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Every eye in the amphitheater was locked on Sabine. Smoke still rose from the muzzle of her bolter. Before anyone could’ve reacted, the mystery Sister had killed the innocent-looking Jimmy Space. And then the audience watched as Jimmy’s body twisted and morphed after his death into some wrong and revolting Xenos creature.

None of them knew what they were getting into with this meeting. They just knew that the Jackalopes — a well-respected gang in Zion — had called a conclave. Most were just attending out of some sort of obligation. That changed when they saw who was present, standing next to Miko.

Not just the defacto ruler of Zion, Lady Diana, but also an unknown. What was a Sister of Battle doing in the Underhive? Were they all in danger of getting purged? Had they invoked the Emperor’s wrath? Only one of them had the courage to ask.

“Honored Sister!” The leader who Sabine thought was dressed as a wannabe Rogue Trader exclaimed pompously. “Thank you for visiting our humble home! Truly, you are an inspiration! But I must ask! Have we earned your ire in some way?!”

“And you are?” Sabine deadpanned at the man’s theatrics.

“My apologies, Honored Sister!” the man continued to ham it up without an ounce of shame even as those in other groups who knew him rolled their eyes or groaned. “I am Thaddeus Stoned! Heir and kin to the great Stoned dynasty of Rogue Traders!”

“What is the heir to a Rogue Trader dynasty doing as the leader of a gang in the Underhive?” Sabine asked knowingly.

Her direct question had Thaddeus stumbling over his words, “W-Well… I-It’s… complicated. P-Politics and such… I’m sure you know how it is. I’m sure my family will come to collect me soon.”

“Of course,” Sabine had to try very hard to not roll her eyes at the man’s delusions. “Well, Thaddeus, to answer your question… None of you have earned my ire. If anything, you have all been recommended to me as trustworthy and reliable servants of the Emperor. I am here in your city because of an unfortunate twist of fate. But now that I am here, I wish to call upon your aid.”

“Vhat is name, Sister?” A gruff woman grunted in a heavily accented voice.

Sabine held her head high as a servant of the Emperor should, “I am Sabine Hallow. Proud, ever-loyal member of His Sororitas and self-appointed protector of one Octus Humblestock — my companion beside me.”

Octus started at that declaration. It was news to him. Though it probably shouldn’t have been, now that he thought about it. She had said as much on multiple occasions now. But hearing Sabine put her ‘duty’ to him next to the Emperor was enough to strike Octus speechless.

The leaders there looked at Octus with new eyes. That included Lady Diana. Though in reality, her eyes had never left his form since he’d come running up to Sabine. She was taking in every detail she could, thanking Sabine and the Emperor internally for the opportunity. Her connection to Violet fed Diana information that no one else would’ve been able to get, directly from the minds of both Octus and Sabine. And she loved everything she was learning, especially what Violet could feel beneath those fatigue pants.

Diana was a big woman. It took an equally… sizeable man to show her a good time and satisfy her. In the past, she’d had to rely on her pet for satisfaction and hope for the impossibility of a Space Marine showing up in her life. So when Violet had alerted her to Octus and Sabine’s arrival in her city, Diana sensed a… promising opportunity. Standing so close to Octus was only confirming the potential that Violet had sensed upon his arrival.

And while Diana was impatient, itching to get her hands on the absolutely blessed himbo, she also knew how to bide her time. She would wait for the perfect chance to strike, to get Sabine on her side and bring Octus with her. Sabine had found Octus first but Diana and Violet would be the catalysts that pushed them together.

From there, the couple’s relationship would progress naturally until Diana and Violet — and maybe more — were included. Octus was more than man enough to share in Diana’s mind, especially with a Sister of Battle like Sabine. The Sister didn’t know half of how blessed he was but she was right on one account. Octus was certainly favored by the Emperor Himself.

The things Violet had pulled from Sabine’s mind were what made Diana so confident that her vision of a future revolving around Octus Humblestock would come to pass. Things that even Sabine didn’t know about herself. Sabine was still in denial of the very idea that she could have feelings for Octus. In her mind, she was dedicated to the Emperor and while she was opening up to the idea of devoting herself to Octus as well, it was still a work in progress.

But buried beneath that denial was a level of love and devotion that was almost overwhelming to Violet’s… special senses. It was so intense that it was actually leaking into Violet and, through her, into Diana. Sabine wanted Octus to have everything he could ever want and she found the idea of other women in her Guardsman’s life to be surprisingly arousing. She wanted to give him the big family of his dreams. She wanted to make others see him as she saw him — as the most special of the Emperor’s chosen. And once that dam of denial broke, it would never close again.

Diana and Violet both knew that they had to wait for that dam to break naturally. If they did not, Sabine could reject her emotions and that would only result in disaster. Even as another question was asked by the crowd, Diana’s attention remained on Octus. He was worth the wait, she decided…

“And what aid do you ask of us, Sister Sabine-san?” one of the heavily tattooed gangers asked respectfully.

“Good question,” Sabine nodded. “What is your name?”

“Yoshikaze, Sister-san.”

“Well, Yoshikaze, it is my understanding that none of you are fans of the cultists that currently infest your Hive City, yes?” Sabine’s question got nods and other affirmatives so she continued. “I have received information that those cultists have something planned that could endanger the entire Hive, including this safe haven in the Underhive. I wish to stop them.”

Sabine spoke with gravitas and importance. Every one of her words had a weight that settled over the amphitheater. The audience listened with rapt attention. She was talking about their homes, their lives, their friends and families. Her voice carried strong and clear, swaying even the most skeptical of listeners.

“She’s got my vote,” someone shouted from the back.

“Aye! You have my sword, Honored Sister!” Thaddeus declared just as arrogantly as always.

Sabine pursed her lips as a chorus of agreement went up throughout the gathered crowd, musing even as she told her audience what she knew, “The cultists plan to sabotage the Hive’s heatsink but… to be honest, I do not think that is the entirety of their plan. I have heard things about a ritual… Things I very much do not like to hear. But I have no proof. There is only so much I can do.”

News of the ritual caused worried murmurs to run through the audience. Suddenly, everyone looked much less sure of themselves. Fear and anxiety hung thick in the air of the amphitheater. Even Sabine herself wasn’t immune to the implications that a heretical ritual carried with it. Octus was though, through sheer naivety and himbo optimism.

He stepped forward, drawing everyone’s attention when Sabine motioned for him to speak, “Alright, folks… I know this voodoo-magic-ritual shit sounds scary. But I’ll tell ya now, it ain’t. Just a bunch of heretic dummies dancin’ around in one big circle, chanting to Emperor knows what. I guarantee all of y’all are stronger, smarter, and more faithful than ‘em.

“Ya can’t let all that thinkin’ stuff go to yer head. This is for yer homes, yer families, yer city. I know my pa woulda whooped me black and blue if I let some silly heretic shit scare me. So I know where I’ma be if this ritual even turns out to be real… Right by Sister Sabine’s side, puttin’ a stop to it.

“We got the Emperor on our side and I, for one, ain’t about to let Him down. We’ll just take this one problem at a time. Stop the sabotage and then stop the ritual. And kill every single heretic and traitor that gets in our way. I reckon it really is that simple.

“So ya can either worry ‘bout it an’ do nothin’ or ya can fight! Fight for everythin’ ya’ve ever known! Fight for yer Hive, yer city, yer planet, and the Imperium! Fight for the Emperor! Fight with His daughter in front of ya!…

“I know what I’ll be doin’…”

Octus stepped back as he finished speaking. The speech and the squeeze he gave Sabine’s hand as he passed swelled her heart and made heat rise in her loins. The way he took control of the room and changed its energy with simple words and sheer charisma did something to Sabine that she couldn’t explain to herself. For the first time since she met him, a bit of denial was chipped away and Sabine explicitly admitted to herself that Octus Humblestock turned her on like nothing else.

There was no applause. The gangers and leaders just sat there for a moment, taking in Octus’ words. He didn’t say anything especially complex. But that was honestly a bonus to the poorly-educated Underhivers. Octus seemed like he could’ve been their neighbor or drinking buddy in another life. And he was calling for them to fight, to stand up and discard their worries and fears. It had an effect on everyone there.

An unseen wave of confidence and conviction rolled over the crowd. People sat or stood up straighter. Hard glints appeared in their eyes.

“Well said, man!” Thaddeus called, wiping a dramatic tear from his eye.

The familiar antics of one of their own were all that was needed for the wave of conviction to break upon the amphitheater. It didn’t disappear but it fell into the background as people rolled their eyes and poked fun at the wannabe Rogue Trader. But still, an undercurrent of steel and fire remained within everyone gathered there. One ignited by Octus’ light and bolstered by the Emperor’s will…

Sabine asked for volunteers after that. People couldn’t raise their hands fast enough. A plan was drawn up. The initial wave of volunteers ended up consisting of two of the groups there. One was Thaddeus and his gang and the other was Yoshikaze and his people. They would be sent ahead to guard the heatsink while the rest of the conclave rallied their forces and prepared themselves.

The meeting was wrapped up and dismissed. Everyone left with orders to arm themselves and wait for the call to battle. Sabine had a feeling that things would be kicking off soon. But for now, they had a chance to rest.

She and Octus had fallen into the Underhive quite early in the previous evening. They’d spent a couple of hours letting Octus recover and then the rest of the time since had been spent running around the Underhive. According to Sabine’s timepiece, it was currently the early hours of the next day’s morning. Time was difficult to tell without easy access to the sky but both Sabine and Octus felt the need for rest.

Of course, Diana was canny enough to notice their fatigue and offer them a place to lay their heads. Sabine and Octus were more than happy to take her up on that offer. Miko split off from their little group on their way back to Diana’s place. She, unfortunately, couldn’t rest yet as she was the main source of coordination between all of Zion’s gangs and guilds at the moment.

Diana led them back to her quarters. The events of the day were starting to really catch up to Octus and Sabine wasn’t far behind. While Sabine could force herself to stay awake and aware for days on end, she didn’t like doing so. Especially not when it wasn’t necessary.

When Octus walked past Milly — Diana’s secretary — Sabine was absently satisfied with the teenage girl’s reaction. The dropped jaw and flustered staring were the only right way to react to Octus’ magnificence as far as Sabine was concerned. It was the only time Sabine saw her visibly react to anything. A rare occurrence if Diana’s giggles said anything.

Diana graciously allowed the two of them to use the guest rooms in her quarters. Octus turned in immediately, disappearing into a side door, but Sabine stayed for a while longer to talk to Diana and Violet. Violet fetched and opened a bottle of Amasec wine with a familiarity that spoke of routine. Sabine and Diana accepted the offered glasses and settled in for a quiet conversation.

Diana sat gracefully, folding her impossibly long legs beneath her and mentally preparing for the conversation. She was already scheming how to use this to push Sabine and Octus together.

“Soooo~, Sabine — may I call you Sabine?” Diana asked with a sexy drawl to her voice.

“You may,” Sabine confirmed, already feeling more than a little bit out of her element.

“Then you may call me Diana. Anyways, that Guardsman of yours truly is marvelous. Did you train him yourself?”

Sabine cocked her head, not quite getting what Diana was trying to imply, “No? I’m sure the Guard and his Commissar did… I only met Octus recently.”

Diana giggled haughtily, “Hoho~ no need to be coy, my dear. We’re both women here.”

“I don’t think I follow…”

Diana hummed, “Hmm… No, I don’t think you do… Well, no matter. Just a bit of culture clash.”

“I see… To be honest, that is something of a worry of mine. Since I was raised in the Schola, I feel I am not able to relate to those with more ‘standard’ upbringings.”

“Nonsense, my dear. I think we get along just fine and from what I’ve seen, your Guardsman seems to feel the same way.”

“H-He does?” A bit of blind hope leaked into Sabine’s voice.

A brief smirk crossed Diana’s lips before it disappeared and she nodded seriously, “Indeed. The two of you seem to share something special. Some kind of spark. It really is quite beautiful to watch.”

A little needy whine came out of Sabine’s mouth before she squashed it and cleared her throat, “Ahem… Y-Yes. It is my belief that we have been brought together by the Emperor Himself. He has a plan for us. T-That must be what you think you saw…”

Diana giggled, “Of course, of course. I was not aware that the Emperor was a matchmaker…”

“The Emperor is many things…” Sabine said, barely containing a blush. “If He wishes for me and Octus to be together, I shall happily follow his will.”

“And your personal feelings on the matter?” Diana smiled knowingly.

Sabine’s blush won out against her self-control, “No comment…”

“Well, I for one, am looking forward to watching your relationship with your Guardsman develop in the future. Know that you have someone rooting for you, Sabine…” Diana said, raising her glass in a toast.

Sabine silently copied her, lost in thought. Diana’s words were certainly thought-provoking. They made the wall of denial in Sabine’s heart flicker. She could do worse for a partner than Octus Humblestock. The visions of herself on her knees before him from earlier resurfaced in her mind. Yes, much worse…

Suddenly, the vision of herself on her knees was joined by other women. Lady, Lacey, Diana, Violet, Miko, even that crazy bitch cultist… All kneeling before Octus and showing him the devotion and deference he deserved. It sent shivers of pleasure down Sabine’s spine. While a small selfish part of her wished to have him for herself, it was vastly overshadowed by her lust and denied love for Octus. The idea of showing other women the glory of Octus Humblestock had a certain… appeal to Sabine that was drowning out her already dwindling sense of monogamy.

Sabine had lived a very selfless life. She was a Sister of Battle. A Sororitas who devoted everything she had to the Emperor’s service. So sharing that devotion with Octus and the other women she would bring into his life was not that much of a stretch. If anything, it felt more natural than claiming him entirely for herself. But she would still be his first…

Sabine finished her glass of wine in quiet thought. Diana was astute enough to let the conversation fall into a lull. She knew that Sabine was working through her emotions and thoughts on her own. She didn’t need any distraction or prodding that Diana or Violet could provide.

The Sister of Battle stood, “Thank you, Diana. This has been a very… enlightening conversation. I think I should get some rest though before I say something I might regret in the morning…”

Diana nodded, “Of course, Sabine. Your room with be the first door on your right.”

Sabine returned her nod and said her farewells to Diana and Violet, disappearing through the door Octus had gone through just a bit earlier. She missed the exchange of looks that passed between her host and her pet. Something intangible transmitted Diana’s thoughts to Violet.

‘Remember, dear, just make it so events play out naturally. Their minds must remain their own. This will be him and her in the end…’

Violet nodded to her mistress, allowing her powers to fog Sabine’s mind ever so slightly. Her range could stretch to cover the entirety of Zion. Affecting a mind in the next room was no problem at all for the hidden pet Psyker.

Sabine stumbled into Diana’s guest room as her exhaustion finally caught up to her. She barely took notice of the room around her and didn’t notice a naked Octus lying asleep on the bed thanks to Violet’s meddling. She stripped herself of her power armor, revealing a toned, lush body, and stretched out the kinks that came with being locked in said armor.

Her mind drifted back to Octus. The dam of denial within her heart hadn’t collapsed but the idea of being with Octus and building him — for lack of a better word — a harem was now stuck in her mind. She kept coming back to it and the heat in her loins would flare. Her thighs rubbed together as she slid herself into bed, mind distracted by pleasant fantasies. A thin trail of liquid fire leaked from her core and down her leg.

She made herself comfortable in the bed, tucking herself under the covers. Her fidgeting and adjustments came to an abrupt stop when she ground up against another warm body. She froze still pressed up against the other person in the bed that she hadn’t noticed, mind stuttering in shock.

The gears of her mind began to turn again as she recognized Octus’ scent. Then the flustered panic set in. She was in bed with Octus! Why?! How had she not noticed that this room was already occupied?! Had she misunderstood Diana’s directions in her fatigue? This had to be some kind of mistake!

Sabine tried to force herself to move but her body wouldn’t respond to her thoughts. She was tense, feeling the warmth of Octus’ skin against hers. The heat in her core blazed even hotter. And instead of pulling away, her traitorous body pressed further into Octus behind her.

Octus murmured something in his sleep. Sabine tensed and froze again, praying that he didn’t wake up to her sneaking into his bed like… like some kind of scarlet woman! Then Octus shifted and his arms came up around her. She was pulled into his sleepy, unaware embrace. A barely suppressed moan escaped her lips.

Sabine’s brain wasn’t working right. Something about Octus had overloaded her consciousness. That was the only explanation for why she wasn’t leaping out of bed right this moment. Her heart pounded within her chest and her blood raced just beneath her skin. Her face and core had never felt hotter.

And all Octus did was hug her even tighter to his chest. Something impossibly large yet still soft pressed into her lower back. She could feel the strength in his arms around her. His legs unconsciously stroked along hers, intertwining them in an extraordinarily intimate way.

Despite the way her mind had frozen, unable to comprehend what was happening, Sabine’s body began to relax. She was safe, she was secure, she was warm, and she was in her Guardsman’s arms. She melted into Octus’ embrace, savoring each moment without even realizing it. Her racing heart calmed, matching the rhythm that was being beaten within Octus’ sleeping chest.

Eventually, Sabine gave up on trying to process anything. She was too tired, too comfortable to care. Her world descended into bliss and she closed her eyes. She didn’t know how she would explain herself when they both woke up and she found that she couldn’t bring herself to care at the moment. Consequences could come in the morning…


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