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“Welcome to my apartment!” Ari declared as she led Haro through the door. She nervously glanced at him from the side of her eye. “... Your new home?”

Haro had regained his composure during the time between their kiss and Ari taking him to her apartment. His stoic mask hid the slightly turbulent emotions that still rolled within him. He was doing a lot better now, but still, it had been quite the day for the ex-Jedi-youngling.

Ari’s apartment was a bit bigger than a studio apartment. It was mostly open plan, with only two rooms -- a fresher (bathroom) and bedroom -- partitioned off from the rest of the space. It looked well lived in, with various everyday items strewn around in a form of organized chaos. A small kitchen was positioned in the corner of the apartment that was closest to the door.

Pink light streamed through the sole window in the room, originating from a holographic billboard of a dancing Twi’lek lady. The light painted the otherwise dimly lit apartment in a neon hue that Haro couldn’t help but compare to Ari’s gorgeous skin color.

A complicated workstation of holographic screens and datapads sat in the far corner of the open space. The amount of high-quality and almost certainly expensive equipment didn’t surprise Haro. Ari had told him she worked as a slicer/information broker after all. It made perfect sense to him that she’d be willing to dish out the credits to have a good setup.

Haro’s perusal of the apartment was cut short by a strange noise within the apartment’s only bedroom. “Tooka!” a creature unfamiliar to Haro cried as it bolted out of the bedroom and made a beeline for Ari. Ari knelt to scoop up the little feline-looking alien that must have been her pet.

A curious phrase surfaced within Haro’s mind, coming from his ‘other’ memories, “What… is that?”

Ari cocked her head, cradling the little alien to her chest as it purred, “You’ve never seen a Tooka before?”

Haro shook his head, “No, they didn’t have them in the Temple. And I don’t remember anything about my life before I became a youngling.”

“That’s such a shame!” Ari gasped. “Come ‘ere! I want you to meet Switty. Say hello to Haro, Switty~”

Switty glanced at him, let out a meowing “Tooka~”, then went back to nuzzling itself between Ari’s breasts. An odd feeling of envy came over Haro as he watched the Tooka take up the spot he had occupied just a few minutes ago.

“It’s… cute,” Haro said, unsure what else he could say.

Ari giggled, “He’s been one of the only bright spots in my life here on Coruscant. Though… ~I guess he’s not the only man in my life anymore…”

Haro cleared his throat, covering his mouth with his fist in an effort to hide his blush, “A-Ahem… So where can I sleep? Should I just take the couch?”

“Hehe, don’t be silly!” Ari said, shooting him a thirsty look that Haro missed due to his inexperience. “You’ll be sleeping with me~”

Haro just nodded, missing the sexual implication of Ari’s words and accepting them with a simple thought of ‘Well, it is the only bed’. Ari huffed a bit, upset at Haro’s denseness, before giggling at the opportunity for teasing his ignorance granted her.

“Do you mind if I use the fresher first?” Haro asked. “It’s been a long day.”

Ari nodded, licking her lips at his back when Haro turned to leave. She set Switty down and shooed him away. She didn’t want to scare Haro away, but she also didn’t know how long she could wait to get into his pants. Zeltron were creatures of lust after all and Ari’s attraction to the Human Jedi was just too strong.

As he entered the fresher, Haro was surprised to find a shower similar to the ones he had used in the Temple. He had assumed Ari would have a sonic shower, but was thankful for the chance to use actual water. He stripped somewhat numbly, his mind already drifting back to his escape from the Jedi Temple.

Lukewarm water rained down onto Haro’s head. It wasn’t as hot as he would have liked, but it was still enough to relax his weary muscles. He went about the process of washing himself robotically, ignorant to what was happening on the other side of the shower glass.

Ari had given Haro a few minutes as a headstart before she went to join him in the fresher. She quietly stripped out of her clothes, revealing full, perky breasts capped with dark pink nipples, a trim midriff, wide and grabbable hips, and long pink legs.

Haro didn’t even notice Ari’s presence until he felt a pair of incredibly soft pillows mold themselves to his back. He stiffened, but managed to stop himself from jumping and turning around. Dainty, pink arms wrapped around his body. Nimble fingers stroked the contours of his muscled body, carefully avoiding his quickly rising cock.

“Mmm,” Ari cooed in his ear. “Did you need help washing up? You’ve had such a stressful day. Let me help you ~relax~

Going against all his conditioning from the Jedi Order, Haro slowly nodded his head. The Order were as good as dead after all. And something about this situation just felt right. Like the Force itself was pushing him to go through with it.

Haro felt Ari’s nipples harden against his skin as she rubbed her silky soft body up and down his back. Her fingers massaged his tense muscles from behind, somehow managing to find and work out all of the knots. He began to lean back against her slightly, closing his eyes and enjoying the touch of a woman for the first time.

His manhood stood erect and ready at this point. It pulsed as blood rushed to support its weight. It stood straight, defying gravity and curving upwards at the perfect angle to gouge a woman’s G spot with each thrust.

Having been raised in the Temple, Haro had next to no sense of modesty when it came to nudity. Still, he failed to recognize just how impressive his equipment was. He had been blessed by the Force with the perfect tool for sexual domination.

Ari had no such problems realizing how majestic and breathtaking Haro’s body really was. It was the first penis she had seen in person, but by the Force was it magnificent. Her hands carefully dropped to his cock. Her legs quivered and her core clenched at the feeling of weight in her hands. Resting her forehead against Haro’s back, Ari let out a quiet, breathy moan.

Haro grunted softly as Ari’s grip tightened slightly around his girth. He had resolved himself to just go with the flow and allow Ari to take the lead for the moment. Something inside him let out a satisfied growl at having the beautiful Alien woman servicing him in such a devoted way.

Ari laid kisses on the back of Haro’s neck and his shoulder. Haro shivered at the intimacy of the moment. His cock throbbed in Ari’s grip. Taking the hint, Ari’s hands began to slowly stroke him, pleasuring Haro in a way that was utterly new to the young ex-Jedi.

Even with a hand around Haro’s shaft, Ari’s fingers didn’t touch. The size and weight of Haro’s tool sent thrills of anticipation to Ari’s core. ‘This thing is meant to be inside women,’ Ari thought. ‘And now I have the pleasure of being the first woman to show Haro just how well Alien women can take care of his big Human cock.’

Haro’s eyes closed and he leaned his head back against Ari’s shoulder. A moan escaped his lips as Ari’s naturally skilled hands milked his cock. Instinctively, he reached out with the Force, cupping the presence of the woman behind him in his metaphysical hands.

Ari’s movements stuttered for a moment at the impossibly intimate action. Even though she wasn’t exceptionally sensitive to the Force, she felt like she knew everything about Haro at that moment. She felt his pain, his desire to move on, his hope, and most of all, his attraction to her.

Haro’s mental hands embracing her mind made Ari’s arousal skyrocket even higher. In turn, her arousal caused her to release more of the pheromones her species was famous for, causing Haro to harden further in her hands and pulse. With the feedback loop their connection established, Ari quickly reached her limit.

She turned Haro around and dropped to her knees in front of him. Her tongue lolled out as she took in the mouth watering scene in front of her. She leaned forward, burying her nose just below Haro’s cock and inhaling the deliciously Human scent she found there. Her eyes fluttered in pleasure as she began to lap at Haro’s balls.

Winding his fingers through Ari’s neon blue hair, Haro gently pulled her up his cock. Ari instantly submitted to Haro’s direction. This was the first time he had taken control during their encounter and his subtle dominating aura made her pussy clench. The squirt of fem-cum was mostly hidden by the stream of shower water still raining down on the pair.

Ari’s mouth opened wide, stretching in preparation to take in Haro’s girth. Her lips quickly latched onto his cockhead, suckling frantically like she had just found her life’s purpose. Ari steadily bobbed her head lower and lower down Haro’s length.

Haro groaned, not bothering to muffle his enjoyment of Ari’s actions. With one of his hands still entwined with her hair, his other hand came up to cup Ari’s cheek. Ari leaned into his touch like a cat, closing her eyes and purring as she continued to service his cock.

Haro had never felt anything like this. Having such a beautiful Alien woman servicing him so slavishly just felt right on some base level that he couldn’t put into words. He felt like the Force was egging him on, cooing and whispering in his ear to take what was now his.

It went against everything he had been taught about the Force in the Jedi Temple, but Haro couldn’t bring himself to care. The Jedi preached about ‘no attachments’ and ‘no emotions’ while simultaneously becoming attached to one another and acting like one big family of hypocrites for those they took in. He would rather listen to his current experience with the Force than what some of those ‘elders’ taught.

He wasn’t about to switch sides and dedicate himself to the Sith. Not even close. He was still livid about the pain and betrayal caused by Order 66. But he also wasn’t going to uphold the tenets of a Jedi Code that had been corrupted and twisted over thousands of years. Maybe it was time to take a more ‘gray’ path…

Haro was pulled from his brief pondering by Ari’s tongue zigzagging its way up his length. At some point, she had managed to take his entire cock into her throat. She looked up at him with a naughty gleam in her eyes. She pulled her head back excruciatingly slowly, torturing Haro with the ecstasy of his first blowjob, before suddenly driving herself back down his length.

Haro’s legs locked up with pleasure at the sensation of Ari’s tight, warm throat completely engulfing his cock. He actually had to lean back against the shower wall to support himself. Ari continued to look up at him with eyes full of worship as she facefucked herself on his cock.

“By the Force…” Haro muttered.

Ari took Haro’s words as encouragement. Her hands came up to grab his ass, pulling his hips into her face with each bob of her head. Fire raced up and down Haro's nerves. Lewd, wet slurps echoed off the tile of the shower. Over and over again, Haro’s cock was wrapped in a silken sheath while an impossibly hot tongue lavished the underside of his shaft with praise and attention.

Haro just gave himself over to the flow of the Force between the two of them. He relaxed, doing nothing more than enjoying the intimacy and pleasure he was sharing with Ari. Through the Force, he felt Ari cum handsfree. She drove herself down to the base of his cock and her eyes rolled back in her head as her first orgasm with another person ravaged her body and mind.

He patted her head, stroking her short, smooth hair to help her ride out the intense sensations as Ari continued to cum handsfree. He didn’t bother trying to pull her off his cock. Through their Force connection, Haro could feel how the lack of oxygen, the feeling of his cock still filling her throat, and the carnal satisfaction Ari got from worshiping him were all driving her climax to even greater heights.

Eventually, Ari’s eyes fluttered one last time. She slowly pulled herself off Haro’s cock, savoring the feeling of his thickness as it left her throat and imagining what that thickness would do to her untouched Alien pussy. Gasping for air when Haro’s length finally left her mouth, Ari just stared in awe at how much cock she had just been throating.

She hadn’t even noticed that she shouldn’t have been able to take all of Haro so easily. It had just felt so natural to give everything she had to servicing his beautiful Human cock. Deep, deep down inside, Ari had already recognized Haro as her Lord and submitted everything she was to serving him.

Even though they only subconsciously realized it, Haro and Ari were connected by something bigger than both of them. The Force worked in mysterious ways and it seemed to have decided that its newest Lord needed an Alien harem if he wanted to take up his destined mantle. After all, this newest and last Jedi Lord had started at a disadvantage.

The opponents he would face had much more power than him and years of experience and knowledge. Even his fellow surviving Jedi were more powerful and experienced than him. And so the Force gave this young Lordling an advantage. A way to gain power, to deepen his connection to the Force, to turn the galaxy on its head through love.

Haro wasted no time when they got out of the shower, having gotten impatient while waiting for Ari to recover from her mindblowing orgasm. He unconsciously dried Ari and himself with the Force. Ari giggled as he threw her over his shoulder like a conquering Lord and rushed to the bedroom.

He threw her down on her bed, restraining himself enough to not hurt her. Aching for relief, Haro loomed over Ari’s prone form on the bed. Silhouetted by pink light, he cut a striking figure that made Ari’s loins quiver.

His cock throbbed as if it was trying to reach out to her. There was a certain fire of desire in his eyes. A low growl rumbled in his chest as he stalked onto the bed like a dangerous, big cat. Ari spread her legs, inviting Haro into her core.

Haro stopped his crawl, kneeling just in front of Ari’s dripping quim. His cock was laid over her crotch, stretching from her pussy lips to above her belly button. Ari twitched as the underside of his shaft was dragged slowly atop her clit.

“Please…?” Ari keened. “I need it. I need you, Haro. I know we just met, but I don’t think I could continue living without your cock inside me.”

“I know,” Haro said, positioning his hips so that his cockhead lined up with Ari’s slit.

Ari let out an adorable little gasp as Haro’s cock prodded and started to spread her lower lips. She did her best to relax and let him in. Slowly but surely, Haro began to sink into the hot, welcoming flesh of Ari’s pussy. Haro and Ari moaned in sync as he sunk deeper and deeper into her depths.

Just as Haro’s bottomed out in Ari’s core, his hips connected with hers. It was a perfect fit. Ari’s inner walls had stretched just enough to fully take Haro, but not enough to be uncomfortable. She could still feel his sizable cock inside her, but it was a euphoric full feeling instead of a painful stretching.

Haro held himself deep inside of Ari for a couple of moments. The throbbing of his cock synced up with her heartbeat. They stared into each other’s eyes as they became fully one for a brief instant. The Force around and within them rejoiced at their joining. Their physical bodies and souls were wracked with pleasure.

He leaned down to kiss her, bending her body almost in half in the process. Ari’s legs locked together behind Haro’s back. She moaned into his passionate kiss. Her tongue quested for his, dragging it between her lips and sucking on it like it was candy.

All of a sudden, Haro moved. His hips were drawn back sharply. They paused there to revel in the anticipation racing through Ari’s body. Before she could break the kiss to beg, Haro drove forward, battering her insides with a single powerful thrust. That single thrust soon turned into another and another until Haro was pumping himself into Ari in rapid succession.

Ari’s legs spasmed and locked up, never letting go of their grip on Haro’s back. Ripples of pleasure raced from her core to her brain. Her consciousness was almost instantly overloaded by the sheer intensity of being fucked by Haro. She instinctively knew that this intense pleasure was something that should be known to many alien women across the galaxy.

Even though they were both virgins, it was like something was guiding both of their actions. The Force was subtly leading Haro to show this woman she was his now. Every fiber of his being strived to dominate her. To greedily hold her close, show her the light of love, and never let her go.

It wasn’t quite a dark sided feeling. But it also wasn’t of the light. It was somewhere firmly in between, carrying a grayness and nuance that both sides lacked. The Force itself seemed happy to revel in that nuance and grayness, providing the young Lordling with a third path: a path of peaceful passion and ordered conquest.

Ari’s inner walls clenched around Haro’s girth. He grunted, struggling to keep up his pace through her sudden orgasm. Her body shook and shivered. She clung to the bodily warmth above her for dear life as her climax threatened to drive her insensate with pleasure. And the moment she began to come down from her orgasm, she was thrown into another one.

This cycle continued for what seemed like an eternity. Haro would do his very best to fuck Ari’s brains out. He would nearly succeed each time. The only thing that saved the Zeltron woman was the Force connection she shared with her partner.

He was like a machine, driving her to the very brinks of pleasure and sanity before slowly guiding her back down to reality. Bruising thrusts turned into long, slow strokes then back again. Her whole body was so blissfully sore that she could feel nothing but fulfillment. She still tried to reciprocate Haro’s affection though, rolling her body against his thrusts to help him get as deep as possible.

Haro felt like he was set adrift in a sea of new sensations. The ecstasy, the intimacy, and the satisfaction were all fresh and exciting and overwhelming in a good way. Everything came together in a heady high that he couldn’t bring himself to hate. He fell into a sort of trance, focusing everything he had into sharing pleasure with his partner.

His blood raced through his veins. His heart pounded in tune to the stunning woman beneath him. His cock throbbed and his balls churned everytime he pierced Ari’s core. Core muscles clenched as he kept his climax held back by a razor’s edge. Dancing the line between pleasure and release, Haro let out a primal roar.

He buried himself downward into Ari’s womb, finally letting go of the tight hold he had held over his climax. What felt like gallons of potent Human seed flooded Ari’s baby room in a raging torrent that never seemed to cease. Ari shivered in blissful euphoria, knowing that if she didn’t have her implant she would have been carrying Haro’s first child. Another thought crossed her mind the moment after: “Would that really be so bad?”

The second thought passed quickly like all passing thoughts tend to do. Neither Haro nor Ari were ready for children. They had just met each other after all, and even if they shared an odd bond and attraction, parenthood wasn’t something they were keen to jump into.

So Ari laid back, clinging to Haro with all four of her limbs and enjoying the feeling of being absolutely filled. Haro’s cock continued to pulse inside her, sending the last trickles of cum past her cervix.

Without changing position, Haro rolled both of them onto their sides. He held Ari tight to his body as he quickly began to drift off to sleep. Ari stroked Haro’s hair and hummed a soft lullaby as she watched his eyes close. She wondered about what the future would hold for them, once again thanking some higher power for bringing her and Haro together.


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