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For tomorrow's stream we'll be playing Dead By Daylight on PlayStation 4.

If you own the game,  and would like to play during the stream, put your PSN handle in the comments below and we'll add you as a friend.

You'll need to be free during...

April 10th @ 6-7:30 PM UK | 1-2:30 PM ET | 10-11:30 AM PT

While we can't guarantee everyone will get to play, we'll try to get through as many as possible.

See you for tomorrow's stream!

- RKG x




This was amazing, so much fun to watch


Yes, Turn it up boys I could barely hear you in the beginning, I had the volume cranked, Much better after you upped it but the live streams are always a bit lower... Can't hear you while I'm moving about the house 😊! 💚