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Between one blink and the next, my surroundings changed. The darkness of the space in between fell away and my vision came back with stark contrast. It threw my mind for a loop for a couple of seconds. I blinked, trying to convince my brain that what I was seeing, and how I was seeing it, was the real world. The colors around me were brighter and more vivid. Everything was crisp and sharp like I was watching the world through a military-grade camera.

That analogy was kind of fitting, seeing as my new eyes were better than any camera that my world had ever developed. There were also the other senses to take into consideration. I could hear people shuffling around outside the room I was in. Soft music drifted through the walls. The faint smell of sex tickled my nostrils, not strong enough to offend my sense of smell. I could feel my neural augments wirelessly connecting to various devices and networks near me.

As reality set in for my brain, I looked around the room I now found myself in. I was lying naked in the middle of a wide, heart-shaped bed. The bed’s silk sheets were soft against my newly sensitive skin. Even the smartmatter of my recently augmented right arm could feel how lavish the bed was. The rest of the room was dim, lit with only enough pink and purple mood lighting as absolutely necessary. A mental twitch brightened the lights ever so slightly, allowing me to see the rest of the room clearly.

One door sat off to the side of the room and the other sat opposite the bed. A quick check of the nearby devices showed cameras outside the door opposite me. Wirelessly connecting to the camera showed a hallway that was lined with rooms identical to this one. There was also a camera in the room with me, but an absent thought made sure it was off. From the date mark on the camera feed, I learned it was January 1, 2076. I seemed to have arrived just before the anime canon started, but that was about the only information I had at the moment.

The sound of the room’s side door opening got my attention. My muscles tensed and my head swung to watch as the door opened. Even still nude, I was ready to fight my way out of there if I had to. The person who entered the room made me pray that I wouldn’t have to.

They were beautiful. He was a perfect example of the soft femboy bf that I was dreaming about while filling out the catalog. His bubblegum pink hair was shaped in a stylish bob. His facial features were classy and 50’s-esque enough to remind me of Marilyn Monroe. Plump pouty lips were painted a flattering shade of purple.

My femboy visitor wore one thing and one thing only. A pair of thigh-high, high-heeled boots made of some kind of synthetic leather that hugged slender legs and thick thighs like they were painted on. The rest of his alabaster skin was left bare. I could see all of the faint lines and creases that marred his body, indicating his augmentations. He must have taken advantage of this setting’s advanced cyberware and bioware to make himself into the perfect femboy. Even his little cock was cute and femme.

“Alright, stud,” the cyber-femboy said. “This session has already been paid for by an anonymous Patron. I’m Eden. I’ll be your personal whore for the next two hours. What’s your name?”

“Romeo,” my new name felt unfamiliar on my tongue, but I couldn’t help but thank First for it and this situation. He was the only one who could have set me up with a femboy prostitute the very moment I arrived in this world. And the opportunity to lose my pesky virginity to a femboy was something I’d only dreamed about.

“Oooh~ Lover boy~ I like it~,” Eden cooed, leaning back against the door frame in a sexy pose that exposed all of his beautiful body.

“H-How should we do this?” I couldn’t hide how dry my throat suddenly was.

“This your first time, hun?”

“Y-Yeah… Is that a problem?”

“Oh no, Lover boy! That just makes this so much better. I just can’t believe a treat like you hasn’t been gobbled up already~”

Eden’s words made me blush and look down to examine myself. I’d never been anything special to look at. Just a normal mixed-race kid on the scrawny and short side. The one thing I considered my standout feature was my eyes.

But looking down at myself now showed me how much signing on with The Company and receiving my heritage had changed my body. My light mocha skin was stretched tight over corded muscle. I could no longer count my ribs through my skin and my abs stood out like a washing board. I’d even gained more than a few inches downstairs. I was packing some positively obscene meat now.

A vague sense of self, like I was looking in a mirror, showed me the rest of my changes. I was taller, not by a wide margin but now in the respectable range for a man. My facial features had been touched up like someone had taken a chisel to my cheekbones and jaw while also airbrushing away any blemishes. My hair had been bleached a whitish-gray to contrast nicely with my skin. Yeah, white-haired anime characters were cliche, but I honestly couldn’t bring myself to hate the look.

Luckily, my eyes were still the same. Well… not the exact same since they were now augmented to hell and back thanks to my Cybermorph heritage, but they still looked the same as the ones my mom gave me; the same blue-green orbs that shifted color depending on the lighting. My eyes subconsciously flexed in a new way and I heard a gasp from the other side of the room. Only then did I remember that I focused the Love Spot perk on my eyes.

Eden crossed the room in an instant. I blinked and suddenly he was right in front of my face, staring deeply into my eyes. He seemed captivated and entranced. His hands reached up to stroke my cheeks with no conscious input from his mind. I saw the briefest flicker of a heart cross his pupil.

I cleared my throat, “So, uh… that clock already ticking?”

Eden physically shook himself out of his trance, “What? Oh, yeah. Sorry, you just have really pretty eyes. Want me to take the lead for your first time?”

I swallowed my words instead of potentially saying something stupid and nodded.

Eden smirked at me, “Then I’ll make sure to make your first time something to remember. Just lay back and let me worship you~”

[Warning: femboy smut scene starts now]

Liquid nerves raced through my veins as I followed his instructions. Apparently, Stress Defense didn’t cover situations like this. Eden crawled up my prone body with his hips swaying like a cat. He planted a quick peck on my lips when he reached my face before diving back in for more. His mouth and tongue muffled the involuntary moan that escaped me.

He ground himself against my body, rubbing our quickly hardening cocks together. Even just frotting was intense. Lightning bolts of pleasure shot into my brain. I couldn’t see how much my cock dwarfed Eden’s but I could certainly feel it. His dick didn’t even cover half of my member each time he rubbed up and down my length. Eden’s hands traced my muscles, both natural and augmented, like a dutiful servant. I was soon painfully hard. The blood in my cock strained against my skin with the way Eden lavished my body with adoration.

Eden broke the kiss and I instantly found myself searching for his tongue. He kissed his way down my body, laying an invisible trail for my eyes to follow and paying special attention to every single muscle he could find. He came to a stop between my legs, hovering over my throbbing cock. His eyes fluttered with joy when he took a deep breath of my scent. Anticipation beaded from my tip.

Making sure to keep eye contact with me, Eden continued his trail of kisses down my shaft. The pulse of my heartbeat replied to every touch of his lips. His tongue darted out to circle the base of my shaft before shifting its attention to my balls. I couldn’t contain an explosive groan as Eden straight-up sucked one of my balls into his mouth. He hummed as he sucked, sending glorious vibrations up my spine.

Eden’s lips let go of my ball with an audible pop and he rose back up to my cockhead. A nimble tongue twirled around the ridge before his head dove down. A gasp tore from my throat as nearly half of my newly enhanced cock was engulfed in warm, wet silk. Then Sticky Fingers activated and Eden moaned as the feeling of my cock buried in his throat grew impossibly pleasurable.

I took advantage of the sudden distraction to thread my fingers into Eden’s hair. I didn’t push him down like I wanted to, just working his mouth up and down ever so slightly in a suckling motion. Another moan from Eden reverberated through my shaft. If the feedback from the perk was correct, Sticky Fingers had basically transformed Eden’s mouth into an overly sensitive cunt.

I leaned into the perk, using Eden’s mouth for both of our pleasures. Once he had somewhat adjusted — his eyes had stopped rolling back in his head at least — I bucked my hips upward while holding his head in place. My cock plunged into his mouth, driving past the entrance to his throat without a single gag. Eden hummed as I fed him my meat.

Once I started, I couldn’t stop my movements. I had just enough control to keep thrusting my hips as the pleasure quickly overwhelmed my brain. My pleasure flowed back into Eden’s body through Sticky Fingers, creating a feedback loop that was almost unbearable. Eden’s throat milked my cock hard enough for white sparkles to flash in the corner of my vision. Femboy sex felt so good that I knew I’d never be able to live without it after this.

Eden kept his position between my legs, leaking all over the bed sheets while I coated his tongue with an ample flow of pre of my own. Shivers of ecstasy ran down his body and white-hot heat began to build in my core. Everything soon reached a fever pitch. I let out a grunting roar, pulling Eden’s head down until his lips met my crotch as I came.

His eyes once again rolled back in his head. Sticky Fingers and the way I abused his body like a toy pushed him over the edge of orgasm and beyond. His throat bulged, swelling to the point of obscenity so he could swallow my girth. I swore I could even see myself throb through his skin as I shot my load deep into Eden’s stomach. Rope after rope of liquid male lust poured from my cock. I honestly felt like I’d never stop cumming.

It took almost a minute for my cumshot to slow to a trickle. And even then I didn’t completely stop cumming. Eden had pulled himself up until only the tip of my cock remained in his mouth and every couple of seconds, I would pulse, giving him another tongueful of my seed. Between fluttering eyelids, Eden gave me a sultry, seductive look while he savored the taste of my lust.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back to bask in the afterglow. Eden suddenly popped his lips off my cockhead and I let out a gasp of loss. He crawled his way up my body once again, only stopping when he was straddling me with my shaft between his cheeks.

“How was that, Lover boy? Wanna show me how much you want me now?” Eden said, giving me a cheeky little grin as he hotdogged my still-erect cock with his soft, plush ass.

An instinctive growl rumbled in my throat as my caveman brain took Eden’s words as a challenge. This sexy femme bitch needed to be set straight with some hardcore breeding. I didn’t even care that he wasn’t a fertile female. I would find a way.

My hands latched onto his wide hips and with a quick twist, I switched our positions. Eden didn’t even have time to gasp out his surprise before he landed on his back with me looming above him. My cock prodded at his bussy threateningly but didn’t penetrate yet. Eden’s grin only grew wider as he realized how much he was tempting my virgin ass.

Eden continued to tease me, “Go on~ Show me~”

Another growl escaped my throat. I grabbed hold of his ankles and pushed them up next to his ears. The mating press position meant he couldn’t do anything but present his winking hole to me. My hips cocked back and aligned my tip with his asshole. With a groan, I pushed forward and down.

Eden’s eyes instantly lit up and his head fell back against the bed with a moan. His hole stretched and stretched and stretched around my girth before my cockhead finally popped inside him. I could feel every twitch and shake of his body through our connection. Undeterred and uncaring of whether or not he could take me comfortably, I kept pushing forward.

Eden whimpered as his guts were stretched and rearranged, yielding submissively to my quest into his depths. His hole eagerly swallowed more and more of me like the highest quality onahole. I felt his prostate throb against the top of my cock as I slid past it. Even though I wasn’t focused on that little magic spot yet, my sheer girth battered it this way and that enough that Eden’s eyes crossed and his dick bounced in a dry orgasm.

An open mouth and slack tongue completed his ahegao impression. By the time I bottomed out in him, Eden looked like he was hanging onto his sanity by a thread. Let’s see if we could snap that thread. I pulled back and thrust into Eden hard, angling my hips just right to slam into his prostate with the force of a train.

Eden screamed. His body seized and spasmed beneath me like he was having a seizure. A rope of cum shot out of his cock far enough to paint his face and the pillow behind his head and I didn’t give him the chance to recover. His inner walls clenched around me so tight that I thought he would cut off my cock.

I had to fight through his ass’ vice-like grip to continue moving. I sawed in and out of him, pounding as deep as I could with every stroke. The rest of the world faded from my mind. My contract with the Fae, the fact that I had a new name, and knowledge of the incomprehensible Company looming over my head were all pushed from my consciousness by the pure rightness of losing my virginity to this perfectly crafted femboy. Of course, even in the throes of pleasure, I didn’t forget to thank my doppelganger for making this possible.

Eden quickly lost his battle for sanity. I could practically feel his mind going white as I fucked him into the bed. With his knees beside his head, his hands reached around his legs to desperately clutch at me for dear life. He even stayed in the mating press position when I shifted my grip from his ankles. One of my hands found one of his, intertwining our fingers together, and my other hand grabbed his bouncing dick.

His body went stiff as if he’d been struck by lightning. A high-pitched, keening wail fought its way out of his mouth. His boi-clitty pulsed in my grip and more pearly-white cum dribbled down my hand. My hand was stuck in a death grip as Eden tried to bring it to his lips. When he managed to do that, he laid kiss after kiss across my knuckles, occasionally stopping to suck a finger or two into his mouth.

His reactions and the intimacy of the action pushed me over the edge. I hilted myself inside him as the first explosion of cum painted his guts white. My hips couldn’t stay still throughout my climax. They would buck periodically as if trying to fuck my cum even deeper inside of Eden’s ass. My forehead fell to press against Eden’s. Eyes filled with emotions I couldn’t recognize in my orgasmic state gazed deep into mine. I did manage to recognize that the hearts from earlier had returned though…

“Wow…” Eden said in a breathy whisper as the last dregs of my orgasm leaked into his depths. “Y-You’re a natural.”

I chuckled tiredly, “I’m sure you’ve had better.”

Eden’s reply was a barely intelligible mumble, “… I really haven’t.”

I squeezed his hand in mine, “Well… I still have an hour left, right? Wanna go for round two?”

“You can go again?” Eden asked, shocked but excited.

I quirked an eyebrow and flexed my still-rockhard cock inside him, “Does that answer your question?”

I actually managed to pump two more loads into Eden before the alarm rang. Not to mention the multiple times — dry and wet — that Eden came in that same time period. We were just sort of cuddling with me still inside him when the alarm broke the mood. Eden reluctantly pulled himself off of my cock. Surprisingly, all the cum I’d pumped into his ass stayed put.

I started to protest as Eden ushered me to the door, but he silenced me with a kiss, “You have to go, Lover boy. It’s bad for business if you overstay your welcome. And if you stay any longer, I won’t be able to stop myself from falling in love. It might already be too late… I’m sorry…”

My departure was honestly bittersweet, but I understood where Eden was coming from. Our time together was wonderful, but I couldn’t have myself falling in love with him either. He had his life here as an ‘escort’ and I could only take one person with me when I left this world. I’d still remember him fondly for giving me such a wonderful first time though.

A couple of the other escorts in the brothel I’d appeared in sent me smoky looks as I left. Eden and I were not quiet after all. None of them got more than a second glance from me though.

The diversity of the brothel staff helped drive home how fantastical the world of Cyberpunk could be. Some of the Joytoys here didn’t even look Human and everyone had at least some form of augmentation. For the right price, customers could get a night with an elf or a werewolf if they really wanted.

And I guess now I was also closer to a full borg than a baseline Human. An absent thought sent the liquid smartmatter of my new right arm rippling up and down the limb. Hell, I was definitely way more advanced than most of the augments this world had to offer. My tech was easily equal to anything the top Megacorps had to offer, like Adam Smasher.

And I couldn’t deny that there was some kind of thrill, an indescribable rush, to improving yourself to the limits with technology. I assumed there was a similar feeling for the other Transhuman paths as well. I chose the Cybermorph option for my heritage mainly to fit into the Cyberpunk setting, but I couldn’t bring myself to regret the choice now that I’d made it.

Like yeah, being a Dragon was cool as fuck. They were powerful, a cliche in a good way, and just goddamned awesome. The Outsider heritage was similar, though with a more support-focused nature, and I’d always been a fan of the idea of Eldritch beings. But those two options were explicitly not Human.

I liked being Human. I liked the idea of being Human. I liked the idea that Humans could transcend their limits and become something more. I liked the idea that Humans weren’t simply destined to be specks of dust in the grand scheme of things. I liked that I could choose an option that let me match and exceed the more stereotypically powerful species and beings out there without directly joining their ranks.

And also I wouldn’t put it past The Company to put a bit of a Transhumanist philosophical leaning into the Transhuman options so Contractors wouldn’t get buyer’s remorse. I snorted as that thought crossed my mind. They probably did the same with the Outsider and Dragon heritages, though they wouldn’t have to do much to make someone not regret becoming a Dragon. It’d be like customer service to protect their profits because I very much doubted The Company gave out many refunds. Capitalist multiversal entities are gonna capitalist.

None of that was all that relevant at the moment though. I was happy with my choices, but I still had a mission to do here. Well, technically two missions: gather tech and other curiosities for my Fae masters and give two lucky broken people a happy ending. Fortunately, there was some overlap there. Unfortunately, I still had no idea how to accomplish those missions beyond a vague plan of integrating myself with David and the rest of Maine’s crew.

I let out a deep breath as I stepped out onto the street, stopping to take stock of everything. Eden had been nice enough to lend me a t-shirt and pants, but that was about all I physically had on me. I didn’t have my Shroud, so no fabric-Superman-lite package or conceptual elements like I was banking on. Which wasn’t really a problem in this world, but would have been in nearly any other. Like seriously, the Shroud sounded like it could allow you to solo a lot of the worlds out there on its own.

Neon lights illuminated the classic acid rain of Night City, filling my enhanced senses with a sharp musk. I took solace in the fact that I still had my augmentations. They didn’t make me unique in this world, but Talents and Defenses would take care of that. I also still had Lures and a stamp — even if the stamp wasn’t mine. I had all the tools to complete my missions. I just had to figure out how.

A siren screamed past me, following an ambulance in a desperate hurry to get to its destination. There was so much background noise on the street that I hadn’t even noticed it coming. The people around didn’t even react to it, no doubt used to the constant call for emergency services somewhere in the city. It reminded me of something though.

Gloria, David’s mom, was an EMT. She was constantly working long hours to provide for herself and her son. It was also how she’d been able to swipe the Sandevistan from an active crime scene. And this was Night City. Citymed would always need additional hands. It shouldn’t be too hard for me to get myself hired and hack the system so I ended up working a few shifts with Gloria.

It was a start at least. I didn’t know where exactly I’d go from there, but I’d at least be in contact with a key character. And a job would be good for getting my feet under me. The Networked Glamour Manipulation perk, Company Talents, and my advanced neural augments would let me fake a background since I’d forgotten to buy Paper Trail and couldn’t access the catalog right now. Not that backgrounds were all that important for the little guys in Night City, but a complete ghost in the system would still be suspicious.

With my next action decided, acquiring a map of the city from the local net was utterly simple. I could already see how broken Cybermorphs were in this setting. This was a city designed for augmented Humans and my augments were next level. From there, I just hopped on a train, piggybacking off some poor shmuck’s NCTC card to ‘pay’ my way.

I got off a couple of stops later in the Old Downtown district of the city. The Citymed building honestly reminded me of a dick, but it was still a suitably impressive skyscraper. At least it would’ve been in my world. Here it was dwarfed by the real big boy buildings: the Megacorps. I took the time to spoof an identity and some credentials for myself before going in. They wouldn’t hold up to serious scrutiny, but that wasn’t what I was expecting.

I walked through the front door and up to the front desk to speak to the nurse there, “Hi. I’m looking for a job as an EMT. Where should I apply?”

The nurse gave me a tired look before my words registered and she all but collapsed in her chair with relief, “Oh, thank fucking God! You’re hired! Just sign here! Can you start right now!?”

I… may have underestimated how much Night City needed paramedics…


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