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Miko put out the word about the meeting rather quickly. She led Sabine through winding streets and passages within the labyrinth that was Zion. Sabine had long since lost track of where they were by the time they reached their destination. She figured she could trace their steps backward but this city messed with her sense of spatial awareness. At one point, Sabine could’ve sworn they were upside down…

Their first stop was Miko’s home/headquarters. Sabine met the rest of Miko’s family there. They were all nice if a bit too reverential toward her and forgettable for Sabine’s taste. She and Miko didn’t stay there for long though. They left right after Miko gave out orders to her gang. Then they were right back in that labyrinth, heading to meet Miko’s friend.

Sabine got the vague sense that they were in the city’s main anchoring spire and rather high up at that. Their second destination, the Guild of Coins, had its own section of Zion. There was a noticeable increase in the quality of their surroundings when they entered Guild-controlled territory. The materials were of a slightly better quality — though still stuck together like patchwork — and there were even decorations that added a sense of elegance that Sabine hadn’t seen anywhere else in Zion.

Miko ended up leading Sabine beneath a great Aquila made of dulled gold. Sabine nodded to the Aquila as they passed underneath it, satisfied that the proper deference to the Emperor was still being shown here. They entered a large, busy space that looked to be the center of the Guild’s operations in Zion and Miko pulled Sabine off to the side. She slipped into an out-of-the-way door and Sabine followed.

“Hey, Milly,” Miko greeted the person waiting in that side area. “Is she in?”

The woman Miko had greeted looked to be a secretary or assistant of some kind. She was young (barely an adult, if Sabine had to guess) but classically attractive with a playful and fashionable aesthetic. Her hair was dyed blue and her makeup was done up in an exaggerated but not gaudy way. She chewed something that Sabine vaguely recognized as candy, occasionally blowing pink bubbles with the confection.

She didn’t appear to care about her job very much though, whatever it was. A bored expression seemed to be perpetually stuck on her face as she fiddled with a data pad. She barely reacted to their entrance and even then it was just with a twitch of her gaze before she went right back to whatever she was doing.

She didn’t look up again when she replied to Miko’s question, “Yeah, she knew you were coming. You know the way.”

“Sure she did,” Miko said, playfully rolling her eyes.

“Whatever…” Milly muttered dismissively, blowing another bubble of candy.

Sabine raised an imperious eyebrow as she watched the interaction but ultimately followed Miko through the door behind Milly, “That did not seem promising…”

“Oh, that’s just Milly. Don’t mind her,” Miko said as if that explained everything. “I wouldn’t underestimate her though. That girl can be scary…”

“Her? I find that unlikely,” Sabine said incredulously.

Miko stopped and a shiver ran down her spine as she remembered something traumatic, “… She’s Diana’s first line of defense for a reason. That’s all I’ll say…”

Sabine fell into a considering silence as they stepped into the next room. Already things about Miko’s friend were not as they seemed. The anomalies continued to pile up as she scanned this new room. It was well-appointed and elegant, more fitting for the room of a spire noble than somewhere in the Underhive. Sabine even saw real wood in some of the furniture…

The room’s back wall was taken up by a balcony that overlooked the cavern that Zion resided in. The view was quite spectacular but it didn’t grab Sabine’s attention like the woman standing on the balcony.

She was tall and statuesque in a way that was impossible without extensive gene-sculpting. A flowing black dress hugged her generous figure and contrasted beautifully with her deathly pale skin. A high slit on one side of the dress showed off a wide expanse of plush thigh and long leg.

Then the woman turned her head slightly, revealing her elegant profile. Sabine felt her breath hitch in her throat for a moment before she recovered her composure. There was no doubt in Sabine’s mind that the woman had been perfectly crafted by the Imperium’s finest artisans.

The woman turned and walked toward Sabine with a dangerous sway of her hips. She was elegant. She was seduction personified. She was perfect and Sabine soon found herself staring up at perfection. The woman could’ve given a Space Marine a run for their money when it came to height.

“Hello, my dears,” the woman purred, stroking Miko’s cheek fondly. At least she didn’t have the audacity to do the same to Sabine. “I’ve been expecting you. What brings someone as worldly as you into my domain, Sister?”

Sabine’s back was set straight as a board from the woman’s tone and presence. It was like she was back in the Schola, talking to one of the instructors. The woman carried a sense of importance and nobility that felt earned instead of grating on Sabine’s nerves. Yet there was also a slight edge to her voice that told Sabine this was a very dangerous woman in the right settings.

“Fate and the Emperor’s will,” Sabine answered then added with a bit of humor in her voice. “I simply followed the white rabbit.”

The woman smirked with amusement, “Quite…”

“Dianaaaa~” Miko whined, blushing almost as red as her eyes.

“Of course, how silly of me,” Diana nodded as if she was going to apologize for teasing Miko. “I haven’t even introduced myself to our guest. Thank you for the reminder, little bunny~”

Miko buried her face in her hands, “Noooooo~ Not in front of Sister Sabine!”

Diana smirked and turned her attention back to Sabine. She recognized the sparkle of mirth in the Sister’s eye and mentally added a point in Sabine’s favor. Anyone who could see the pleasure in teasing her little bunny without going too far was worth getting to know in Diana’s opinion.

“I am Diana of House Winters, Mistress of the Guild of Coins. It is a pleasure to host you in Zion, Sister Sabine.”

The small curtsy Diana gave Sabine did things to the taller woman’s breasts that had Sabine frowning slightly in envy. Still, she returned the curtsy with a nod. Now that her attention wasn’t completely stolen by Diana’s perfection, Sabine continued to take in the rest of the room.

The furnishings matched Sabine’s guess that Diana was nobility. In fact, she was most likely the only remaining loyal noble on the planet. Sabine would not be surprised if she became the planet’s regent once it was taken back into the Imperium’s fold.

It was as she was looking around the room for the second time that Sabine noticed that there were four people in the room, not three. In addition to Sabine, Miko, and Diana, there was another woman who Sabine had somehow missed on her first pass over the room. It made sense to Sabine that she’d missed this fourth woman. She seemed to be perpetually shrunk in on herself like she was allergic to attention. It wasn’t as if she was lurking in the shadows, just that she wanted to avoid attracting attention to herself.

Sabine’s eyes locked onto the woman and she jumped, squeaking and covering a luminous blush with her hands. Other than how nervous and now panicked the woman looked, she was almost as attractive as Diana. She had long dark hair, violet eyes that almost seemed to glow, adorable features, and a full supple figure. Her… assets… were almost bursting out of the short, tight purple sweater dress she wore. She was much shorter than Diana, practically a shortstack in comparison, and her persona looked to be the exact opposite as well. While Diana was confident, this woman was awkward and anxious. She was having trouble even meeting Sabine’s gaze.

Seeing Sabine notice the other person in the room, Diana sighed, “Please don’t mind Violet there. She’s just quite shy. I’m sure she doesn’t mean any disrespect by not introducing herself.”

“Why is she even here?” Sabine asked curiously. She couldn’t find it in herself to be suspicious of Violet. If anything, she was adorable and as unthreatening as people came, reminding Sabine of a mouse.

Diana smiled fondly at Violet, “She’s something of a pet, to be blunt. But she’s also the best friend I’ve ever had. She’s been with me since I was a child and nowadays, she never leaves my side.”

Violet squeaked and seemed to overcome her nervousness to throw herself into Diana’s arms, “Di! I love you too!”

Sabine nodded. That did make some kind of twisted sense. Nobles were always eccentric in some way or another. And keeping a person as a willing pet was honestly pretty tame as far as Sabine was concerned. They were both consenting adults and were both safe and happy with their arrangement. And while Sabine never wanted that kind of relationship for herself, she could accept that different people wanted different things.

‘What if Octus wanted to keep me as a pet though?’ Sabine’s traitorous mind thought, seemingly out of nowhere. Sabine barely stopped herself from drooling at the idea. Images of herself on her knees between Octus’ legs, servicing him, flashed through her mind. She felt the weight of a collar embossed with the Aquila and all the symbols of the Emperor along with Octus’ name around her neck. Okay… maybe she wasn’t as against the idea as she thought she was…

In Diana’s arms, Violet somehow blushed even more crimson. She stared at Sabine with spirals in her eyes. It was almost as if Violet could… read… her… mind… Sabine immediately dismissed that idea for reasons she didn’t quite understand. Oh, because it was impossible and wrong and Violet totally wouldn’t do that to a Sister of Battle and these thoughts totally weren’t being implanted in her mind! Of course! Sabine nodded, satisfied with the justification she’d come up with, and Violet visibly relaxed.

‘I wonder if Octus would like these two,’ Sabine thought. ‘He deserves everything I can give him and more. I’m sure they’ll understand and agree when they meet him. I mean, how could they not?’

A mental prod brought a memory of Octus to the forefront of Sabine’s mind. She sighed and swooned internally. Violet met Diana’s eyes and something seemed to pass between them. Diana’s eyes lidded and a sultry purr of appreciation rumbled in her throat. When her gaze returned to Sabine, there was a calculating and interested look in her eyes that the Sister didn’t see.

“So~” Diana rasped. “Sister Sabine~ What can I do for you?~”

Sabine snapped herself out of her swooning over Octus, “… I find myself in need of information. Miko said you might know something about the cultists that have taken over the rest of the Hive City.”

Diana hummed, “Hmm, perhaps~ It’s possible I’ve heard something useful… For the right price~”

“Is this really necessary, Diana? With a Sister?!” Miko butted in.

“It is fine. This is just how some people operate,” Sabine soothed her new bunny friend. “I do not mind. Perhaps we could come to some kind of arrangement, Lady Diana? I’m sure I will be able to compensate you properly when I reconnect with Imperial forces…”

“And if I want something that the Imperium cannot provide?” Diana hedged. “Maybe what I crave is more… personal~”

“As long as it is reasonable, I shall strive to repay my debt,” Sabine stated firmly.

“Oh, I think you’ll find my request more than reasonable~ You might even say our goals align…” Diana smiled.

That made sense to Sabine, “Yes, I can see why you would want to rid your home of the heretics and traitors.”

Diana giggled, “You are right, of course, but it is not just that. There is something more… satisfying… that I want. And I believe you want it too, even if you haven’t accepted it yet~ We will help each other quite a bit in the future~”

Sabine cocked her head to the side, willfully ignorant of what Diana was obviously implying. Even Miko picked up that Diana was subtly talking about Sabine’s companion. She rolled her eyes. Those two really were perfect for each other. If only Sabine wasn’t so in denial.

‘She’ll accept it eventually,’ Miko thought. ‘And then she’ll be thanking Diana. Sabine will need all the help she can get to get through that himbo’s dense skull… Maybe I should see about throwing my hat into the ring as well…’

“… Very well,” Sabine said eventually. “We have an accord. When you call for me, I shall join your cause. Now… what can you tell me about the cultists and their ritual?”

Diana nodded seriously in satisfaction, inwardly cheering with Violet through their shared connection, “I have not heard much of this ritual. Mere whispers of whispers. But I do know of another scheme of theirs. They plan to sabotage the Hive’s heatsink. I don’t think I have to tell you that we will all burn if they succeed.”

“No, I believe I understand the severity of the situation should that happen…” Sabine soberly agreed.

“Uh,” Miko raised a hand in confusion. “I don’t… Like I get we gotta stop them but I don’t get what’ll happen if we don’t. What’s the deal with this heatsink thing?”

“The heatsink is a structure at the center of a Hive City. It does exactly what it says it does. It sucks up the geothermal heat from the planet below the Hive and transforms it into energy. But it also sucks up the excess heat from the Hive itself. If sabotaged, I can only see two possible courses of action. The heatsink will either fail slowly or quickly. Both would be catastrophic,” Diana lectured.

[AN: Imagine how hot a Hive City would be… Billions of people’s body heat in what’s basically one giant enclosed space. Plus all of the factories and other industries. It would be ridiculous.]

“I’m gonna act like all that didn’t just go way over my head,” Miko deadpanned. “My uneducated ganger brain got ‘sabotage=bad thing happens’ and that’s enough for me.”

Sabine snorted and Diana chuckled, “Never change, Miko…”

“Will you be at this meeting that has been called?” Sabine asked Diana.

Diana nodded, “I will. It may surprise you but I have a vested interest in the whole Hive not dying horrible deaths. I can’t make money off people if they’re dead.”

“Speaking of…” Miko said. “We should probably get moving if we want to be there at all. And don’t worry, Sabine. I’m sure one of my other siblings will have found Octus and the bums with him by now. He’ll be there as well.”

“Good… I wasn’t worried at all…” The expression on her face said the exact opposite.

Miko and Diana did her a favor and didn’t mention the contradiction. Violet giggled slightly, burying her head in Diana’s massive cleavage to muffle the noise. The gothic shortstack, while still visibly nervous, was more relaxed in Diana’s arms. She hadn’t left her perch at all during the entire conversation, getting a ‘feel’ for her mistress’ new friend in a way Sabine could’ve never imagined. Couldn’t imagine because Violet was blocking Sabine’s mind from coming to the correct conclusion after the close call from earlier…

They left Diana’s private quarters and she said a quick goodbye to the secretary Sabine met earlier, “We’re going out, Milly-dear. Take care of yourself while we’re gone~”

“Whatever…” the teenager muttered, not even looking up from her data pad.

“Such a sweetheart, that one,” Diana sighed as they walked away.

Sabine looked at her in askance but asked something unrelated that had been stuck in her mind, “Are you going to continue carrying your pet the entire time?”

Violet hissed at Sabine and Sabine reacted with surprising composure for someone who’d just been hissed at, “Ah, I see… My apologies, Violet. I meant you and your mistress no offense. I am simply not used to the uniquities of your relationship.”

Her apology seemed to pacify Violet but Diana sighed again, “As much as you hate it, I’m afraid she is correct, my dear. You must walk by yourself. Not in the least for the sake of my reputation. You wouldn’t want people to look down on me for coddling you, would you?”

Violet whimpered and grumbled as Diana set her down, “No… Sorry, Di…”

Sabine took pity on the shortstack, “Of course, I’m sure few would mind less visible displays of your affection. Like, say, holding your mistress’ hand to ensure you feel comfortable and safe…”

Violet’s almost pained expression disappeared and her eyes lit up with joy at the idea. Her crippling anxiety had come back in force the moment she stopped touching Diana. She could already feel the nervous shakes and stutters coming on so she hurriedly took Sabine’s advice. She took Diana’s hand and instantly, everything was right with the world again.

Diana shot Sabine a thankful look and got a simple nod in return, “Right, shall we be off?”

Nods were shared and the four women ventured back into the labyrinth of Zion. Miko led them through twists and turns and passages and alleys she knew like the back of her hand. Never once did they feel lost with the bunny girl leading them. They descended through the superstructure of Zion until they arrived at the base where the main spire began to bloom out into the rest of the city.

Miko led them to a small amphitheater. It was as close to open air as a location could be in a city like Zion. So while spacious, it was not actually exposed to the air of the cavern. They were met there by one of Miko’s family members who assured Sabine that Octus was alright and would be arriving shortly. Satisfied, Sabine and the other women began to make themselves comfortable on the stage of the amphitheater.

People began to filter into the area and take up spots on the stands. They arrived in small, distinct groups and already the conclave that Miko called was looking to be a diverse event. Sabine observed their audience, taking note of distinguishing features, tattoos, and symbols.

One of the groups that arrived looked like it was led by a wannabe Rogue Trader. His entourage was dressed in much the same style. Another group decorated themselves with cogs and gears and other purely mechanical items. Almost like they were a discount AdMech. Yet another had all of its members tattooed from head to toe, proudly displaying the dragons, oni, skulls, and Aquilas that were etched into their skin. And those were just the groups that immediately stood out to Sabine.

As time ticked on and the amphitheater filled, Sabine began to grow restless. Octus was still unaccounted for and the need to find him was beginning to fill her being. Right before she could take matters into her own hands though, he appeared.

He ran up to Sabine with an excited grin on his face. She could see the childlike joy in that smile of his and her heart fluttered with happiness. Then she noticed that he seemed to be dragging someone along behind him. She’d just been starting to turn her attention to the stranger when Octus reached and greeted her.

“Sabine! This place is amazing!” He said, never losing his wide smile. “I even met a new friend! Meet Jimmy Space!”

Octus pulled his new friend in front of him and Sabine instantly noticed something wrong with the scene. This ‘Jimmy Space’ had lavender skin… And a mouth with too many teeth in it… and three arms…

Sabine sighed, shaking her head in fond exasperation, “Oh, Octus… You sweet, sweet, naive child.”

“Huh?” Octus blinked. “What’d I do now?”

“Tell me, ‘Jimmy Space’…” Sabine turned her attention to the foul creature masquerading as a Human. “Who do you worship above all others?”

“Why, The Four-armed Emperor, of course,” the creature hissed ‘innocently’.

Octus winced, “Ah… yup, now I see it…”

“Quite,” Sabine said. Her lips quirked upward for a moment at the humor of the situation before her bolt pistol was in her hand and she was purging the creature from her sight.


That managed to get a chuckle from Sabine, “No harm done, Octus. At least, not this time. Do try and be more careful and aware in the future, yes? I would not want to lose you over something as silly as this.”

“Now,” Sabine turned to the audience who were watching wide-eyed and captivated as she greeted her companion and purged a Xenos. “Hello, citizens of Zion. My apologies for the delay…”



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