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Han could have sworn that he heard Grim giggling at his expense. He was in way too deep to back out now though. The only thing he could do was close his eyes and walk through the stable paradox in front of him. So he did just that. There was the briefest feeling of falling, before his foot hit solid ground on the other side.

Han could feel his soul changing again, as Grim calibrated his essence to this new reality. This time though, the process didn’t hurt. A connection to the Force formed within him, and Han gasped as the sense of something greater interacted with his being. The Force settled in and around him, prodding at his soul with curiosity.

After a minute of basking in the new sensations, Han opened his eyes. He took in his surroundings. He had landed in a starship, and there was a space elf staring at him, dumbfounded by his appearance.

::Uploading language: Galactic Basic.::

“Uh, hi,” Han said, trying his best to give the woman a charming smile. “Sorry for dropping in on you like this. My name is Han Silver.”

The blonde woman with the pointed and tapered ears snapped back to attention at the sound of Han’s voice, “You-You’re real?! Did you just step through the Force? How? What?”

“Yeah, I guess you could describe it as that,” Han said with a smirk. “Anyway, where am I? And who are you?”

The lady seemed to pull herself together somewhat so she could answer, “I am Jedi Master Fay. You are aboard my ship, Prosperity, currently traveling through hyperspace in the Outer Rim. Our destination is the planet Tatooine.”

‘Of course, it had to be Tatooine. Did you plan this Grim?’ Han thought.

::Obfuscation: innocent whistling.::

“Right, and what’s the date?” Han asked Fay.

“968 years after the Ruusan Reforms.”

“Hmm. You wouldn’t happen to mind me tagging along with you, would you? I seem to be slightly displaced and without resources at the moment.”

“It is a Jedi’s duty to help those in need. I sense that the Force brought us together for a reason, though that reason is not yet clear. I will allow you to travel with me for as long as you need. Let me show you where you will be staying during your time with me.” Fay replied. Fay turned and walked off, and Han had no choice but to follow. He was amazed at the starship he found himself in. It probably wasn’t that impressive for the natives of this reality, but for a man who hadn’t even left his birth country, it was spectacular.

The bunk Fay showed Han to was spartan, but perfectly livable. The bed was tucked into a small alcove in the wall, and a door to the side led off to a fresher. Han thanked Fay for letting him stay, and was left alone by the Jedi Master. She felt she needed to go meditate on Han’s arrival. The shocks and ripples it had sent through the Force had left her unbalanced.

‘Ok, Grim. Show me that list of summons now, please.’

::Acknowledged. Statement: At your current level of power, you will not be able to summon some of the more powerful objects or people. Please keep this in mind when deciding who or what to summon. I will ensure that Master Fay does not question the presence of some of the more obvious options.::

The summoning list appeared in Han’s head. Instantly, Han couldn’t help but compare the list to the Waifu Catalog CYOA from certain fan fictions he had read. It was a long list of ‘waifus’ and otherwise useful objects. The objects and girls were all labeled with tiers. Currently, he could summon any waifu up to tier 3, and any object up to tier 4. The only exception from this rule seemed to be objects or waifus from the universe he was currently in. In those cases the tier limit went up by one.

‘Grim, can the grimoire teach me lightsaber styles?’ Han asked.

::Affirmative. Statement: The grimoire can impart the training and knowledge to make use of anything you learn or summon. It causes a nasty headache and knocks you out for a couple hours as the knowledge or training is assimilated, though.::

‘Good enough! Let’s summon a lightsaber! Oh, and teach me how to use it and the Force while we’re at it.’

::Acknowledged. Statement: The remote learning process will take about six hours for the requested knowledge to be downloaded into your brain. Would you like to proceed?::

Han sent the mental equivalent of a nod to Grim.

::Initializing download. Preparation: Complete. Beginning knowledge transfer process. Caution: Hold on to your seat, Master. This will feel very strange.::

Han did as Grim suggested. He laid back on the bed, and braced himself as best he could. The imprinting process began, and Han struggled to hold back a scream of discomfort. It felt like someone was trying to cram a book into his ear. The training and knowledge had an almost physical weight as it settled into his mind. Despite his best efforts, he quickly lost consciousness. Grim continued watching over Han in his comatose state, making sure nothing went wrong with the process.

Han awoke after what felt like only a minute of unconsciousness to a whole new way of living. The Force surged and flowed around him, and he easily weathered its currents. His senses were magnified, and he could feel the power flowing through his veins.

“Report,” he managed to croak out. His voice crack and dry throat showed that he had been knocked out for far longer than he first thought.

::Diagnostics: All green. Knowledge transfer: Successful. Statement: Welcome back to the land of the living, Master. The upload was a success. You now have the knowledge and skill of a newly minted Jedi knight from the Old Republic. In addition, you should have the same level of skill in Sith techniques from the same time period, enough that you could be called a new Sith Warrior as well.::

Han cackled as he let lightning dance between his fingers. Utilizing the Force was natural. The esoteric energy flowed through his veins, and sang when it was used.

Han channeled his inner Palpatine, “Unlimited Powah!”

Han felt Grim’s amused giggles in the back of his mind. He ignored them, in favor of the space magic he was now capable of.

::Query: Should I set up the summoning ritual, Master?::

‘Hell yes!’ Han thought, ‘let’s get me a fucking lightsaber!’

The summoning ritual consisted of an infusion of Mana, or another equivalent energy, and a customized summoning circle. The grimoire opened to a blank page, and an intricate circle started to draw itself on the paper. Han examined the magic circle in anticipation. A lightsaber! An honest to god, genuine lightsaber!

When the ritual activated, the product began to solidify in Han’s hand. He felt the formation of a lightsaber hilt that perfectly fit his grip. One and a half hands long, the black metal hilt was wrapped in some type of leather. Glowing glyphs and runes decorated the leather wrapping. A crossguard emitter sat just below the primary blade emitter.

The weight of the lightsaber settled in Han’s hand. He felt a connection forming with the crystal inside. It was like another limb attached itself to his soul. The lightsaber was already steadily becoming an extension of himself.

The famous ‘whoosh’ of the lightsaber activating sent chills down Han’s spine. The blue of the blade was the same color as thick ice over a lake. Almost clear, the frost colored plasma seemed to emit a feeling of freezing temperatures.

‘It’s magnificent, Grim.’ Han thought, awestruck by the iconic piece of sci-fi technology in his hand. He slid instinctively into a lightsaber kata that the grimoire had imparted onto him. The blade hummed and fizzed as it cut through the air.

Slowly, Han brought the kata to a close. The satisfying click that sounded when he deactivated the lightsaber resonated with his soul. He knew that his new lightsaber and crystal would serve him well for a very long time.

::Suggestion: Master, it might be prudent to learn more about our current situation. Master Fay has been kind enough to give us space to get settled, but more information is necessary to develop a plan going forward.::

Han nodded, and made his way out of the cabin on a quest to find the space elf Jedi. He found her in the cockpit of the relatively small ship. Streaks of hyperspace flew by outside the view screen. Sitting down, Han looked over at Master Fay. Her eyes were closed, and she looked to be in deep meditation, but Han had no doubt she had noticed his entrance.

‘Grim, is it possible for me to learn to pilot a ship?’ Han asked. He examined the controls and panels that controlled the ship while he waited for Fay to acknowledge him.

::Affirmative: Certainly, Master. Statement: The Akashic grimoire has a connection to all knowledge located in the Akashic Record. This knowledge is not just limited to magic. Mundane information, and skills actually make up the majority of the Akashic Record’s data.::

Han made a mental note to do just that, at some point. He wasn’t looking forward to the skill downloading process, but the call of flying a spaceship was too much to ignore. Han turned towards the Jedi Master, and was admiring her beauty when she finally spoke.

“The Force favors you, Han Silver. Everything it has told me points to you being right where you need to be. It is my opinion that you are fated to join me in my journey to Tatooine. Though, what we will find there remains unclear,” she said without opening her eyes.

“Why were you headed to Tatooine, anyway?” Han asked.

“I follow the will of the Force in all things. The Force calls to me from Tatooine. In all likelihood, I am needed to avert some conflict or crisis there.”

Han nodded. Now that he was able to feel the Force, it was easy to believe there was some kind of will behind the cosmic energy. The premonitions and vague feelings that Jedi were known for had become a lot more understandable to Han.

“I will defer to your guidance, Master Fay. I have no place to go anyway. Following the Force is a worthy task for me to take up.” Considering what Han knew about the Star Wars timeline, it was likely Fay, and by extension him, was being called to Tatooine by the events of the Phantom Menace.

“Good,” Fay opened her eyes and nodded in approval, before closing her eyes again. “We will arrive within the day. May the Force be with us.”

Han took the opportunity to continue admiring Fay. Her gray eyes, which were now closed, were deep and soulful when he was gazing into them. The dark tattoos on her cheek and forehead contrasted nicely with her pale skin. The elfin ears that poked out from beneath her hair looked delicate and sensitive.

‘Grim, does the Akashic Record have any information on Master Fay?’

::Searching. Information found: Master Fay is a member of the Sephi species, a species of, as you so accurately labeled her, space elves. Originally from the planet Thustra in the Expansion region of the galaxy, the Sephi have had various forms of contact with the Republic for more than five thousand years. They are known for their long lifespans, relative to humans, and Master Fay is an outlier even on this scale. Though she is not as old as Master Yoda, she has still been alive for over 600 years. She has an intense connection with the Force and when she became a Jedi Master, she dedicated her life to following its direction. A pacifist, Master Fay is known for not using a lightsaber, and relying completely on conflict mediation skills and Force abilities instead.::

After hearing more about her, Han looked at Fay through different eyes. This was a well-traveled, and exceedingly competent woman. ‘We really lucked out with where we landed, didn’t we?’ Han thought. Grim sent back a sense of confirmation.

Han spent the next hour or so going through the mental list of summons Grim had provided him. He bookmarked a couple of his favorite characters to summon later. He didn’t have the Mana or freedom to treat the grimoire’s summoning system like the Waifu Catalog, at the moment. Also, even though the tier limit on what he could summon had gone up again, he was still limited to lower tier summons.

The highest tier of waifu he could summon was only a tier 4. Which meant no summoning Supergirl or Ophis and steamrolling everything this reality could throw at him. Not yet at least. Grim promised that with the aid of the grimoire, infinite growth was indeed possible. Ascension rituals were a dime a dozen in the Akashic Record. Of course, they required a certain amount of preexisting power to survive and cost a tremendous amount of Mana and material sacrifice, but godhood was feasible.

For now though, all he could do was windowshop. Han quickly grew bored with the limitations on the summoning list. He shifted his focus to finding balance with his new Force powers. He didn’t realize he had sunk into a meditative trance until a vision came to him.

Han smelled smoke, an acidic cloying smell that clung to his nostrils. He followed the bitter sweet smoke, unaware that he was still sitting next to Master Fay in the cockpit. His mind wandered, following the currents of the Force instinctively. His roaming came to an end at a destination that was somehow ahead of him, and in the present at the same time.

He stood in a large room, there and absent at the same time. An atmosphere of disturbing indulgence beared down on him from all sides. He saw women of a variety of species chained for the enjoyment of their masters. Dark desires made physical tormented the poor slaves. And at the center of it all, a mass of sin held onto a light in the Force.

All of the light’s struggles against her bondage were hopeless. The chains held her tight, drugs obscured her vision and mental processes, and help was far away. Sudden clarity allowed Han to see through the mass of sin. For a single instant, he saw a beautiful blue Twi’lek caught and held captive by a slug.

Han jolted to awareness when the vision abruptly ended. Master Fay had moved and was preparing the ship to drop out of hyperspace. A name was on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t quite grasp its importance. ‘Grim, what was that? Did you get any of that vision?’ Han asked, still disorientated.

::Confirmation: Yes, Master. As with all uses of your powers, proper documentation of the phenomenon was ensured. I am able to play it back for you at any time. Clarification: That was a Force vision. In matters of great importance, the Force will provide guidance to some. Recently though, the veil of the dark side has obscured this aspect of the Force from most Jedi.::

‘If the dark side has been obscuring visions from the Force, how come mine was so vivid? In fact, how come I was able to perceive it at all?’

::Clarification: You are unique in this reality, Master. Your outsider status causes the Force to treat you differently. You are neither light or dark, yet able to utilize both aspects all the same. The grimoire works as a conduit to smooth over any compatibility issues that may happen because of this, and ensures that all abilities granted by the grimoire work despite any complications.::

‘I see… And the Akashic Record is able to do this for any reality?’

::Confirmation: The Akashic Record is a compilation of all knowledge from all realities. It is infinite and powerful. The grimoire acts as a connection between your being and the Akashic Record, and enables you to utilize the Akashic Record’s unlimited potential.::

‘Grim, are you able to analyze the vision and tell me anything I may have missed?’

::Analyzing. Process complete: The smoke you smelled was the product of a drug called glitteryll. It dampens the user’s memories and, for Force-sensitives, connection to the Force. It is used primarily by slavers to mind break their victims and keep them compliant. The Rutian Twi’lek seems to have been the focus of the vision. The Akashic Record identifies her as Aayla Secura, a Jedi Padawan. Her captor is a Hutt named Teemo. He is a crime lord who reigns over the city of Mos Shuuta on Tatooine. My interpretation of the vision is that the Force is trying to guide you to rescue Aayla Secura.::

Han nodded. Grim’s analysis made sense. He even recognized Aayla Secura now that Grim had put a name to the face. She was a popular character in the fandom, and the Force seemed to be pushing him to rescue her. This was perfect! A classic damsel in distress quest basically handed to him on a silver platter! He’d swoop in, kill the ‘dragon’, rescue the ‘princess’, and steal all the ‘dragon’s’ money in the process. What could go wrong?

He felt Grim cringe at something. ‘What? What’d I say?’

::Exasperation: While your quest is noble, you just invoked Murphy, Master. By saying “What could go wrong?”, you’ve basically ensured that the worst case scenario will occur.::

Han grinned sheepishly. ‘Rookie mistake,’ he admonished himself. He was knocked out of his self-conscious musing by Master Fay’s voice.

“The Force has blessed you with a vision, Han Silver. Tell me, what did you see?”

“You caught that, huh?” at Fay’s nod, he continued, “Well, it seems that the Force has decided to give me a purpose. I saw a vision of someone in need of help. A Jedi, held captive by a crime lord.”

“We will follow your vision. The Force has given you clear guidance, and I would be remiss not to help you pursue it. We’ll be dropping out of hyperspace shortly.”


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