcast looking into it but as a small tip, some people have found that refreshing the page when you're watching live can usually help the situation.