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A shiver ran down her spine as she felt everything that was going on in Romeo and Loona’s sections of the Shroud bond. Those two were still going at it. Becca could feel her hubby practically lose himself to animalistic lust. And if anything she felt from Loona was any indication, the Hellhound was quickly losing herself as well.

‘Good,’ Becca thought, nodding to herself. Romeo needed to be able to let himself go like this more often. He was so focused on creating happy endings for others and that left him with no time to create one for himself. Becca was sure he’d say he was working on his happy ending too, but that just wasn’t good enough in her mind. Sometimes, he deserved to sit back and let others do the happy ending for him.

And if Becca’s method for that was to help Romeo spread his love, who would stop her? Well, maybe Alt… but Becca was sure she’d be able to convince the digitized woman to come around to her side. Becca just had to remind the woman that she’d be in Romeo’s head most of the time now so why wouldn’t she want some… entertainment while she was in there?

It certainly helped that watching/listening/feeling Romeo ruin sex with anyone else for someone was hot as fuck. And lord knows that neither Becca nor Alt could keep up with him by themselves. They were killing two gonks with one bullet by helping Romeo live his happy ending and letting Becca revel in her voyeuristic tendencies. Alt said she wasn’t much of a cuckquean but Becca knew she’d be easy to convince to give the fetish a shot, especially after Alt finished watching/experiencing everything Romeo was doing to Loona.

Yes, Becca’s master plan of hedonism and happy endings was coming together nicely. She felt like cackling madly. Can’t have a master plan without some good mad cackles. The two people with her stopped her from fully committing to a cackle, but she did get off some deranged giggles. And only Moxxie seemed bothered by the giggles. Millie was as cool as always!

After Extermination Day ended, Becca jumped at the chance to hang out with her new bestie. Millie was great! Her pseudo-Southern drawl was adorable and so were her murderous, possessive urges. She was the sort of party girl that Becca could get behind and her husband wasn’t too bad either. Moxxie was a bit annoying with his ‘book smarts’ and constant need to be the smartest person in the room but Millie loved him so Becca was willing to give him a chance.

… Becca could do without the singing though. Nearly everyone she’d met in Hell seemed to be minutes away from breaking out into song. The phenomenon was particularly bad with Moxxie. Maybe it was just a cultural thing. Becca didn’t normally associate Demons with Disney though. She was sure Romeo had some explanation for it but for now, it was just weird to her. Like, seriously, an Exorcist put on a whole dramatic musical earlier before she and Loona captured it.

And right on schedule, Becca had to glare at Moxxie to stop him from breaking out into another romantic duet with Millie. Millie had the decency to look sheepish about it. Becca shook her head and changed the subject.

“Now that we’re not singing like madmen, I have to ask something, choombas…” Becca said pausing with a grin to build anticipation. “How open is your relationship?”

Moxxie tried to sputter about how offended he was by that question but Millie laid a hand on his arm and shut him up, “We do tend to dabble… But, uh, sweetheart? I doubt you’d have much fun with us. You and I may bat switch but my dear Mox here is a bottom. And while we might have some fun alone together, I don’t think you have the right equipment to take both Moxxie and me for a ride.”

“Pfft,” Becca scoffed. “I wasn’t asking for me.”

That made Millie’s eyes light up, “Oooooh?~ Now you’ve got my attention, Darlin’. This about that hunk of yours? I gotta say, he’s mighty lucky to have someone like you setting him up for success~”

“I try,” Becca preened, pretending to buff her nails on her shirt.

Moxxie finally managed to stutter out something intelligible, “W-Wha-, Millie!?! We can’t go around fucking strangers! Aren’t we better than that?!”

“You didn’t seem ‘better than that’ at the Gloryhole last week,” Millie smirked.

Moxxie blushed through his crimson skin, “T-That’s different.”

“Is it?~” Millie teased. “You’re fine hiding behind a wall but you won’t look the stud who’s railing you in the eyes?~ I didn’t know I married such an ungrateful hussy~”

Millie giggled at him and Moxxie squawked in indignation, “Millie! H-How scandalous… I-I just think we should be thinking about this more before jumping right in…”

Becca grinned, “What’s there to think about? You’ve seen Romeo. Tastiest snack you’ll find in Hell. And I can guarantee that he’s so much better than he looks.”

“Girllll~ spill~” Millie pressed. Moxxie tried to hide the fact that he was just as interested as his wife was.

Stifling a smile, Becca held her hands a certain distance apart. Millie squealed in excitement, hopping around in her seat like she was already sitting on the tool Becca was pantomiming. A whimper died in Moxxie’s throat and he found himself fidgeting in his seat as well.

“Surely that’s hyperbole…” he said. Becca just smirked at him.

“How are you not split in half?!” Millie asked breathlessly.

Becca shifted her hands into stretched ‘O’ shapes, layering them on top of one another like she was gripping a pole, “Romeo had to be a bit careful at first but we eventually found a way to make it work.”

Moxxie exhaled, his eyes locked on Becca’s hands, “Dear Satan…”

“C’mon, Hon,” Millie nudged her husband. “Are you really gonna pass up an opportunity to get your hands on that?”

“I-I, uh, um…” Moxxie stumbled over whatever he was trying to say. “… D-Do you have any pictures?”

Becca grinned. Hook, line, and sinker. She felt like cackling again. Playing Matchmaker was even more fun than killing Angels!


I lost track of time while I was with Loona. Everything faded into a haze of possessive pleasure and animalistic instincts. We coupled until Loona couldn’t go on anymore. Then I left her in my Sweet Home with need and desire still flowing through my veins.

I managed to briefly distract myself by exploring the Home. The master bedroom had been completely stained with the evidence of my and Loona’s pleasure. It’d clean itself easily enough but for now, it was essentially uninhabitable. I moved Loona into one of the adjacent bedrooms and then began to explore.

As I walked through the house, I took note of the almost homespun, fantasy-like decor. Most of the house seemed to be made of wood of one form or another and looked like it would go up in flames at the first spark. The interior was like a cottage that had been expanded and expanded but still retained a simple quality to it. It reminded me somewhat of The Burrow from the Harry Potter series. It had that cozy, lived-in feeling even though I knew it was brand new.

Other than the bedrooms, kitchen, living room, and bathrooms, most of the rooms hadn’t been assigned a purpose yet. One extra large room had been commandeered by whatever intelligence inhabited the Sweet Home and turned into a garage for the vehicles I’d requisitioned in Cyberpunk. Having futuristic vehicles in a wooden cottage was certainly a trip.

The majority of the house was contained in one big sprawling main floor. The bedrooms took up one side of this floor and the kitchen and living spaces took up the other. Between the two sides was a main hall/foyer. The garage and Pocket Space vault were both located at the end of the foyer farthest away from the entrance to the Home.

Right before the garage, there was a hatch with a pull cord like you might find on an attic door. When pulled, the hatch folded down into a staircase that led upward. The staircase wasn’t the rickety attic stairs that I’d been expecting though. It folded out into a full-size staircase thanks to what I could only assume was magic.

To my surprise, the stair led up to a short tower. It was only a story or two above the rest of the house but it offered a nice view of the surroundings and an interesting space for the house. Large bay windows decorated the tower’s perimeter wall and the room looked like it would be perfect for a library or reading nook.

With a sigh, I pushed open the bay doors that led out onto a small balcony and looked over my pocket dimension. The scenery was a little jarring and I could only blame it on the Fae. The whole pocket dimension was stuck in a state of perpetual twilight and something told me that wasn’t going to change. The house was surrounded by a dark forest that just seemed to end at some point. A dense blanket of fog coated the ground and made it look like everything was sitting atop a cloud.

The view was certainly putting a damper on my overwhelming horniness. This place reminded me of my last moments in my original world. It reminded me of the Fae and that just made me feel complicated. It was an uncomfortable memory but it led to so much change in my life. Change for the better in my opinion. It led to my chance for a happy ending and an escape from my previous existence.

But I also still remembered the terror and feelings of helplessness from that moment. Even before the Fae showed up, I was at my wit’s end. I was prepared to end it all. Then they showed up and saved and doomed me in equal measure. Or so it seemed at the time. Now that I’d gotten to know the Fae and my situation more, I think they just saved me in their own way.

I leaned against the balcony’s railing and brooded for a while. My debt was as good as paid off now. Thanks to Stella and Katie’s captures, we even went over the goal. Hopefully, we could negotiate something with First and the Fae to let me keep the extra points. Now that I was essentially a free man again though, I didn’t have a clue what I was going to do.

The multiverse was at my fingertips but that was part of the problem. There were just too many options. I had a goal, a purpose. One started by my mother and continued and encouraged by First and, surprisingly enough, the Fae. But that goal was only half of the equation. I still had to find people who needed happy endings and help them get there. Maybe First could help with that…

Eventually, my brooding was interrupted by a ping in the Shroud bond from Becca. I shook myself out of the slight funk I’d fallen into to check it. A part of me was very thankful that Alt was too distracted by something in my head to take notice of my brooding. Apparently, she found something of an amusement park buried deep in my ever-changing mental Digi-scape (patent pending).

Becca’s message was layered with faux innocence. I could feel the mischief and giddy excitement hiding underneath though. The contents of the message were simple enough. She just wanted me to meet her somewhere. She didn’t say why, just gave me an address in Hell and told me to show up soon.

I sighed. She was up to something but I didn’t know what. And knowing Becca, I was equally as likely to end up doing an Onlyfans cam show as I was to walk into a firefight. I felt my earlier horniness slowly sparking back to the fore. It was joined by the rising anticipation of a good fight. This concoction of hormones and feelings was something I’d come to accept and expect when it came to dealing with my favorite shortstack murder gremlin.

A grin spread across my face. Well, whatever Becca had planned, it promised to be a good distraction from my worries about the future.

I checked on Loona before I took a portal back to Hell. The Hellhound was still unconscious and snoring in the bed I’d put her in. With that done, I appeared in the sky above Pentagram City with a flash of white light. The expression of my Hope element, alongside the anticipation for whatever Becca had planned, helped rejuvenate me.

The flight to Becca’s location was quick and uneventful. I still took the chance to revel in the freedom of unassisted flight though. That helped raise my spirits the rest of the way and the remaining dregs of my funk drained away.

When I landed at the address and made my way inside the apartment building, I was greeted by a grinning Becca. She stood on her tiptoes to kiss me without losing the grin. She motioned for me to follow her through the door she was standing in front of. I did and after I was through the threshold, Becca pushed me the rest of the way inside. The door closed behind me and I heard it lock.

“Be sure to film the fun for me, choom-baby!” Becca shouted from the other side of the door.

I blinked at the sudden transition then looked around the room I was shoved in. At first glance, it seemed like a typical apartment. Or at least, a typical apartment for Hell. Then my attention turned to the other two people in the room and everything slotted into place.

Moxxie looked at me nervously and gave me a sheepish wave. Millie grinned a grin that was identical to Becca’s, “Howdy, stud~”

“Uh, hi? What’s all this about?” I asked with a knowing smile on my face. I had a pretty good idea of what Becca had been up to.

“Oh, Satan, oh, crumbs,” Moxxie worried. “That temptress didn’t tell you anything, did she? You must be so confused. I-I knew this was a mistake...”

“Mox-baby, calm down and we’ll just explain it to him. I’m sure we can talk this out like adults,” Millie reassured her husband, glancing at me.

I shrugged, “Yeah, I’ve got no problem with that. I think I have some idea of what’s going on but it couldn’t hurt to get it out in the open, nice and simple.”

“But, dear, what if he says no now?” Moxxie whispered to Millie.

Millie replied at normal speaking volume, “Then he says no and I break out the strap so you and I can have some fun by ourselves.”

I snorted at that and Moxxie let out a whine, “Millieeee~ He didn’t need to know about that~”

“If things go to plan, he’ll find out a lot more than that soon enough,” Millie shot back.

“Yup, that sounds about right from what I’ve gathered,” I sighed, sitting in a chair while Moxxie and Millie took the couch. “Can I assume that Becca tried to set us up together?”

“I-Is that a problem?” Moxxie asked hesitantly.

I hummed, examining the couple as I considered my reply. They were certainly hot. Kind of perfectly my type, if I was being honest. I liked short bois and women. And Moxxie and Millie were both shortstacks. Their features were plenty cute enough for me. The red skin, horns, and tails were exotic and their bodies were enticing.

Moxxie was surprisingly stacked for a male Imp. He had an appealing pear-shaped figure and his body looked oh-so-soft to the touch. Millie was much the same. Her body made a perfect hourglass and I was itching to sink my fingers into those hips while I railed her from behind.

I also found that I quite liked their personalities. Or at least, what I’d seen of their personalities so far. A part of that attraction also came from my META knowledge of the show. Still, Moxxie was a cute, nerdy bottom and Millie was a murder-happy Southern Belle that reminded me of Becca with a bit of twang.

I liked how I didn’t have to worry about breaking them up as well. I might give them the best sex of their lives — I was almost positive they’d want to invite me back for seconds — but I knew their relationship was rock solid and they’d stay together no matter what. They were a wholesome married couple and I was happily confident with the knowledge that nothing I could do would change that.

“No… No, I don’t think it is,” I said, finally replying to Moxxie’s question.

Moxxie sighed in relief and Millie clapped her hands happily, “Wonderful, Darlin’! See, Hon? He’s just as easy-going as Becca said! You were worried about nothin’!”

“H-Haha, I-I guess I was,” Moxxie chuckled sheepishly.

Millie smiled and barreled straight ahead, “Great! Now strip, Mox! Let’s get this show on the road!”

“W-What?!” Moxxie squeaked, trying to cover his modesty as his wife hurried to pull his clothes off.

“Leave your tights on, Millie. I want to add another hole to them,” I added. “… And Moxxie’s bowtie.”

“Anything for you, stud~” Millie purred.

Moxxie was sent tumbling off the couch as Millie yanked his pants off. His shirt and vest were ripped off in a similar, hasty fashion. Millie followed my instructions, leaving the Imp femboy clad in only his bowtie and bare skin. Millie hurried to pull her blouse over her head, revealing perky tits that looked big on her tiny body exposed to the air. A pair of ‘X’-shaped pasties covered her nipples but I could still see them harden to diamonds underneath.

“Come here,” I ordered, relaxing back in my chair and taking in the sight in front of me.

Millie shot me a sultry look and began to sashay toward me. Moxxie gulped and nervously followed his wife, trying futilely to cover his crotch from my gaze.

I stopped their approach with a raised hand, “No. On your knees. Crawl.”

Moxxie whimpered at the order and I saw a shiver run up his spine. Millie’s grin grew wider and she quickly complied. She pulled her husband to his knees with her and then began to stalk toward me like a predatory cat. Moxxie meekly tried to copy her. I spread my knees slightly as the Imp couple came to a stop between my legs.

My Shroud flickered out of existence. My half-hard cock hung between my legs right before their eyes. It pulsed and slowly grew harder as Moxxie gaped at me and Millie licked her lips seductively. Their eyes were locked on my growing member and I saw it begin to physically affect them as it just kept growing.

By the time I had grown to my full size, Moxxie and Millie had to lean back on their heels to give me space. My cock stood upright and proud from my crotch like a monument to my need and desire. Moxxie was so dazed by the spear in his face that he stopped trying to cover his crotch, revealing an average-sized dick that throbbed between his legs.

Millie squealed with excitement and rubbed her thighs together, “Oooh!~ Mox! Look at that thing!~ Aren’t you glad you agreed to this now?~”

“W-What?” Moxxie asked, more than a bit distracted. “Oh, uh, y-yeah… yeah…”

I smirked down at him, “Why don’t you get more acquainted with it? Don’t worry. It won’t bite~”

Moxxie didn’t have a chance to verbalize his reply before my hand landed on his horn. I pulled him into my crotch, burying his face in my balls. My other hand landed on Millie’s horn much more gently. I coaxed her forward until her mouth was hovering over the tip of my cock.

“Oh, how noble of you, Moxxie~,” I said rhetorically, teasing the Imp whose eyes were currently going cross from my musk. “Letting your wife get to my shaft first. I’m sure she’ll thank you for this opportunity~”

Millie’s eyes sparkled as she joined my teasing, “Yeah, thanks, Sweetie! You must have known how excited I was!”

She took my cockhead into her mouth, giggling around my girth. I groaned as warmth suckled at my tip. A searing hot tongue swiped across my slit, collecting a droplet of precum that had beaded there. Soon enough, Moxxie recovered enough of his wits to join his wife in servicing me. He moaned into my balls as he got his first taste of me.

Together, the couple lavished every part of me they could reach with attention and lust. Moxxie took care of my sack and taint. His tongue even occasionally darted down to my asshole to shock me with a little jolt of pleasure. Millie bobbed her head on my shaft sensually. She slowly and steadily took more and more of me into her mouth and throat.

She swallowed effortlessly around me, sucking me deeper with every stroke. She didn’t even need to use her tiny hands to take care of the rest of my shaft. Instead, her hands joined mine on Moxxie’s horns and pushed him deeper into the base of my cock. Moxxie’s eyes rolled up in his head when he felt his wife’s touch.

I sat back and let the married couple work. It was a nice change of pace. I had to be the one taking the initiative with Loona since I was pretty sure she was a virgin before me. These two had plenty of experience though, both with each other and working together on others apparently.

My balls were dotted with kisses as Millie worked to get the last few inches of my meat into her mouth. Moxxie whined when she pulled him back slightly to get some more space. I held him at arm’s length so he could watch his wife with me.

Moxxie immediately stopped whining, captivated by his shortstack of a wife taking nearly a foot of cock into her throat. She didn’t let out so much as a gag as her lips wrapped around the base of my shaft. Her throat visibly bulged with my cock and I could feel her swallowing rhythmically around me.

It was a beautiful scene. One that I made sure to burn into my memory alongside the pleasure Millie was giving me. I stroked her cheek warmly, making Millie close her eyes and purr. Vibrations ran up and down my shaft and I couldn’t suppress a shudder.

“Such a good girl,” I murmured softly. “An accomplishment like this deserves something special as a reward. Like, say, a mating press? Don’t you think so, Moxxie?”

Moxxie nodded frantically like he was a bobblehead. Millie’s eyes shot open and she tried to smile. She didn’t get very far with my cock still sheathed in her throat but I could see the eager anticipation in her eyes.

I almost hesitated to pull Millie’s head off my cock, reluctant to lose the hot, tight cocksleeve that was her throat. In the end, the promise of an equally hot, even tighter cocksleeve made the decision for me. I pulled her up, savoring every inch that left her gullet. It was like dragging silk along all of the nerves packed into my shaft.

I finally popped out of Millie’s mouth after what felt like minutes. She panted as strings of drool connected her lips and my cock but that eager gleam never left her eyes. She got her breath back then threw herself backward and immediately assumed the position.

Her legs came up and spread open in a ‘V’. Hands gripped her calves to hold them up in the air and she wiggled her ass at me enticingly. She stared up and smiled at me with that adorable gap in her teeth. I couldn’t help but laugh at how excited she was.

Joining her on the floor, I took up position in front of her and between her legs. Kneeling above her like that made it sink in just how small she was. She was just over half my height, maybe four feet tall tops. Despite her height, she was easily as thick and voluptuous as my other girls. And her curves were all proportioned perfectly for her smaller body.

I briefly noted Moxxie kneeling off to our side and wrapping a hand around his dick but my attention was mostly focused on Millie. I reached down and ripped her pants at the crotch. Her steaming sex was exposed to the air and I could already smell how needy she was.

“Easy there, stud~ I don’t wanna make ya lose control~,” Millie said in a butter-wouldn’t-melt tone that told me she meant the opposite of what she’d said.

I felt a growl well up in my chest, “Wicked little Imp.”

Millie giggled and rolled her hips so her clit was dragged along the bottom of my shaft, “Who, me? I neva~”

“Moxxie,” I grunted. “Come aim me so I can fuck the mischief out of your wife.”

Moxxie scrambled to obey, “Y-yes sir! Right away!”

He lined me up with his wife’s pussy with barely shaky hands. I saw the look on his face when he looked at the scene he was helping produce. He looked to be in awe and there was no concealing the desire in his eyes. He stroked up and down my length hesitantly, his eyes flicking between my cock and Millie’s pussy as he tried to gauge how I would even fit.

I didn’t wait for him to figure it out. Once he stopped rubbing me up and down her slit and aimed me at her hole, I pressed myself forward. Millie let out a low, keening moan that made Moxxie squeak as she was stretched around my cockhead. Moxxie watched more and more of my cock disappear into his wife with his jaw hanging open in amazement.

Despite how absolutely, crushingly tight she was, Millie took my cock with ease. I delved into her depths slowly, allowing her to adjust as I went. Her eyes fluttered closed and a near-constant stream of moans and mewls escaped her lips. I pushed deeper and deeper until Moxxie’s hand hit the petals of Millie’s vulva. Even then, only about half of my length was inside her.

“Need a break?” I asked teasingly.

Millie’s eyes snapped open and I saw the flames of lust burning in them, “Don’t ya fuckin’ dare stop now! I’ma big girl. I can take it. Give me everything ya got, stud!~”

I looked down at her and the bulge I was already making in her stomach with a raised eyebrow. She just nodded furiously and bent her legs back more to spread herself even further.

I sighed, “Alright, just don’t come crying to me when you can’t feel your cervix in the morning.”

“Promises, promises~” Millie purred.

Moxxie returned to his position at our side, giving us enough space to move. He nodded at me in agreement with his wife when I glanced at him. ‘Fuck it,’ I thought. My hands grabbed Millie’s ankles and she squeaked in surprise as I used them to bend her in half. I locked her legs to the floor on either side of her head, thanking whatever passed for God in this universe that Millie was sinfully flexible.

I looked into her eyes, giving her one last chance to back out. She didn’t take it. With that, I bucked my hips forward sharply, bottoming out inside Millie. My balls smacked against her ass. Her eyes went wide and then crossed while her tongue lolled out in a perfect ahegao expression.

A long, loud groan escaped my throat as I was completely engulfed by a supple, boiling-hot sheath. I could feel her heart beating like a hummingbird and my heartbeat raced to match her. I rested my hips on hers as she was spread out below me, contorted like a pretzel. Every time I throbbed deep inside Millie, her whole body spasmed and clenched down on me.

Using my grip on her ankles as leverage, I began pulling myself out. Millie bit down on a scream as she was practically turned inside out. Her body shook as she almost instantly started to cum her brains out. Her pussy lips suckled as my cock left them, trying to suck me back in.

With a grunt, I forced myself to continue my ‘tactical retreat’ until only my tip was inside her. I perched over her for a moment, drawing it out as her pussy winked around my cockhead. Then I let my hips drop and hilted myself in Millie once more. Millie couldn’t bite down on her scream fast enough this time. It came out as a euphoric wail that resonated through both of our bodies and the rest of the room.

My hips snapped back and forth with the clap of flesh on flesh. I drove myself deep with every thrust, pushing Millie’s body as hard as I could. Sticky Fingers told me exactly how intense I could go and that intensity quickly increased as Millie’s body adapted to the savage coupling. I growled, trying futilely to bend her even further into the mating press and focusing all of my energy on breeding this bitch!

Millie’s body and mind took everything I had to give her and came back for more. Her hands came off her legs and came up to clutch desperately at my back. Her pussy and her arms clung to me tight enough that I could’ve stood up and she would stay attached to me.

Her tights grew new rips and holes from how viciously I was fucking her. Her overly-tight body hugged every inch of me like she never wanted to let go. With each thrust, my hips slapped her thighs and ass, making them ripple and jiggle from the force. I never missed a stroke, pistoning myself in and out of her like a machine and driving our minds higher and higher with ecstasy.

Millie’s face looked like it would be stuck in an ahegao expression. I was pretty sure she never stopped cumming after that first thrust and I wasn’t in a much better state. I was pretty sure my tongue also was lolling out uncontrollably. Millie’s shortstack body did its level best to crush me every time I was buried inside her. I felt like my cock was going to be a diamond after this.

I quickly felt myself approaching my peak. My thrusts stuttered irregularly as her pussy tried to suck the cum straight out of my balls. It took every scrap of willpower I had to tamp down on my desire to breed Millie for real. The vision of Millie swollen with my kids while Moxxie and I split the fatherly/husbandly duties was what pushed me over the edge. I groaned and unloaded deep inside Millie, clamping down on my fertility at the very last second.

Millie’s body lit up like she was struck by lightning when she felt me start to flood her depths with my seed. She shook and seized as the orgasm to end all orgasms ran rampant through her body and mind. Her mouth opened to scream but no sound came out.

I absently noticed Moxxie cumming off to the side as Millie and I came down from our combined orgasmic highs. I slowly slid myself out and off of Millie, watching her pussy clench around thin air as I did. Rocking back on my heels, I paused to catch my breath.

My cock throbbed at the state I’d left Millie in. She looked fucked silly and was only just now coming back around to awareness. Her body still twitched with the aftershocks of that powerful final climax. She gasped as if she was breathing for the first time and stretched her arms out, blindly reaching for something.

“Moxxie-baby, come here,” Millie keened. “I need you inside me.”

Moxxie nervously glanced between me and his wife, “Uh, Sweetie? I don’t think I’ll be able to follow that up…”

Millie shook her head, “Don’t matter. I had the stud, now I need the man I love.”

That got a genuine grin out of me. I knew I wouldn’t but it was nice to get confirmation that I hadn’t ruined their relationship with my magic dick. Moxxie went to her, shooting me a sheepish smile on the way. He slid into her arms and into her thoroughly wrecked pussy. They both moaned and locked lips lovingly.

They got into it and I think they forgot I was there for a moment. I felt a bit awkward at first, thinking I’d been relegated to the third wheel, and then I noticed Moxxie wiggling his ass at me. His tail whipped back and forth in the air behind them and I was pretty sure he was doing it unintentionally.

Either way, watching that big red booty sway in front of me quickly got me back in the mood. I lined myself up behind Moxxie without being noticed by either of the Imps. He jumped a bit and squeaked when I started pressing myself into his rosebud but calmed down and didn’t object. His body accepted my intrusion with a shudder and I slid myself home in his ass.

My thrust forced Moxxie to press flush up against his wife. She moaned into the kiss without opening her eyes. Her arms tried to go around his neck but ran into me. Millie blinked her eyes open and looked past her husband at me. I gave her a little smirk and bucked my hips. Moxxie moaned.

Millie quickly figured out what was going on and giggled, “Aww, Hon~ Now you’re getting what I got~”

“I-I d-definitely am…” Moxxie stuttered. “A-And I don’t know how you didn’t die with this monster inside you!”

“How does it feel, Moxxie-baby?~ Is he as good for you as he was for me?~” Millie cooed, stroking Moxxie’s face and watching as I fucked various expressions out of him.

Right before he could answer, I made sure to slam a thrust directly into his prostate. Moxxie squealed, “OH, SO GOOD!!”

Millie giggled again, “That’s it, baby~ Let him fuck the sense out of your brain~ Just let go~ And you, stud? Make sure you show my husband the time of his life, okay?”

“Yes ma’am,” I grunted, grabbing Moxxie’s horns and using them as handholds to wrench his head backward and thrust harder.

Moxxie’s inner walls clamped down on me. His body shook with a dry orgasm but I just kept thrusting. The tightness of his ass felt like he was trying to tear my cock off. The ring of his asshole locked me inside him, not allowing me to fully withdraw until it was full of my load.

The force of my strokes made Moxxie’s hips buck forward too, effectively letting me fuck Millie with Moxxie’s body. The little hums and moans Millie was letting out told me she appreciated my effort. We formed a three-person train on the tracks to Nirvana.

My cock battered Moxxie’s prostate and forced its way into his depths. His body swallowed me as best it could, taking me to the root with every thrust. I let his head drop, shifting my hands to his wide, grabbable hips and continuing to pound away at his ass. Millie immediately took hold of his face again, making grateful little noises as she layered loving kisses on his face.

Moxxie soon managed to milk me to the edge of my second orgasm. I didn’t bother trying to hold myself back, just hilting myself in his ass and letting loose. White-hot cum flooded his depths. Moxxie moaned pitifully into Millie’s mouth and his hips spasmed in a sympathetic orgasm of his own.

For the second time in an hour, I found myself pulling out of Heaven. I once again fell back on my heels but the couple stayed connected. They never stopped kissing while they came together. The cum leaking out of Moxxie’s ass was hot and the whole scene was surprisingly wholesome. I was starting to feel like a third wheel for real though.

I cleared my throat, “So, uh, I don’t really know how these things usually work… You two seem like you’ll be occupied for the rest of the day. I’ll, uh… I’ll call you… Or Becca will. I should probably go though…”

The married couple didn’t even look up. They were already too absorbed with each other to respond. I took that as my cue to leave, feeling a slight pang in my chest that came with not being included in a relationship like that.

Then I remembered my girls. Including the one with a cuckquean fetish who had set this all up and sprung it on me suddenly. The one who had asked me to record the session with a tone that promised fun if I did… It wouldn’t be very hard to extract something watchable from my memories. So, as I left M&M’s apartment, I made a beeline for Becca. Right now, all I wanted was my murder gremlin bouncing on my lap…


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