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My hand was outstretched in front of me, fingers extended in the shape of a gun. Not-so-subtle power flowed through my being.

My heritage awakened. A legacy left to me by my birth mother. One of Control, of manipulation on a purely physical scale. In addition to my Devil abilities, my Silver Tongue spoke, pressing my intent upon reality.

A terrible beast bore down on me, charging even as it roared. It was not alone, ridden by a single woman. She had deathly pale skin, black tattoos decorating her face, and cold blue eyes. She wielded a vicious spear that looked to be on the border of primitive and civilized.

The beast itself was a massive thing. A cross between reptile and mammal, it stood on two legs, with low-swinging arms. Natural weapons of claws and teeth added to its brutal image, looking as if it could rip apart steel as easily as flesh.

The Rancor charged at me, spurned on by its Dathomiri Witch rider. I didn’t panic, even as Diana prepared herself to face the beast to protect me. The vibrosword I’d given her glinted in the low light of the thick alien forest. Her expression showed none of her emotions but I could feel her determination to fight and protect me, drumming like a steady heartbeat in the Force.

She didn’t have to. As I’d told Garm a week ago, I was no pacifist. I spoke the trigger word just as Maki-Mom taught me to. I’d practiced with the force manipulation abilities I inherited from her before. But constrained as I was by the Finishing School’s limiters, the most I’d gotten from it was a half decent invisible punch.

Now? My heritage was uncapped. My inherent potential was free to grow. And it had been doing so since I was inserted into this universe nearly a month ago now. I had a long way to go to reach Maki-Mom’s level but my Devil abilities were more than enough to deal with a simple Rancor.

I was the son of a Primordial Devil, one of the Four Horsemen of her original story. I was the son of a Company Agent, powerful in his own right. I was both and something more, growing even now as I molded my story into a legend. I was Control 2.0 — Silver-Tongued Conquest and Seduction…

Invisible forces answered my Command, my Control. Not ‘the Force’ but close enough to be indistinguishable. And with my Silver Tongue whispering words of my intent, this reality was PERSUADED to conform to my actions ever-so-slightly.


I finished my trigger. With it, my finger gun jerked upward as if mirroring the recoil of a real gun. Pure invisible force lashed out from somewhere deep in my soul. It smashed into the Rancor, bowling it backward and throwing its rider head over heels as her momentum continued forward.

She came to a stop in a heap at my feet. Her limbs were tangled together. Her body and pride were bruised. She’d be sore for weeks to come. Still, she glared up at me, undoubtedly knowing I had her at my mercy. Then upon laying eyes on my face, she gasped and all but melted into a suddenly flustered puddle.

I casually slipped my outstretched hand into my pocket, “Hello, Honored Witch. My name is Dick Jackson. I come in peace. Relatively. I think it would be best if you took me to your Clan Mother.”


Leaving Naboo had been an unfortunate necessity. ’Necessity’ because I was going spare in the palace and I was itching to continue my story. ‘Unfortunate’ mostly because it meant leaving Padme behind. I’d grown quite close to her in the short but active month since we met.

Sure, I was technically manipulating her. But it wasn’t malicious. With her, I’d only used my Essence as a boost to my natural charisma. Hell, it was less ‘mind control’ than the Company’s binding would be. I hadn’t commanded her to like or love me and I had no intention to.

For one, I was doing well enough in that field on my own. For another, I intended for Padme to join my retinue eventually. Everything I’d been taught — by Finishing School and my father — told me that those kinds of relationships were better based on genuine trust instead of coercion.

So essentially, I was going for the soft sell with Padme. If she confessed to me, it would be 100 percent her idea. I was even debating whether I should tell her what the confession would mean beforehand as well. I wanted Padme to trust me and for me to be able to trust her so I was being about as open with her as I reasonably could be.

Others wouldn’t get that much consideration from me. Especially not my enemies or the people I only intended to capture as Familiars. I wasn’t some paragon of morality and I wouldn’t pretend to be. But I did have some version of a creed that I followed. I had my limits.

Staying on Naboo after the liberation celebration was sorely testing those limits. I only lasted a week or so before I was practically twitching to use my Silver Tonge to make something happen. Anything!

There was just so much meaningless debate and procedures! It was like a mini version of the Senate. Everyone had something to say and even though Padme was the planet’s ruler, they all felt that she should listen to them. Advisors tried to push Padme this way, but bureaucrats told her she couldn’t do that, and all the while, Padme just had to sit there and waste time listening to them instead of doing anything impactful.

This was why democracy wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. It certainly made me decide that my future empire would be a dictatorship where I could choose to delegate if I wanted or needed to and just ignore the self-serving idiots who thought they knew best and seemed to infest democratic politics.

Still, I suspected Padme wouldn’t approve of me controlling her subjects just so she could get things done faster. Oh, she might thank me initially but the dubious morality of it would quickly start to wear on her ideals. She had much more faith in democracy and the good of people’s natures than I did.

It was best for everyone if I just left Padme to deal with what she did best: herding politicians and bureaucrats like cats. She would still get things done — especially with the generous ‘donations’ from the Trade Federation — but it would take a lot longer than I was willing to wait around.

So I was off to the Outer Rim to actually do something productive and start my empire here in the galaxy. I still tried to convince Padme to come with me. That effort went about how I expected it to…

“You could come with me…?”

Padme shook her head sadly, “I can’t, Dick. You know that.”

“You’ve seen the true face of the Republic now, the true face of politics,” I insisted halfheartedly. “Do you really think you owe them anything?”

“… No,” Padme admitted after a moment of hesitation. “But I have a duty to my people. I gave them my word when I was elected and I will see my term through.”

“And after that?” I asked.

“After that… Well, I suppose I’m not as eager to serve a second term as I once was… But I could always pursue a seat in the Senate. Force knows we’ll need it after the Palpatine Disaster.”

“I have a better idea. How about you take a break from politics and duty after your term is up? I’ll come find you and we’ll adventure through the galaxy. It’ll be good for you to get firsthand experience of the people you’ll be representing.”

Padme smiled brightly at me, “Now, that is a compromise I can get behind. You have yourself a deal, Dick Jackson. Until we next meet, the least I can do is outfit the Champion of Naboo with a ship.”

While I didn’t convince Padme to come with me, I wasn’t really expecting to. We still parted on good terms and with a plan to meet up again in a year’s time. Her term as Naboo’s Queen would be up by then and I’d hopefully be kneedeep in setting a foundation for my empire.

I had a few places in mind to start laying that foundation. While I could technically walk into any planet’s seat of power and convince their ruler to abdicate to me, I wanted a base of power before I started going around willy-nilly like that.

I’d be sticking to the Outer Rim so I didn’t draw the Republic’s attention too soon. I had a list of places I wanted to visit. Mandalore was an obvious choice if I wanted an army. Dathomir would make for a prime recruiting ground for Force-sensitives. And finally, Ryloth for the manpower they could offer with a much more significant population than my other two choices.

However if Padme asked about that last one, it was on the list because slavery was abhorrent and it was the duty of all sentients to see it abolished. That was part of it, to be fair, but I’ll also admit to being a bit curious about the reputation Twi’lek’s had in the galaxy. Mmmm~ Alien harem girls~…

Contrary to what might seem like common sense, I didn’t go to Mandalore first. I didn’t need an army immediately because I didn’t plan on doing any direct conquering just yet. So even if it was the much less immediately strategic option, I went about getting a force of Witches under my Control. Supernaturally loyal Force sensitives were certainly nothing to scoff at.

Dathomir was the first stop on my list for exactly that reason. I had time on my hands at the moment and I wanted to spend it exploring my Added Potential. I had plans to dominate the Nightsisters and learn their magicks at the same time.

Dathomir was a woefully underdeveloped world. It was still in the tribal stage despite the relatively easy access to space travel. Ruled by a selection of distinct clans that all considered themselves Witches of Dathomir, the information I’d found on the holonet put the planet’s population at a measly 5000.

Compared to Mandalore’s several million-strong population, the low population made Dathomir a prime starting step for my empire. Especially with all of the clans here being Force-sensitive. The matriarchal nature of the tribal society here was also something I planned on exploiting with my unique advantages.

Which brought us back to the present. After defeating the Witch, I commanded her to take me and Diana before her Clan Mother. I didn’t particularly care which clan of Witches I’d stumbled upon first. They would all be the same beneath my Control soon enough.

As luck would have it though, the Witch I’d defeated turned out to be a Nightsister. They were definitely the first clan on my list to conquer and bring under my Control. I’d be a fool to leave the one true Dark Side clan on the planet unchecked for last.

The current Jedi Order might have someone believe that all other Force users were Dark or misguided. That was the result of self-righteous arrogance and a thousand years of being the dominant Force sect in the galaxy.

In reality, there were plenty of other light-side sects. Most of the Witches of Dathomir fell into that category. They were founded by an exiled Jedi and even now, held a single collective rule tantamount: ‘Never concede to evil’. It was only the Nightsisters who strayed from that rule and willingly delved into the Dark.

But even then, the Nightsisters were divided into competing clans. I knew they were united at some point but not when, why, or how. But with us brought before what seemed to be one of the bigger clans, I suppose it didn’t matter.

Walking through the tribal village behind the defeated (and now infatuated) Nightsister, we attracted many curious eyes. I could practically feel my influence here growing as each Nightsister laid eyes on me and was enraptured by my Essence-backed charisma. I didn’t let the instant success go to my ego though.

Our guide brought us to an open space in the village. There, a lone older woman sat on what could have passed for a throne. She was done up with primitive makeup and intricate garb. She watched us approach with interest. It wasn’t the instant infatuation I’d been receiving from the rest of the Nightsisters but I could tell my looks had an effect even on the powerful Clan Mother.

“My Queen Zalem,” Our guide knelt before the Clan Mother. “This lowly one brings honored guests.”

“So I see,” The Clan Mother rasped, her voice like cardboard on cardboard. “Tell me, Vonya, why have you brought guests instead of prisoners? We could make use of such a fine male specimen.”

“I-I-…” Vonya stuttered, glancing back at me. “I couldn’t bear to enslave him. He is touched by the Winged Goddess and Fanged God! To enslave such perfection would be a great heresy!”

Clan Mother Zalem sneered, “Foolish girl!”

Vonya was thrown to the side with a swipe of Zalem’s hand. She screamed and tumbled out of the way. A powerful aura of Darkness surrounded Zalem. Powerful but crude at the same time. It was Darkness for Darkness’ sake. Nothing so focused or impressive that I would be truly intimidated.

I couldn’t help but shake my head, tutting, “Now, is that any way to treat my future subjects?”

My rhetorical question started a murmur in the crowd of Nightsisters that had gathered behind us. Strangely enough, it sounded excited. Not scared or offended. But as if the whole clan was already jumping at the chance to throw themselves at my feet.

Zalem’s eyes burned Sith yellow, glaring at me. Then she seemed to dismiss me, turning to Diana and following the hierarchy she was familiar with.

“You have the bearing and spirit of a powerful warrior. Why do you follow this… Man?” She asked Diana.

“It is my duty,” Diana declared, her tone as flat as ever.

“Disgraceful,” Zalem spat. “Join us. Become a Nightsister. You are strong. You could become-…!”

“No,” Diana cut her off mid-sentence. Just that one word was stronger than anything Zalem had demonstrated so far. “I owe him my life. Not only would my honor not allow it, but you could never hope to be half as worthy of my sword as Dick Jackson.”

The murmurs behind us grew louder. Still, they were excited. Almost in awe now. Having a strong woman like Diana vouch for me in this matriarchal society did just as much good as my Essence-backed charisma.

Zalem scowled but turned to me, “I see… If you are so great, Man, then obviously you have come to join my quest.”

“Quest?” I asked, humoring her.

“I shall master the Gate of Infinity!” Zalem declared, puffing herself up on her own pomp and ego. “I shall unite the Nightsisters and become the true Queen of Dathomir and its Witches. And with that strength behind me, I shall bring doom to the outside galaxy. I shall see to the destruction of what the invaders hold most dear. Coruscant will be sucked into Infinity!”

I stared at her for a moment. She was serious. Seriously insane. And potentially dangerous. Yeah, best to nip this in the bud right now.

I hummed, “Hmm… No. No, that’s fucking stupid.”

Zalem recoiled and hissed, “Y-You dare, Man~?!”

“I dare,” I said calmly, calling upon my Essence properly. “You are clearly unfit to rule. Your idea is not only brain dead, it’s pointless.

“What beef do you have with Coruscant? Just long-lost stories of an exiled Jedi? There are trillions of beings on that planet alone. You can’t even comprehend that number. Every single one of them deserves a chance a life. So no, I will not join your ‘quest’.

“Here’s what’s going to happen instead. Everything you own? Everything you claim to rule? It’s mine now. Mine to Control. Don’t you agree~?

Zalem struggled against my Essence, my Silver-Tongued CONTROL. Her body twitched and shook. She practically foamed at the mouth. She put up a better fight than anyone I’d used the full force of my Essence against so far. But still, she was PERSUADED to see the sense of my Silver Tongue.

“I-… Agree…” Zalem bit out.

I smiled disarmingly, “Good. Your clan is mine. Now, what to do with you…? Ah, does anyone have a worthy grudge against the Clan Mother here?”

I announced my question to the crowd behind us. Almost all of them looked like they were moments away from bowing and worshiping me as a Dark God. Still, one woman stepped forward.

Hunched and gnarled, the woman was practically painful to look at. She was old, older than Zalem. Her hair was faded. Her skin was paler than paper. Yet as she hobbled forward, she began to change.

The Force filled the woman’s body. Her hunched back straightened with each step. Her hair and skin regained color. Her face smoothed, becoming young and beautiful. By the time she stood in front of me, she was a woman in her prime, with conviction like steel in her posture.

“I have a grudge that has not been settled,” She said.

I caught a few whispers of shock from the crowd, “The Rancor! She is healed!”

Zalem hissed through my Control, “You! Impossible! You are crippled! A waste! A cruel joke of the Force! You are no daughter of mine!”

‘The Rancor’ nodded, “You’re right. I am no daughter of yours, Mother. Not since you killed my father. I have plotted my revenge ever since. And now, with this man’s help, I shall have it. How does it feel? To be laid low by the gender you so disdain?”

“I should have smothered you before your first blood! I should have known a creature like you was too disgusting even for a cripple!”

“Shut up,” I said flatly, growing tired of Zalem’s voice. I turned to ‘The Rancor’. “What’s your name, beautiful?”

“R-Ros… Lai, S-Sir…” She blushed and stuttered furiously from such a simple compliment. And for a Nightsister to call me sir? This poor woman must have known nothing but mockery, neglect, and cruel power for so long. Such a shame. She deserved better than that.

I gave her a gentle smile, “A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Now, she’s all yours. Do with her what you please. I certainly won’t get in the way of what looks to be a family matter.”

Ros Lai couldn’t make herself meet my gaze for much longer, averting her eyes in embarrassment, “T-Thank you…”

“Zalem,” I commanded. “Consider her word mine. And don’t even try to escape or get around me. I will know. And I will make you suffer.”

Zalem tried to growl. It came out as a whimper. I left Ros Lai to her grudge with a reassuring squeeze of her shoulder. She shuddered cutely at the simple contact. I pretended to ignore the way she ‘discreetly’ rubbed her thighs together.

Turning around, I addressed the eager crowd of Nightsisters, “You are all mine now.”

The whole crowd swooned. Several fainted outright. I think one came on the spot with a delighted squeal. Ah, I hadn’t turned down my Silver Tongue at all. It was still on the intensity that made a powerful Force Witch submit. Uh… oops? Yeah, they weren’t going to be recovering from that any time soon. I’d have to wait to do my cool conquering speech.

A bit sheepishly, I turned to Diana. She gave me an unreadable expression, “Your words are sharper and more flexible than any blade, Dick Jackson.”

“That… uh, that wasn’t on purpose,” I said, rubbing the back of my head.

She scrutinized me for a moment before nodding, “Yes, you are a worthy liege. I hope to one day find a way to test my fists against your tongue. Among other things…”

That sudden implication and innuendo took me a bit by surprise, “Uh, Diana…?”

Diana didn’t acknowledge me any further, resuming her silent vigil.



“You can’t just leave me hanging like that!”



Dathomir was a fascinating planet. Not just for its society of Witches, clans, and Force magicks, but for the planet itself. Dathomir swirled with the Force, a fact I only truly came to appreciate once I’d begun my training here.

There was history here. There was life. Together, they wove a beautiful tapestry that only a few could see for what it was. Colors unseen, light and dark, twirled together into a seemingly infinite braid.

The Order of light flowed along set leylines. The Chaos of darkness roamed free to go where it pleased. Even with the Veil over the Force, Dathomir was remarkably balanced and consistent.

From the stories the Witches told, Dathomir’s story started hundreds of millennia ago. Dathomir was once the homeworld of an intelligent spacefaring species that predated the Republic. The Kwa conquered Infinity itself, building impossible gates that allowed for instantaneous travel and impressive destruction.

At some point, the Kwa began to degenerate and devolve. No one knew why. They sealed their empire in great temples and let themselves fade. Now, all that remained of their legacy was the Kwi. To be fair, though, there were worse fates for a species than devolving into literal dinosaurs.

After the fall of the Kwa, Dathomir passed hands from the Rakata to the Paecian Empire to the Sith, and finally to the Republic. At some point, a Sith Academy was founded here. It had been long since abandoned.

Then came Allya, an exiled Jedi Knight. She was the catalyst that made Dathomir what it is today. Her legacy still lived on in the clans. The Witches of Dathomir, also known as the Daughters of Allya.

Through it all, the Force cloaked the planet. So much life, so many stories. There was power to be had there. And so Dathomir grew, not in population but in complexity and depth in the Force. The Dark Side thrived in the untamed wilds that took up the majority of the planet. The Light Side naturally collected in the pockets of civilization that followed the final teachings of a Jedi Knight.

The Force was strong on Dathomir. And as I studied and learned, I began to feel it like the blood in my veins. With my Added Potential, I was a steady study with a particular talent in Force manipulation. Considering the Control in my heritage, that was to be expected.

I learned many things. None of them would have been taught by the Jedi Order or at the very least, not taught in this way. Illusions made into reality by the Force. Rituals, light and dark. Combative, physical-oriented Force Arts. Magic of spells and spirits, of potions and poisons, of alchemy and ancient allegories.

In my spare moments, I communed with the cosmic power. Not how a Jedi or Sith would commune. My Silver Tongue led the way. I talked and the Force listened.

Whisper by whisper, I familiarized the Force with my presence. Word by word, I swayed and seduced it. It was an ongoing process, just like my abilities with the Force. Technically, I could speak my will into the Force and use Essence to make it happen. But that was anything but efficient. I still wanted to learn the (at least somewhat) proper way of doing things.

Ever so slowly, the Force was becoming something like a new friend, an eager confidant, and a keen teacher. She wasn’t sentient in the typical way I understood the word. But she did respond when I talked to her, with little phenomena or miracles that told me how she ‘felt’ and what she ‘thought’.

Or, if she was feeling especially playful — somehow passionate and placid at the same time — the Force would send me visions. Yet not visions as the Jedi or Sith would recognize them.

As far as I could tell, the Force couldn’t fully see me due to my Company Defenses. But she could see my effects on the galaxy and herself and react accordingly. And since I didn’t have Destiny Defense, I was pretty sure she could see something from my future. Or at the very least, the infinite paths I could choose to take.

The visions she sent me took on physical form instead of trickling into my mind. I’d look into a calm body of water and see an impossibly large and almost incoherent womanly figure behind me, poking this and that and watching with intense curiosity. Or I’d look into the sky and see the clouds or stars form into that same figure and reach down to cradle me in interested palms.

I was quickly coming to realize that Mab’s mission for me wasn’t as farfetched as I thought it would be. I got the feeling that the Force found me fascinating. Something new in the galaxy, outside of her usual frame of reference. And she was curious. Oh-so curious…

Few if any individuals bore the Force’s attention to this level. I’d bet dollars to dimes on that. Maybe little Ani. But he was a font of fate and prophecy as well as being an exceptionally powerful Force-sensitive. He was the Force’s Chosen One while I was merely a novelty, unique and interesting but not yet loved. In that aspect, I might be receiving more of her direct attention than even Ani.

Thankfully, the Force wasn’t as harsh on a mortal’s sanity as some cosmic forces. She was unknowable, sure. Incomprehensible in her near-omniscience and omnipresence, even.

But she shared a connection to all life that kept her grounded. She wasn’t anywhere near as bad as an Eldritch God and I’d had a few brief courses on these situations in Finishing School. So while her attention pressed upon my mind, it never became overwhelming.

All of this happened over the better part of a year. And at the same time, my Control over the clans of Dathomir was constantly growing. Ros Lai took Zalem’s position as Clan Mother. Together, we conquered the other clans — starting with the rest of the Nightsisters — and brought them under my influence.

Diana was still always by my side. If I had any sense of shame, I would have been bothered. As it was, I quickly adjusted to her presence. Silent and imposing but constant. Always there. Even the few times I’d had to, uh, ‘take myself in hand’, as it were.

She only had a few things to say on those occasions, “Impressive…”

“Most virile…”

“Good distance and power…”

“More than acceptable…”

Without fail, every time I found myself needing release, Diana was there to watch over me. It was like she had a nose for how horny and pent-up I was. I couldn’t help but feel like she was assessing my performance. It was kind of hot… but also distracting.

I wasn’t about to command her to assist me but I also wasn’t going to let her actions go uncommented upon, “Diana, is there something you need? I’m rather busy at the moment.”

Diana shook her head casually as if she wasn’t watching me with my cock in my hand, “No, I am simply doing my duty as your bodyguard. Guarding your body. The chance of having one of your new subjects decide to make advances during your vulnerable moments is unacceptable.”

“Jealous~?” I teased.

“Hardly. Any valuable male will spread his seed far and wide. And you are quite valuable, Dick Jackson,” Diana said matter-of-factly. “No, I object to the impropriety of your subjects trying to steal a march on their lord while he is in a potentially compromised state of mind.”

I snorted with humor, “Well then, either step outside or finally lend me a hand here. Your ‘body guarding’ is distracting and I respect you too much to try and seduce you with my cock already out.”

Diana paused for a moment before nodding and taking a step forward, “… Very well.”

“Oh? Oh!” I jumped slightly as Diana’s hand replaced mine.

“How is this?” She asked, still as unflustered as she normally was. A strong, hot hand wrapped part way around my girth, just a touch too small to fully encircle me.

“A bit too strong there,” I winced. “First time?”

Diana just hummed and adjusted her grip, “Taunting a woman who has your ‘weapon’ in her hand does not seem like a wise course of action, Dick Jackson.”

“Very true,” I decided. “Here, just do what feels natural. Watch my reactions. They’ll tell you what feels good and what doesn’t. You’re good with your hands. I’m sure you’ll figure it out in no time.”

Diana carefully stroked up and down my shaft once before abruptly declaring, “This position is uncomfortable.”

I doubted that was completely true. She was just sitting next to me on the wooden-framed bed in Zalem’s old hut. Still, I wasn’t going to say anything. Especially not when Diana shifted and sunk to her knees between my legs.

My cock loomed before her eyes, casting a shadow across her features. Diana never let go as she shifted positions. Her hand was practically glued to my shaft. Her expression was unchanging but her eyes spoke wonders.

The interest I saw there was hot and intense. Like steel heated through pressure alone. Despite this being her first time participating in carnal acts, Diana didn’t look out of her depth. She faced the challenge before her like she faced any other. Head on and with an indomitable will.

Her hand resumed its movements. Up and down, she stroked my cock. Her eyes flickered between it and my face, absorbing every little expression I showed there. I made sure to show it all, not hiding a single wince or fluttering of my eyes.

Diana added a twist to her stroking. I groaned. I’m sure she felt me throb beneath her palm. Firm and warm, her hand gripped me.

She hummed, “Hmm. This is rather stimulating.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle, “Yeah, I’ll say.”

“I meant for myself,” Diana continued, making casual small talk regardless of our current situation.

“Well, thank you. I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“You are quite large, Son of Man.”

“You can call me Dick, Diana.”

“Very well. Dick, I do believe your weapon could fell the greatest of women.”

“Even you?”

“Hmm? Oh, yes, I would be quite open to primal breeding with you, Son of Man.”

“Dick, Diana.”

“Ah, yes… my apologies. I am slightly distracted at the moment, Dick.”

“Breeding, huh?”

“You would give me strong, worthy children.”

“Is that what this is leading up to?”

“Hardly. You will need to beat me in a duel before I allow you to go that far. But feel lucky that I consider you the only eligible candidate currently, Dick Jackson.”

“I-… fuck… I’ll keep that in mind, Diana.”

“Please do. When you are ready, we shall duel. Beat me and I shall submit myself to you completely.”

“More than-… Ugh! More than you already have?”

“Make no mistake, Son of Man. You are my charge, the one I have sworn myself to protect. But you will have to do a bit more than save my life from bondage before I swear myself to you fully. When you do, I will be your sword forever more.”

“Right… Just another thing to add to the list…”

“You do that, Dick Jackson,” Diana said, her lips almost quirking into a smirk but not quite.

My hips began to buck slightly as if chasing Diana’s stroking hand. I was practically panting by now. She was FUCKING good at this! Like, supernaturally so, for her first time. Maybe her species’ physical Force abilities extended to more than just combat? That was a scarily enticing prospect.

Diana quickly figured out what my reactions were hinting at. Even still, she didn’t change her pace. No, instead, she dipped her head down, brushing her hair behind her ear in a deceptively feminine motion. Then without warning, she took the head of my cock between her lips.

Wet, warmth surrounded my cockhead. Soft lips latched onto my shaft just past the ridge. Her tongue lashed to and fro, driving me farther into utter bliss. She suckled there — cheeks, lips, and tongue hugging me like a suit. Before I knew it, I lost myself to her merciless mouth.

“Of, Force~…!” I groaned.

I was quickly brought to the edge and past it. My balls churned. Heat surged up my shaft and spine. Diana sucked my cock like a woman on a mission. And with a built-up explosion, I couldn’t stop myself from releasing onto her waiting tongue.

As I spilled myself onto Diana’s tongue, a strange phenomenon coalesced behind her head. The shadows in the room came together into a familiar figure. I’d just invoked her name. And it seemed she was curious as to what I was calling on her for.

The avatar of the Force peeked in on what I was doing. The vision of shadows was more developed than the medium should have been capable of. And on this smaller-than-usual scale, I got my first good look at the avatar that the Force had chosen. It… wasn’t what I’d been expecting.

Even made of shadows, the avatar was coherent and stable. Somehow, monochrome colors of light and dark came through as well. She was almost naked, clad only in a sash of stars that did little to conceal her vibrant, voluptuous figure. Her skin was a rich gray. If there was real color to her vision, she would have been dusky and beautiful.

A large head of hair obscured her eyes — an afro made of shadows and glittering stars. Lush lips and a perfectly sculpted face were still visible below that wonderful head of hair. Adorably rounded cheekbones, monochrome blushing cheeks full of life, and an attractively tapered jawline.

The world seemed to pause so she could peek in on the action. She was curious. What was her newest novelty up to? She hadn’t the foggiest idea of shame or embarrassment, just watching me cum with interest. Then she was gone as quickly as she came and I spent the rest of my climax into Diana’s mouth.

“Ah, fuck…” I mumbled to myself.

Pulling away, Diana swallowed like it was nothing, “Was I not satisfactory, Son of Man?”

“No! No, you were great, Diana. I was just… processing all of that.”

“Ah, I understand. I suppose I am rather good at the things I put my mind to.”

I sighed sarcastically, “At least I don’t have to worry about you getting a big head…”

She just nodded, “My head is the biggest there is. And as I think we just proved, the best as well despite my lack of inexperience in this arena.”

“Did you just…?” I blinked.

“I am fully capable of humor, Dick Jackson,” Diana deadpanned. “Would you like to hear a joke?”

“Uh… sure.”

“Why did the chicken cross the road…? Because I threw him very hard. You may laugh now.”

Despite myself, I did, “Heh… Haha, that was terrible, Diana~!”

Diana cocked her head, “Odd. It is a favorite amongst my Amazon sisters. Do I need to take it back to the anvil?”

“No!” I denied, wiping tears of laughter from my eyes. “No, it was perfect. So bad it’s good. It really took my mind off something.”

Nodding to herself, Diana stood, “Good. Now, get up, Dick Jackson. You have more clans to bring to your side. Your legend and legacy will not build themselves. And I will not be your sword without a shield of glory.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I said, still chuckling slightly. “Not like I can conquer the planet with my cock, can I?”

Diana’s voice was flat but her words were no less for it, “Were you not doing so already?”

I raised a finger to argue but paused, “I… Fair point.”




Yes, YES, YEEEEESSSSSS!!!! Seduce the Force, BREED IT!!! It will give a whole new meaning of "May the Force be with you" :)

Pope Yoda I

"I hereby rename this planet to Goth Paradise. The official colors are now black, purple and white. The official dress will include corsets, leggings, leather miniskirts and fishnet EVERYTHING. Accessories are encouraged and shall be silver. Oh, and belts. Belts for DAYS." He paused as he heard the scratching of the quill from his Official Scribe briefly pause, "are you getting all this?" The Scribe sighed but nodded. She wondered what they had done to find themselves bent into submission to such a degenerate pervert. MC rubs his hands together as his eyes peer into the future. This planet was going to become a pilgrimage site (to all worthy perverts) and center of his empire once he began the PR Campaign.