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“Nute Gunray! I have come to bargain!”

“What?! How-?! Who are you?! G-Guards! Guards?! S-Seize this intruder!”

It was no use. I strode into the throne room in the palace that the Viceroy of the Trade Federation had illegally usurped. Padme and Diana alone stormed in behind me. Not only was Gunray outnumbered, but by now, all of his Droids were about as useful as scrap metal.

Naboo’s liberation went off without a hitch. With a peacekeeping force of Jedi and a Republic Corvette, it better have. Of course, Qui-Gon had to be the one to present my plan so people would actually follow it. But I wasn’t really looking for grand recognition at this point so that was fine.

Once everyone was on board, the Corvette — a CR90 named Corellia Bound — engaged the Droid Control Ship. A full barrage of probing shots from the CR90’s combat-fitted turbolasers served very well to get its attention. The Corellia Bound couldn’t hope to break through the modified Lucrehulk’s shields but it didn’t have to.

With the space battle in full swing and the Droid Control Ship trying to pin down the Corellia Bound, the Jedi swept into the picture. A full complement of Jedi starfighters — almost 20 in total — began to harass the bulky battleship. With almost all of them carrying heavy armaments in the form of proton torpedoes, any one of them had the potential to sink the battleship with a single perfectly placed shot.

The Droid Control Ship defended itself with its screens of Vulture Droid starfighters. They weren’t even worth mentioning against the Jedi. Watching them work together on the Royal Starship’s scanners was a work of art. They coordinated with each other effortlessly, relying on the Force to guide their paths and shots.

Vulture Droids fell by the hundreds. The Jedi without proton torpedoes covered their more lethal brethren. Those who could hope to take down the monstrous Control Ship began runs against its shields.

The shields were strong. Strong enough that even multiple squads of starfighters couldn’t hope to take them down alone. But these weren’t normal, mundane starfighters. These starfighters were piloted by Jedi, no matter how constrained they may have been by the Veil that occluded the Force.

The instincts, experience, and power of 20 Jedi came together, channeled through their starfighters as if they were extensions of their being. Qui-Gon even mentioned that the High Council had sent Adi Gallia to assist through Battle Meditation. She’d been the only Jedi to survive Sidious’ escape and it seemed she held something of a grudge — or as much of one as the current Jedi could hold — against these newly returned Sith.

Even without verbal communication, the Jedi knew just where to be and where their fellows were. Like an intelligent swarm of wasps, they stung out at the battleship over and over again. Each laser or torpedo was perfectly placed and perfectly timed to do the most damage. Return fire was perfectly dodged and bit by bit, the battleship’s shields were worn down by continuous coordinated firepower.

They didn’t even bother trying to pierce the battleship’s thick armor once the shields were down. Instead, they methodically destroyed every bit of communications equipment on the outer hull. One by one, the antennae were picked off. With each hit, the Control Ship’s use as a control ship diminished. When all of them were destroyed, the Control Ship had no other choice than to surrender to the Corellia Bound.

At that point, we left them in Republic hands and descended to the planet below to deal with the rest of the liberation. Several Jedi accompanied us, undoubtedly prepared to meet Sith resistance. With nothing in our way anymore, Padme was finally allowed to ‘storm the castle’.

We passed masses of deactivated Droids and confused citizens on our way inside. Even though Padme was in more civilian-like clothes, she was still recognized by her people. Cheers went up behind us. Word of their Queen’s heroic return would spread quickly.

That brought us back to the final confrontation with Nute Gunray, Viceroy of the Trade Federation. And the confrontation with the Sith I knew to be Darth Maul as well. He’d done his whole menacing surprise thing from the movies… Only to be surprised himself when half a dozen Jedi leaped after him.

I was sure that particular situation was well in hand. And hopefully this time, Qui-Gon would survive to continue teaching Anakin. Considering that Dooku and Plo Koon were among that number of Jedi, I was confident the lightsaber-focused Darth Maul wouldn’t get far. Instead, I turned my attention to Nute Gunray and helping Padme get justice for her people. Diana stood silent guard over us, just her flat glare enough to intimidate the Viceroy into inaction.

“It’s no use, Gunray. Your tyranny is through!” Padme declared, threatening her planet’s occupier at blasterpoint.

Gunray hastily tried to save his hide, “N-Now, hold on a moment… Y-You can’t kill me! The Senate would never allow it! I demand a fair trial!”

Padme scowled, “And let you weasel your way out of justice through corruption and duplicity? Fat chance.”

It seemed that Padme’s faith in the Republic was waning by the day. Honestly, I couldn’t blame her. Especially not when we were face-to-face with this criminal oppressor. Nute Gunray was a deplorable creature. I had to physically keep my nose from crinkling as his smell invaded my naturally enhanced nostrils.

Gunray sweated nervous slime, “W-What about the bargain that he mentioned?! S-Surely, we can work something out!”

If he saw a light of hope in my presence, my smile doused it instantly, “I think you’ll find my bargain much less merciful than the Senate, Gunray…”

“He doesn’t have a choice,” Padme said. “One way or another, justice will be had today.”

Gunray visibly struggled against himself before deciding that I was his best option. After all, what could a single man do? If he went before the Senate, they might even punish him through the Trade Federation. My grin twinkled maliciously. That was exactly what I was going to do. Hit him where it really hurt: his money.

“Padme?” I asked. “How would you like to be the majority shareholder of the Trade Federation?”

Gunray gaped like a fish, unable to find his words in shock and horror. Eventually, he sputtered, “Y-You can’t do that!”

Padme glanced at me, “Can you do that, Dick? Is it possible?”

“Sure is,” I nodded. “With the right words, I can have him give his control over to you. Then you can use his resources to help Naboo recover. And use your new position to start changing things like we’ve talked about. He can even stay in his position and he’ll still obey every command you give him like a perfect… little… puppet.”

Padme thought for a moment before nodding firmly, “Do it.”

I turned that terrifying grin back onto Gunray, making him quake in his robes, “Very well, Toad. Let’s strike up a Contract…

Essence flowed through my voice, backed by natural-born power. Ever since graduating, my Devil heritage had slowly begun to grow. It was still only a trickle now. But considering how well my heritage synergized with my Essence, it was significant.

A serious mien fell over my face, “Nute Gunray, for your crimes against Naboo, I demand your word, your loyalty, and everything you possess. You will give them to me. You will so swear. A Contract will be sealed.”

Gunray crumbled like a house of cards before my Silver Tongue, “I-I so swear… All of it is yours, M-Master.”

I felt the Empty-Handed Capture of Nute Gunray settle into place. It wasn’t a confession. But the declaration of complete loyalty was enough. While it was a shame my first capture was this creature, I didn’t let it bother me too much. It was only a Familiar capture after all. No way in Hell was I letting Nute Gunray into my real retinue.

While I could instantly sell him and not have to worry about him at all anymore, I wasn’t going to. I had no need for the few credits he would give without a Catalog. He was much more useful as my thrall and puppet.

“All of your shares in the Trade Federation now belong to Padme. You will listen to her every word as if it were mine. Her whims are more important than your own life. Do you understand?” I said.

“Yes, Master. Mistress. It will be done,” Gunray bowed deeply.

“What… did you do to him?” Padme asked. Thankfully, she sounded more wary than afraid.

“A Devil Contract. An ability from my homeland. A sacrifice of CONTROL. Usually, he would gain power from this sacrifice. I forewent that aspect of the Contract this time for obvious reasons,” I said, telling only half of the truth. “Now, it’s up to you to make him face justice.”

Padme paused for a moment, staring at Gunray as he waited for her orders, “… You will withdraw your troops and influence from Naboo and never return.”

“It will be done,” Gunray nodded obediently.

“And you will issue a public apology to Naboo and its people, complete with a clear admittance of guilt and promise to right the wrongs you have committed. The Trade Federation will put everything back to the way it was before you came here and then some,” Padme continued.

“Of course, Mistress.”

“You will pay whatever fines and heed whatever punishment the Senate levels against you. And you will not resist the justice process. In fact, you will do everything in your power to see it through.”

“Y-Yes…” Gunray strained but couldn’t hope to resist the Contract or my Essence.

Padme nodded, “Good. I’m glad we could come to an understanding, Viceroy. Now, leave my planet. I will contact you soon to arrange for Naboo’s recovery.”

Gunray bowed and beat a hasty retreat. He obviously didn’t want to be in our presence any longer than necessary. The Devil Contract didn’t completely eliminate his free will. He could still make choices like that. But resisting the Contract itself or going against our interests was a pipe dream.

Once he was gone, I turned to Padme with a smirk on my face, “Congratulations, Padme. You just saved your people and became one of the richest women in the Mid Rim in one fell stroke.”

Padme froze, only now realizing what it meant to have control of the Viceroy of the Trade Federation, “Oh, Force… I’m too young to be a sugar momma!”


Padme had a perfect smile plastered on her face. Her expression hadn’t changed in an hour. A whole hour of greeting guests and dignitaries for the celebration of Naboo’s liberation. How had Dick convinced her to do this again?

To be fair, it was the logical next step. She’d just freed her planet from oppression and secured more funding than the Republic gave to entire sectors at the same time. That Devil Contract Dick used was truly a miracle in the making.

And thanks to it, Padme didn’t have to worry about Gunray and the Trade Federation escaping justice somehow. Dick had put those reins directly into Padme’s hands. The idea of having that much power had taken some getting used to but she was thankful for his aid.

Padme… wasn’t as confident in the Republic or its processes as she once was. It was only natural for her to feel that way. After everything that happened, she would be foolish and naive to feel otherwise.

The reveal of the deplorable beast Padme once knew as Palpatine had shaken every aspect of her trust and worldview. A Sith had infiltrated the highest levels of the Republic’s government, using her planet as a scapegoat and stepping stool. All the while, the Senate had done nothing more than sit on its hands and argue meaninglessly while Padme’s people suffered. It was enough to drive the most faithful to unforgiving thoughts.

According to the Jedi, there was a very good chance the Sith was the original mastermind behind Naboo’s invasion. They encountered another Sith, the one who fought with Qui-Gon on Tatooine, while they were liberating the palace. He didn’t escape as Palpatine had. But his involvement still hinted at there being some larger plot at play here.

That was something she intended to verify with her new subordinate. Nute Gunray would answer for his crimes. Not just to the Republic. But to Naboo and Padme personally.

Much of that was for the future. Now was supposed to be a time of celebration, of victory for Naboo and her people. And of course, for the Queen and her champion, that meant throwing a party. A party that required Padme to stand and greet guest after guest, each so important that she couldn’t afford to not give them her whole focus.

It was tiring. If Dick hadn’t been right by her side, going through the same thing she was, Padme would have collapsed in an entirely undignified way. She would not have thrown a tantrum. That would be too undignified. But she may have grown very cross by the 40th or so guest greeting.

Somehow, Dick seemed entirely unaffected by the pomp and circumstance of it all. He was just as charming and personable as when they started. Internally, Padme was very much pouting at how easy he made all this seem.

Was this the benefit of being raised as royalty from birth instead of being elected? Or was it just Dick’s natural, almost impossible charisma? Even now, he was wooing women and swaying men with just a simple greeting. It was both unfair and impressive at the same time.

Padme had fallen into something of a routine over the course of the guests’ arrivals. Greet, thank you for coming, next, and repeat. Over and over again. They weren’t even halfway through the queue.

Most of her active attention was being directed at Dick. She found him simply so fascinating to watch. He was gorgeous and endearing, a smooth operator who drew almost as much attention as Padme did as the Queen. Yet somehow, his larger-than-life presence never seemed to overshadow her.

Watching him as closely as she did, Padme could see the way he was controlling the room. Every word was perfect. Exquisite in how they catered to puffed-up egos, hidden hostilities, and well-meaning wishes. Beautifully playing two-faced Senators and the earnest alike.

She was sure he’d be the talk of the party to come. And perhaps the Senate for weeks after this. He was quickly revealing himself to be an unknown, hidden gem.

Padme couldn’t help but feel proud. Proud that Dick was associated with her and Naboo. Proud that he was she got to him first. Proud that he was her friend most of all.

Finally, a few rays of light shined through the dreary monotony of propriety. Padme’s smile grew genuine as she saw who was next in the queue. It grew even further when she saw who was after that. She found herself grabbing Dick’s hand and almost rushing forward to meet the next in line.

“Senator and Queen Organa, it’s my pleasure to greet you and welcome you to the recently liberated planet of Naboo,” Padme greeted.

“Darling, for you, it will always be Breha and Bail,” The Queen of Alderaan returned Padme’s genuine smile.

Padme had been introduced to Breha Organa shortly after her election as Naboo’s Queen. As a fellow matriarchal monarchy — though not an elected one — Alderaan was a close, long-held ally of Naboo. Breha was perhaps twice Padme’s age but the two of them had hit it off immediately. Padme found a mentor figure in Breha and Breha found a younger, more optimistic version of herself in Padme.

Bail Organa was Breha’s Royal Consort — her husband in all but name. He also happened to be Alderaan’s Senator. Padme was cordial with him and they shared many of the same ideas and convictions about how the Republic and the Senate should be governed.

Padme’s smile was bright, shedding an hour of stressful boredom upon meeting her friend, “It’s good to see you again, Breha.”

“You as well, Padme. And I believe congratulations are in order,” Breha said.

“Thank you. It’s been… a trying couple of weeks,” An unseen weight was lifted from Padme’s shoulders.

“I believe that is an understatement, Your Majesty,” Bail interjected his own opinion. “Your planet was invaded and liberated, and a Sith was revealed to be playing the entire Senate — primarily Naboo — for fools.”

Palpatine…” Padme spat. The reminder caused Padme’s expression to darken but it wasn’t aimed at the Organa’s. “The harm he caused is still unknown but he is already a disgrace to our planet’s good name. Can you believe some Senators wish to sanction us simply because he was born here?”

Bail sighed, “Sadly, that is simply the way some in the Senate operate. Anyone with an ounce of sense can see that you’re the biggest victim in this situation. But more and more lately, I feel that most of the Senate doesn’t have that ounce to spare.”

“Enough,” Breha cut off that line of discussion before it could become trying. “This is a time of celebration. Instead, Padme, why don’t you introduce me to the dashing young man at your side?”

Padme was suddenly thankful her makeup hid her blush and she illogically wondered if Breha would approve of Dick, “Ah, my apologies, Breha. May I introduce the newest Champion of Naboo, Prince Dick Jackson of the Tri-Parsec Area.”

“Tri-Parsec Area?” Bail wondered. “I don’t believe I’ve heard of that system.”

Dick smiled that winning smile of his and Padme instantly knew the Organas would love him, “Don’t worry. No one has. I’m actually a bit lost at the moment, you see. My home system is somewhere in the Unknown Regions and I can’t reasonably find my way back without my father’s help.”

Breha gasped, “How terrible!”

Dick laughed off her concern, “It’s not as bad as it sounds. I’ve made myself quite comfortable here in the known galaxy. I know I’ll find my way home eventually. And when I do, I hope to have someone to introduce to my parents.”

He looked at Padme with a twinkle in his eyes as he said that. A twinkle that sent her stomach into delightful flips and flutters. Padme almost found her breath taken away by the way he looked at her.

“Hmmurgle…” Padme’s words failed her.

Dick — that infuriating man Padme was sure she was falling head over heels for — just smiled. Padme looked away, allowing herself to recover. When she looked back at her guests, Breha was staring at her with a mischievous, knowing glimmer in her eyes.

Padme tried to cut it off at the knees, “So! That’s Dick! He’s been a great help in everything these past two weeks. It was actually his plan that saw Naboo liberated so quickly and he rescued me from battledroids when we first met. I’m glad to call him a friend.”

“Yes, I can see why you’d be glad to call him a ‘friend’~…” Breha smirked.

Padme desperately tried not to whine, “W-We should keep the queue moving. Dalia and Senator Iblis are behind you anyway. I would like to spend a touch longer with them as well.”

“Oh?” Breha blinked at that. “I don’t think I noticed that. Well, call them up as well. I haven’t seen young Dalia in ages~!”

Bail chuckled, “I don’t think we mind sharing our greeting time with Garm and his Dictat.”

Padme quickly realized there would be no easy escape from Breha’s teasing. With Dalia joining them, it would likely only get worse. But before she could stop him, Dick motioned for the next in the queue.

Like with the Organas, the Corellian delegation had Padme greeting an old friend. Dalia Lyons was the Dictat of Corellia and Padme was very familiar with her. They met at a Young Leaders of the Republic meeting nearly four years ago. Since then, both of them had gone on to do great things. Padme had become Queen of Naboo and Dalia became the youngest Dictat in Corellia’s history at only 18.

Dalia was the older sister Padme never had. She was beautiful — with perfect dusky skin, white hair, and a body that might as well have been a weapon. She was brilliant and motivated. She was half of what Padme hoped to emulate with her statesmanship — Breha being the other half.

They didn’t see eye to eye on every issue but Padme strove to maintain their friendship despite that fact. Dalia was also an even worse tease to Padme than the motherly Breha.

“Padme~!” Dalia wasted no time running up to hug her friend upon entry to the greeting chamber.

“Da-lia…! Can’t… breathe!” Padme gasped out.

Dalia let Padme breathe, still holding her at arm’s length and worrying over her, “Oh, I’m sorry, Pads! I’m just so happy to see you safe. I was so worried! I tried to send aid but the Chancellor only allowed a single Corvette! Disgraceful!”

“That was more than enough. In fact, the Corellia Bound was instrumental in the liberation of Naboo,” Dick interjected as Padme caught her breath.

Surprised, Dalia noticed Dick and the others for the first time. Her eyes widened upon seeing him. Padme tensed. She knew the look in her friend’s eyes.

“My my~ Hell~ooo~ Mister Gorgeous~! Who might you be~?” Dalia purred in a sultry voice.

“No! Mine! I saw him first! I called first dibs!” Padme’s mouth and heart worked faster than her mind.

Dalia stopped on a dime. Slowly, she turned back to Padme. A wide, wicked grin spread across her face, “Oh~?”

Padme froze, praying the action would suddenly make her invisible. It never had before but it was worth a try. So she froze as still as a statue, hoping that would be enough to avoid her friend’s interest. It wasn’t.

“Padme, Padme, Padme,” Dalia tutted her name like a clock ticking down to Padme’s doom-by-teasing. “Just what have you been up to~?”

Dalia’s grin sent chills down Padme’s spin. Thrilled chills — she was still happy to see her friend — but chills nonetheless. Dick just stood off to the side with Bail and Garm Bel Iblis, just watching this all happen. The traitor…

“I-I don’t know what you’re referring to,” Padme tried to salvage what she could from the situation.

It was for naught, Breha inserting herself into the conversation and dashing any hope Padme had, “It seems our young royal friend has found herself a champion, Dalia~ Why, she was just singing his praises before you arrived~”

“And what exactly has he done that has our little Padme so enamored, Breha~?” Dalia asked.

“It seems he’s saved her life — perhaps more than once — and helped her liberate her people from oppression,” Breha answered matter-of-factly. “They must have been through much together to grow close so quickly.”

“My my~ Mayhaps we should thank him for saving our friend, hmm~?” Dalia hummed attractively.

“Oh, yes, I intend to show my gratitude with a gift of the finest Alderaanian wines,” Breha nodded. “Though I imagine your thanks to him will be a bit more… personal…”

Dalia’s smirk was practically predatory, aimed at both Padme and Dick, “Something like that~”

“Did I mention he’s a prince as well?” Breha asked ‘innocently’. “Not of anywhere you would recognize — or so he claims — but it’s still worth mentioning.”

Dalia laughed with wicked delight, “How romantic~! It’s just like those old Holovids Padme and I loved as young girls! The mysterious stranger who saved the heroine turns out to be a prince~! And the unfortunate heroine who forsakes her duty and runs away with him to live a comfortable life away from it all~!”

“I’ve offered but Padme wouldn’t dream of abandoning her people. I must say, it was certainly the most admirable way I’ve been rejected. If anything it just motivated me to try again once her duty to her people is over and done with,” Dick said nonchalantly as if he wasn’t adding fuel to the fire.

“Dick?!” Padme gasped.

“Of course,” Dalia grinned. “Admirable is just about the first word I would use to describe our Padme. Though if you reject him again, Padme, I’ll have to call your sense of sanity into question~”

Padme huffed, “Honestly, it was just his way of taking my mind off what was happening. Harmless teasing, nothing more. I very much doubt it was a serious proposal.”

Dalia quirked an eyebrow at Dick and he flashed a grin back at her. Dalia tittered into her hand. Padme did her level best to ignore the exchange just as she’d ignored the improper fantasies Dick’s proposal had sparked within her mind.

“Well, despite your rejection, the handsome prince should still be rewarded for his heroics, yes~? Personally rewarded~ I wouldn’t want him to become ~discouraged~ from saving you again in the future~” Dalia purred.

The way Dalia walked over to Dick — slinky hips swaying seductively — and ran teasing fingers over his chest made Padme’s mouth run wild again, “No!”

She recovered quickly this time, “A-Ahem… Dick is already being appropriately compensated for everything he’s done for me.”

“Come now, Padme, look at him,” Dalia pouted. “Can’t you share?”

The third time it happened, Padme bore her verbal slip with pride, “Not until I get the first taste!”

Dalia sighed overdramatically, “Ah~ they grow up so fast~”

Padme glared, “Yes, so you can stop teasing ‘them’ so ruthlessly now, Dalia.”

An unrepentant smile stretched across Dalia’s face, “Where’s the fun in that~?”

Bail Organa was the bearer of bad news, “Unfortunately, we seem to be running out of time here. You have more guests to greet, Your Majesty. We should be getting out of your hair.”

“Indeed,” Garm Bel Iblis added. “We’ve taken enough of your time already. Any more and people will start to talk. It’s been a pleasure seeing you again, Padme. And a pleasure meeting you, Dick.”

“Likewise,” Dick returned the pleasantry with a winning smile and a firm handshake.

Garm looked a bit surprised by the strength behind the handshake. Already, Padme could see him deciding that Dick was a likable young man. She didn’t know him as well as Bail but he was Dalia’s foster father so they were still decently well acquainted.

Breha sighed, “Yes, I don’t believe we’ll get away with dragging this ‘simple greeting’ time out any longer.”

“You’ll come to find me when this is over and the celebrations have started? Both of you?” Padme ‘asked’, insisting without saying so.

Dalia treated her to a genuine smile, letting her teasing drop for the moment, “Of course, Padme. We still have so much more to catch up on. Stay strong, love. There aren’t too many left in the queue.”

Padme nodded, dreading the fact that she had to put on her royal mask again and return to the monotony of greeting guests she barely knew. Dick came back to her side, taking her hand for a moment and squeezing lightly. The reminder that he was here as well bolstered Padme’s willpower to see this through. The knowing look Dalia shot her as she and the others left hinted that the teasing wasn’t yet done but Padme would almost welcome it after the next 10 or so guests. And much more after all that remained after that…

“Right,” Padme steeled herself. “Who’s next?”

“The delegation from Kashyyyk,” Dick answered.

That brightened Padme’s diminishing mood slightly. Not as much as seeing her friends again but the Wookies were always a treat.

“Very well. Send them in.”



After reuniting with her friends, the rest of me and Padme’s time greeting guests was rather uneventful. That wasn’t to say it wasn’t fruitful. I’d made so much progress in one afternoon that it wasn’t even funny. But I could understand Padme’s apparent impatience with this process.

It was certainly tedious, much of the same thing over and over again. And we couldn’t neglect even a single guest. These were important people in the galaxy. Senators and system leaders, every one of them had a level of influence that couldn’t be ignored.

In terms of behavior and attitude, some of the guests were better than others. The delegation from Alsakan — only a ‘mere’ diplomat had bothered showing up — was dismissive and holier than thou. On the other end of the spectrum, the Wookies were just about the friendliest species I’d met so far.

I was carefully noting each and every guest. While I was properly polite to all of them, some got more of my consideration than others. It was all down to how they treated Padme. I’d need allies and connections in the galaxy but I wasn’t about to deal with the kind of people who would dismiss or slight Padme.

That turned out to be a decent strategy very quickly. The ones who were genuinely friendly, offering Padme condolences or congratulations, were also the types of systems and sectors that I could see myself working with. The others quickly made my list of places to destabilize, puppet, conquer, and control. I could work with the Wookies. And I would make sure Alsakan felt my scheming, Silver-Tongued wrath.

After all of that, the last greeting couldn’t come soon enough. Naturally, the ‘best’ was saved for last. Chancellor Valorum entered the greeting chamber and gave us both a friendly smile. It didn’t do much to reduce the tension in the room, not from Padme’s side of things at least.

Surprisingly, he didn’t have an aide or advisor by his side. I’d bet good money that was a rare sight. You don’t hold a public position of power like that without hangers-on trying to shadow your every move.

“Supreme Chancellor Valorum,” Padme greeted tensely. “Welcome to Naboo.”

“Greetings, Queen Amidala, and congratulations on your victory,” Valorum greeted in turn.

“Thank you. Have you met my companion here? Dick Jackson is Naboo’s newest champion. I could not have accomplished what I did without his aid.”

I gave the Chancellor a bowing nod but didn’t try to shake his hand, “Supreme Chancellor. It’s my pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“The people of Naboo give their gratitude for your show of aid in their time of need, Supreme Chancellor,” Padme’s royal persona was fully and firmly in place. “Insignificant though it may seem, it was just barely enough to sway the tide in our favor.”

“Maaannnn~, I tried…” Valorum let out a sigh, his whole dignified older persona dropping in an instant. “The assholes in the Senate stopped me from doing just about anything. I was just lucky Corellia’s Dictat lent me that Corvette off the books.”

I blinked. That… was not how I expected the Supreme Chancellor to sound. His tone was informal, more than casual, almost civilian. He sounded like a surfer bro talking about a missed wave. It was so at odds with what I was expecting that I had to take a step back and reassess him.

It seemed Padme had to do the same, “Chancellor Valorum…?”

Valorum waved a nonchalant wave, “Don’t worry, dude, no one else is here to, like, listen in, or whatever. Made sure of that much. I just needed a place to let my hair down, ya know? After everything that happened recently, I figured you’d feel the same.”

“That’s… a very interesting manner of speaking, Chancellor,” I observed while Padme was at a loss for words.

He chuckled, “Hey, man, I had a life before becomin’ a politician too. I was a little thrill seeker, my dude. Surfed the galaxy from Mon Cala to Kamino.”

Oh, my God… He wasn’t like a surfer bro. He was a surfer bro! The Supreme Chancellor of the Republic had a ‘dark’ past as one of the galaxy’s gnarliest surfers.

“Why are you telling us this? Talking like this…?” Padme asked.

Valorum shrugged, “I’m old, man. Thought being casual like this would help me relate to the youth like you. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I’m on your side. I’m tired of not being able to do anything even though I’m the damn Chancellor. I think you can help me change that, my dude Amidala.”

Padme cringed, “Please… don’t call me that.”

“Sure thing, man,” Valorum’s laugh was carefree and without offense. “Just keep doing what you’re doing. You’ll make waves and I’ll get back to doing what I do best: surfin’ ‘em!”

Then like a switch was flipped, Surfer Bro Valorum was gone and Supreme Chancellor Valorum was back in his place, “Now, I’ve taken up enough of your time, Queen Amidala. Again, my congratulations on your victory. I shall be watching your career with great interest.”

Neither of us really knew how to react as he left. It was just such a strange shift of character. I thought I knew what he was doing though. He was trying to make himself accessible and amiable for the Republic’s newest political rising star in Padme. Her victory here meant good things for her future and even if no one else knew about our control over Nute Gunray, she was set to shake things up in the galaxy once her term as Naboo’s Queen was up.

Padme shuddered, confusion evident in her expression, “I think… I need a drink.”

“Well, then I suppose it’s a good thing the party has just gotten started,” I chuckled.

The celebration of Naboo’s liberation was anything but understated. It was a planet-wide bash. And here in the capital of Theed, the highest levels of the Republic gathered for a celebration of their own, led by the Queen.

The focus should have been on Naboo. And it was. At first. But it quickly became just another politician’s party for too many of the attendees. They mingled and moved, making connections — new and old — and working out deals and compromises.

It was a scene I’d been prepared for and one I took great advantage of. I was making inroads with several systems, planets, and sectors that would be useful for me in the future. In essence, I was networking. A process that was supernaturally enhanced by my Essence.

Friends were made faster than usual. Enemies couldn’t find a reason to hate me. And those on the fence found themselves leaning sympathetic to my cause — whatever it might be. Most importantly, I was making my name known. Dick Jackson, Lost Prince, and now, Champion of Naboo.

Padme played the game with me for a while. But then she found Dalia and Breha again. After that, any hope she had of socializing with the rest of the party disappeared in an instant. She deserved the break her friends offered though. Especially after the afternoon of greeting and the weeks she’d just had.

When she was whisked away by Breha and Dalia (mostly Dalia), I found myself hanging out with the other half of both of their delegations. Garm Bel Iblis, Senator of Corellia, and Bail Organa, Senator of Alderaan.

We were on one of the palace’s balconies. The party continued in the grand hall behind us. Below, people danced in the streets. Above, the sky was filled with fireworks. Padme and the ladies were off to one side, just talking, reconnecting, and enjoying themselves. That left me to continue talking shop. There was no way I was wasting this chance.

“Dick, I think I have to thank you yet again for all you’ve done for Padme,” Bail said. “She’s something like a daughter to Breha and I’m quite fond of her as well. You helped her at her lowest. So know this… You have a friend in Alderaan.”

I nodded, “That’s very kind of you, Bail. I would have done it again even without the reward. Padme is… well, she’s special.”

“That’s putting it lightly,” Garm snorted. “I don’t think I know anyone else who liberated her people from an oppressive megacorporation before even turning 18. Even Dalia waited until then to break records.”

“If only I could convince her to come with me early,” I sighed.

“Oh? What are your plans after this, Dick?” Bail asked.

“I need to kill some time before Padme’s term as Queen is up,” I answered. “When it is, I plan on asking her to join me on my adventures across the galaxy. At least for a short while. Then I plan on helping her become a Senator as is her dream. From there, we’ll turn the Republic on its head.”

“A worthy goal,” Garm agreed. “Force knows the Republic needs a good stirring up. Too much corruption in just about everything. If I didn’t have a duty to my sector, I’d never step foot on Coruscant.”

“And what will you do between now and the time Padme’s term is up?” Bail pressed.

“Build myself a kingdom,” I said firmly.

“Interesting…” Garm mused. “Corellians are built a bit more independent than most so I can’t really fault you for that ambition.”

“I haven’t been. Perhaps I can come to visit during my travels…?” I ‘suggested’.

Garm laughed, “Of course! I’m sure Dalia would love that. Why, I’d have to get her a shock collar to keep her off you! Actually… maybe you shouldn’t come to visit…”

Bail rolled his eyes, “Oh, shut up, Garm. You know you can’t hope to control a young woman like Dalia.”

“I’m not hoping to control her,” Garm frowned. “But I shouldn’t have to think about my little girl as a sexual being! Ever! She’s too young and busy for romance!”

Bail smirked, “Do you want to say that to her face?”

Garm shuddered, “… On the other hand, having someone who has already proven himself as a trustworthy ally and champion on Dalia’s side will do wonders to soothe the worries of my old bones!”

“If it makes you feel better, she won’t just be ‘your little girl’ when I’m done with her,” I said with a smile that wouldn’t have melted butter.

Garm paused, “… I wish I could hate you for what you just implied but you sound so innocent and unassuming that I’m just going to assume you didn’t mean anything untoward by that.”

That had Bail burst out into laughter, “Ahahahah~! Dick, you make me glad I don’t have a daughter.”

I nodded, still as innocent as can be, “Yeah, she wouldn’t be safe from me either. And just think… This is what I do to the men I like…”

They both froze, “You’re a scary man, Dick Jackson.”

“But a worthy son-in-law.”

Garm sighed, “Perhaps. At the very least, I can’t dismiss you out of hand.”

“Don’t worry. You’ll learn to love me as the son you never had,” I assured as if I was saying the void was dark.

“I probably will at that… Force damned pretty boys…” Garm grumbled. “At least tell me you aren’t a damn pacifist. We’re going to need something to talk about if you’re so intent on being my son-in-law.”

A devilish smile spread over my lips, “Oh, Mr. Iblis, I am anything but~…”




I was not prepared for surfer bro valorum xD

Pope Yoda I

Given Diana's 'mission' as his personal bodyguard, I kind of expected either her presence or a sentence or two explaining her absence (maybe arm wrestling a wookie in the corner to a cheering crowd of drunk politicians?) That said, thank you for the chapter. Happy New Year.