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AN: Okay, the first four chapters of this were written a while ago. They might be rough but just bear with it. This was literally the second thing I ever published, but I like it enough that I'm picking it back up.

Han was having an unfortunate day. Late for his last final, he was locked out of the classroom by his bitch of a professor, Mrs. Wentworth. This was only the cherry on top of the shit pile though. Han’s roommates had just kicked his ass to the curb, tired of his excuses for not paying rent, and his girlfriend of a year had dumped him, seemingly out of nowhere. She said it was because of his lack of ambition, but, deep down, Han knew it was because she was sleeping with his roommate. The so-called ‘alpha male’ of the apartment, no less. George took pride in his torment of Han and the rest of his roommates. Where Han stood defiant in the face of George’s bullying, the rest of his roommates bowed down to the bastard. They bent the knee and tried to appease his reign of terror at any cost.

Deep in his misfortune, he decided that maybe life wasn’t worth all of this. He started crossing streets without looking, walking with complete apathy towards the rest of the world. Cars passed him by in blurs, yet he didn’t look up. Han was completely done with the world, and welcomed the end of all his suffering.

The horn of a truck broke his depressing fugue state. He looked up, stopped in the middle of a four lane street, and saw an 18 wheeler bearing down on him. In the moment, the truck seemed larger than life. An unflinching messenger of death, itself. Han was no stranger to the Isekai genre, so he accepted his fate with closed eyes and the barest hint of a smile on his face.

Unfortunately for Han, death was yet to come. At the last moment, the truck swerved and hit the boy behind him. All Han saw of the boy’s features was a bland sort of handsomeness, and a generic looking body. The next instant, the boy was splattered across the grill of the truck. The truck didn’t stop in its barreling journey down the road. It didn’t slow either, completely ignoring the fact that it had just atomized a poor soul.

Sighing, Han thought, ‘of course I wouldn’t be that lucky,’ and continued on his melancholic walk. A short while later, Han walked past an old vintage bookstore. Reminded of his youth spent reading books under the covers after bedtime, Han stopped to check the place out. It was the first productive, and meaningful, thought he had had since the start of his depressive state.

The bookstore was dusty and quaint. A homely vibe resonated from its shelves, and the space was just cramped enough to feel comfy. Han didn’t say a word as he walked past the ancient woman manning the counter. He was drawn deeper into the store by some inexplicable pull. In his apathetic state, Han barely even noticed or tried to resist the metaphysical call. He stopped at a shelf further into the store. The only object on the shelf was a book, a tome really, wrapped in chains. It was unusually clean for the store that it was in, and called out to Han on a level he couldn’t describe.

Reaching out, he pulled the book off the shelf. Engraved on the front cover was a symbol. A six pronged pinwheel. It looked like a swastika with two extra limbs and another hook at the end of all its spikes. Han couldn’t help but trace the symbol with his finger. As if prompted, the book opened on its own. A needle pricked Han’s finger then disappeared before he could react.

A single drop of blood fell from Han’s hurt finger. It hit the first page of the tome and vanished. All Han felt was confusion as ink began appearing on the page as if the book was being written in at that very moment. The ink looked darker than black, and spelled out words of power that would be forever engraved on Han’s mind.

“Akashic Grimoire,” Han read to himself. “Authored by ???, for Han Silver.”

Han had just enough time to recognize that the book had just written his name before his whole world exploded. He felt something unfathomably large and ancient interact with his mind. A burning sensation that seemed to come from nowhere on his body and every part of his being at the same time ravaged his psyche. The symbol on the book’s front cover branded itself on his soul.

Han couldn’t cry out. He couldn’t scream. And, even though the pain was immense, he didn’t lose awareness of the process. Something overwhelmingly powerful was bonding to the very essence of Han Silver. It worked to reshape his soul, and all he could do was try and withstand the unbearably painful process.

Time spiraled away from Han and started to lose meaning. As suddenly as it started, the pain stopped. Han instantly felt like he just had the best night’s sleep of his life. Refreshed and with the pain already becoming a distant memory, he looked down at his hands. The book was gone. Chains wrapped around his wrist in its place. Hanging from his new chain bracelet was a tiny version of the grimoire.

::Interfacing. Designated User: Han Silver. Location: Null magic world. Conceptual restructuring: Complete. Integration: 48%. Greeting: Welcome Master. I am your grimoire and conduit for the Akashic Record. You may call me Grim. If you have any questions, please do not be afraid to ask.::

Han started at the voice that spoke in the back of his mind. It was feminine and slightly stiff. ‘What? What just happened? Grim? What is the Akashic Record?’ he thought.

::Elaboration: I am Grim, part of the essence of the grimoire you bonded to. I must apologize. The bonding process is uncomfortable. Even more so for you because the essence of your being had to be reshaped to be able to access the Akashic Record. The fact that your home reality is a Null magic reality didn’t make the process easier. The Akashic Record, and by extension this grimoire, is your ticket to all things magical. Incredible mystical power and knowledge await, Master!::

Han had to sit down on the floor. Finding no other reasonable explanation to everything he had experienced since he touched the book, he had no choice but to accept what Grim was saying. ‘Not that I don’t believe you, but where’s the proof? How do I know I’m not just hallucinating’ He asked Grim, mentally.

::Evaluating optimal evidence. Solution: I possess many rituals that could serve to verify your connection to the Akashic Record. In fact, I must insist you carry out at least one ritual for your own safety. If you are still skeptical after that, I can be utilized to summon objects or persons as another form of proof.::

The grimoire on Han’s wrist flew open to a certain page. The text was too small for Han to clearly read, but Grim projected the meaning into his mind. Grim’s first choice was the Ritual of Reinforce Self. A simple and efficient ritual that served to optimize and reinforce the recipient's concept of self. The end result would change his form, soul, and mind to create a Han Silver that was conceptually more Han Silver. ‘What’s the catch?’ Han thought.

::Clarification: No catch, Master. My primary goal is to assist you, and the grimoire ensures the Akashic Record is incapable of harming you. All that is required is a drop of lifeblood and a negligible amount of Mana from my reserves.::

Taking a deep breath, Han committed to trusting Grim. It was the first deliberate step of the integration of the Akashic Grimoire’s essence with Han’s being. Of course, he didn’t know that. Grim did though, and she watched with metaphorical bated breath as Han took a leap of faith. The needle that started this all appeared from the grimoire, and Han pricked his finger again. The drop seemed to fall in slow motion, before hitting the page and vanishing once more.

Han could feel metaphysical gears begin to turn. Invisible strands of Mana were directed into his body and soul. The process of enhancement felt like lounging in a warm bath. Han’s body shifted to his unconscious ideals of himself. Everything happened under Grim’s watchful eye, and soon enough the job was complete.

Han looked down at his new self. He felt more in a way he could barely describe. He was taller, more intelligent, more toned, more powerful. The increase in power was slight, but it was there. ‘Wow,’ he thought, ‘yeah, I guess that’s proof enough. What was that thing about summons though? Can I see a list or something?’

::Statement: Certainly, Master. I suggest we do something about your homeless situation first though. The summoning ritual is a bit too flashy to do in our current location::

Even the reminder of the shitty day he had been having didn’t dim Han’s good mood. Magic! The key to unlimited power and knowledge was hanging from a chain on his wrist, and he’d be damned if he let a silly thing like homelessness ruin it for him. ‘Good idea, Grim. Any idea where we could go?’

::Proposal: I am perfectly capable of opening a portal to another reality. I have enough stored energy for a one way trip, and my reserves will recharge over time if you wish to return or move on again. Compiling available options. Complete. Listing: Complete.::

Han’s mind was flooded with information. The amount of data was immense, and contained brief overviews of universes he could travel to. It should have been overwhelming, but Grim had organized and compressed everything. Instead, the information was easily perused by his enhanced mind. ‘Wait… I recognize a lot of these worlds. Marvel, DC, Fate, To Aru, Final Fantasy, and is that fucking 40k? There’s more, as well. What gives, Grim?’

::Answer: There are many worlds that are known to the Akashic Record. Worlds that you know as fiction are the result of an unconscious connection to the Record. One of my functions is to act as a guide in your multiversal travels. Supplement: Information, Magic, or other powers become cheaper to access after visiting the universe it comes from. While it is technically possible to access anything before visiting its home universe, the cost quickly becomes untenable.::

‘So, I have to travel to various universes to fully utilize the grimoire? That seems fair enough. Hmm, my first choice should be a universe that grants a versatile magic system. And while I am slightly enhanced, I’m also still rather squishy. So, most of the worlds I mentioned are out. Any suggestions, Grim?’

:: Calculating. Compiling. Suggestion: I have three ideas, depending on how risky you want to be. First, Pokemon is a low risk world and the psionic powers inherent to the world can be extremely powerful. The ability to catch a Pokemon also can not be overstated. Second, the Star Wars universe, while dangerous at times, is still easily survivable. And lightsabers… need I say more? Finally, the nuclear option is any one of a number of cultivation worlds. This option would give you the best foundation of the three, but is the most dangerous by an order of magnitude.::

Han thought about Grim’s suggestions. On the one hand, Star Wars. On the other, the promise of infinite power that came with cultivation. And with Grim’s help he would be guaranteed not to hit any of those pesky bottle necks or have to cultivate for millennia to see any progress. Making up his mind, Han thought to Grim, ‘The cultivation foundation is tempting, but I can always visit it later. Really, it's not even a contest. I’ll choose the Star Wars universe. So… uh, how does this work?’

::Initializing transfer. Statement: I will take care of all the difficult calculations and metaphysical aspects of the trip. All you have to do is keep the final destination in your mind. Transfer Initiated. Opening portal.::

The grimoire on Han’s wrist began to glow, and a tear in reality opened up in front of him. The portal seemed to defy the senses. Simultaneously light and dark, with a border that shifted and warped. It never stayed the same shape for more than a moment. ‘Grim? You sure this is safe?’

::Reassurance: Of course I am, Master. Now stop being a baby and step through the eldritch hole in reality.::


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