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AN: Okay, this is a new story I've been writing recently while I take a break from "Of Foxfire and Cultivation" and I feel like the premise could do with some elaboration. As you can probably tell from the title, this story is set in the Star Wars universe and one of its main focuses is Alien girls. This will be a Harem story and the Harem will be entirely comprised of Aliens from the Star Wars universe. This story will probably be much more smut-focused than my other story. The harem with only be Alien girls because my initial idea for the story was to write some fun Human-Alien smut scenes. The story will also have elements of the "Human'd" fetish (basically a smut-focused version of HFY (Humanity, Fuck Yeah!) where Humans are irresistible to other species for various reasons). If you don't like the idea of a Human male protagonist dominating Alien girls, you probably won't like this story. With that wall of text out of the way, I hope you enjoy it!

When Haro had woken up this morning, he wasn’t really expecting too much to change in his life. He had thought he would just go to lessons, meditate, and gossip with his peers. Even with the Clone Wars winding down to a close, the life of a Jedi youngling was a simple and peaceful one. The most interesting and taboo thing he did with his day was mess around with the tech he had… requisitioned on his few unauthorized trips outside the Jedi Temple.

He certainly hadn’t been expecting the chaos that now consumed his life. He had never even considered the idea that the Chancellor could declare the Order traitors. And he had been utterly unprepared for the surge of death in the Force that seemed to knock something loose in his brain.

As the tidal wave of grief, suffering, and slaughter rolled over every Force-sensitive in the galaxy, Haro was experiencing his own internal upheaval at the same time. The wave had seemingly pushed previously unknown and incomprehensible knowledge into Haro’s brain. Memories flashed before his mind’s eye like he was watching a holofilm of distant events.

He didn’t even have time to process any of the new memories though. He barely even had time to clutch his head in sudden pain before the Temple’s alarms started blaring. Something in his new memories stirred, identifying Haro’s situation with two words: Order 66.

Without him realizing, Haro’s legs began pushing him to flee. His body acted on autopilot as his mind boggled at the tragic implications of those two words. The Sith had won. They had come back from the dead and were currently trying to annihilate the Jedi Order. Haro knew he couldn’t do anything to stop them. He wasn’t even a Padawan yet. Maybe if the new memories in his mind had surfaced earlier…

Ultimately though, it didn’t matter at the moment. All Haro could do was desperately try to survive. He closed his eyes, blinking back tears as he ran deeper into the Temple. Through the Force, he could feel his teachers and fellow younglings being slaughtered like cattle by someone he now knew used to be one of the Order’s finest.

Haro took advantage of the knowledge he had gained through his unapproved escapades from the Temple. He quickly found the service tunnel he usually used to sneak out and darted inside. As the door was sliding closed, Haro heard the stomping of boots that could only signal a squad of clones had been following him.

Haro closed his eyes and cursed in a way he never had before. Running down the cramped corridor, he quickly made his way out into the lower levels of Coruscant. The Jedi Temple was so old and interconnected with the various levels of Coruscant that there were many avenues Haro could take to escape.

The echo of clone trooper boots made Haro push his body to go faster. Eventually, after what felt like an eternity of running, he emerged into what passed for open air in Coruscant’s undercity. Still, Haro didn’t pause to catch his breath. Haro could feel the blood pounding through his veins as he dashed through the crowded streets.

Calling upon the Force to aid him, Haro weaved his way through crowds of beings both familiar and foreign to him. The sight of Humans and other species was a normal occurrence in the Jedi Temple. But even as he was nearly consumed by the need to flee, his new out-of-context memories made it so he couldn’t help but marvel at the sight of Aliens of all shapes and colors, recognizing the wonders of such diversity for the first time.

Haro tried his best to clear his mind with the Force, but his concentration was constantly being tested as he ran into more and more clones. His distinct Jedi-like robes marked him as an obvious target for all of the troopers he ran into. Haro soon found himself fleeing from multiple different squads of clone troopers.

Streets and buildings blurred together until Haro was sure he was completely lost. But still, the clone troopers were relentless. He listened intently to the Force, using precognition to dodge blaster bolts whenever a lucky trooper lined up a clean shot on him.

The chase came to a head when one of the squads pursuing him managed to cut Haro off. In a single moment of desperation, Haro went against everything the Order had taught him. He tapped into his emotions, releasing a roar filled with fear, exhaustion, and hopelessness.

A wave of Force accompanied his roar, bowling over the clone troopers in front of him. The desperate attack also hit some civilians, but Haro couldn’t find it in himself to care at the moment. Looking around frantically, he dove into an alleyway.

The alley came to an end in a ‘T’ shape. Instead of going left or right, Haro doubled back a little ways and started pounding on a door. He only had a scant few seconds until the troopers caught back up to him, but luckily the Force favored him.

The door opened mid knock and Haro fell through it. The cute little gasp beneath him and the sudden softness in his palms told Haro that he had fallen on top of someone. The door slid shut behind him. Haro placed a hand over the mouth of the person below him and waited in tense silence as the sound of boots pounded past the doorway.

The air in the small entryway was tense and quiet. Neither Haro or the person beneath him moved a muscle, too scared that the troopers would somehow sense the movement and come back. Haro kept his eyes locked on the door until the Force gave him the all-clear. Only then did he relax and glance at the person he had landed on.

An exotic young woman of about 18 was sprawled out on the floor beneath Haro. Her pale, almost pastel, pink skin was smooth and unblemished apart from a small tattoo under her left eye that said “Untouchable”. Her hair was a shocking neon blue and cut short in a ‘punk-bob’ style. ‘A Zeltron,’ Haro realized as he continued to be mesmerized by the woman’s delicately beautiful features.

Bright blue eyes, the same color as the Zeltron’s hair, stared back up at Haro. Haro could swear he saw hearts flash in the woman’s pupils. He could feel the Force within him reacting and changing, like his presence was trying to match and appeal to the Zeltron woman on an instinctive level.

“A-Are you an angel?” the woman asked in a breathy whisper.

Haro blinked, “Shouldn’t I be asking you that? You were the one that saved me after all.”

“Umph!” the woman muffled a sudden moan at the praise. “I wasn’t expecting this when I opened the door, but I would do it again in a heartbeat if it meant you falling on top of me once more.”

Haro blinked again. He was left at something of a loss for words. No one had ever reacted like this to him before. Neither Human nor Alien. Even with his social education stunted by life in the Jedi Temple, he recognized the Zeltron’s reaction as one of desire, lust, and maybe even the beginnings of love. It was abnormal, but at the same time, it was thrilling and taboo and it lit a fire in Haro’s heart that he didn’t know he was missing until now.

It made him think of storybooks. Of love at first sight and soulmates. He felt the Force within him reach out and try to intertwine with hers. Somehow, even with his soul reaching out to her, it still felt like the connection was somewhat one sided. Like the Zeltron woman was just one missing piece in a dozen that completed the puzzle of Haro’s existence.

His teachings about the importance of divorcing yourself from attachment to anything surged to the forefront of Haro’s mind. These teachings were quickly beaten back by his own pre-existing doubts in the Jedi code and the perspective his new memories had granted him. And with the Jedi Order seemingly dead and done for… did he really have to religiously stick to the code anymore?

He examined the Zeltron woman beneath him closer, finding himself entranced by everything she was. Her exotic beauty, her curious soul, the hardships that Haro could feel had plagued this woman’s life and how she had overcome them all to become the woman that now laid beneath him. She just felt… right. Like a perfect fit, a light in the Force.

“I-I’m Ari,” the Zeltron woman introduced herself somewhat nervously. “W-What brings you to this part of the undercity?”

Ari’s innocent, nervous words reignited Haro’s fears of being caught, “You have to hide me!”

The Zeltron’s response was almost instant, “Okay.”

“Plea-...” Haro began to plead before Ari’s words registered. “Wait, what? Just like that? You don’t want an explanation or anything?”

Ari blushed, “I mean… an explanation would be nice, but I don’t think it would change anything. Helping you just feels like the best thing I could do right now.”

A plethora of feelings flashed through Haro’s mind as he slowly pushed himself up and off Ari. Gratitude was the main emotion in his mind, but confusion was a close second. He almost ignored the squeaking moan that Ari let out as he sat back on his haunches.

Looking down, Haro saw that his hand was connected to the Zeltron woman’s breast. By the will of the Force, he had been groping Ari since he landed on her. This fact only served to make Haro more confused. He wasn’t very well educated in the ways of women and relationships, but shouldn’t she have been angry with him?

He absently squeezed the soft orb in his palm, taking notice of just how perky and full and wonderful Ari’s body felt. Ari bit her lip to hold back a moan that might make Haro stop what he was doing to her. Even through her clothes, his touch felt like fire on her nerves. A scorching lust she had never felt for anyone else simmered in her core.

Ari usually kept a tight hold on the pheromones her species naturally produced and were famous for, but something about Haro was making her control slip. She watched with nervous excitement as Haro’s nostrils flared and he breathed in her scent. Things were moving so fast, but everything between her and the boy on top of her felt so indescribably right that she couldn’t bring herself to care.

Ari’s eyes did their best to absorb every little detail of the boy on top of her. He was a Human boy who couldn’t have been more than 16 years of age. His somewhat short brown hair was windswept in a way that made Ari want to swoon. His pale hazel eyes were ringed with dark circles that gave his face a slightly dangerous, ‘sad-boi’ edge. His facial features were aristocratic and refined, with a sharp jawline and high cheekbones. A small birthmark or tattoo in a ‘~’ shape decorated his right cheek.

She had felt how lean and strong his body was when he was laying on top of her. And now that he was mostly off of her, she could see and admire the way his robes clung to his frame. Ari found herself wanting to lick the sweat off his olive skin. The obvious nervous desperation that the boy was trying to keep on a tight leash tugged at Ari’s heartstrings.

Ari had never thought she was a Human fetishist. Oh, she had heard all the rumors and stereotypes about Human males of course. That they had some of the best stamina in the galaxy. That their musk could bring an Alien woman to her knees with a single sniff. That their cocks were perfectly shaped and sized to bring alien girls to climax. That they were the perfect lovers for almost any species and that their genes were dominant and meant to breed.

She had never really paid the rumors much mind though. She had always assumed they were just the gossip of thirsty, horny Alien girls. After all, she had never felt the desire or attraction to Human males that the rumors described. But with this specific Human on top of her, she was starting to understand some of the hype. Maybe she had just needed to find the right Human…

“I-I’m Haro…” Haro introduced himself with a stutter, fighting himself for control of his base emotions.

“Nice to meet you, Haro. Care to tell me what you’re running from?” Ari smiled, basically purring Haro’s name. When Haro hesitated, she hurried to correct herself. “Y-You don’t have to! I’d just like to know so I can help you as best I can…”

Some of Haro’s tension left him as he began to speak, “... Something terrible is happening. The… The Jedi Order is dead. Masters, Knights, Padawans, and even younglings are being murdered by the thousands as we speak. All because a single hate-filled lunatic grew too powerful without anyone realizing.

“I am… was a youngling,” Haro continued softly. “Somehow, I managed to escape the initial slaughter. Everything I knew is gone… The Order has fallen… And the Republic will fall with it.”

The despair, fear, and hopelessness that Haro had been suppressing bubbled back to the surface. He struggled to hold back tears. Everything he had ever known in this life was gone. The knowledge from his new memories that this was inevitable did nothing to lessen the pain.

Ari didn’t know what to say. She knew what it felt like to have everything taken away from you. She had experienced a similar hurt when her mother had sold herself into slavery to save her life. She knew there was nothing she could say at the moment that would make Haro feel better. So she didn’t speak. Instead she reached up with one hand and cupped his cheek.

Haro’s tears started to flow at Ari’s soft touch. He leaned into her hand, desperate for any sense of comfort. The sudden influx of powerful emotions was hitting him like a truck and he was ill-trained to deal with the mental turmoil. His presence in the Force roiled and churned, latching onto Ari’s presence to keep stable through the emotional storm.

It would have been all too easy for Haro to fall to the dark side then and there. But even with his sense of reason barely holding together against the storm of emotions, Haro refused to fall. He refused to give up everything he had ever lived for. He never fully agreed with the current Jedi code, but he knew he wasn’t a Sith.

Knowledge of a variation to the Jedi code began to surface in Haro’s mind like it had suddenly been implanted by a higher power. It was a code that was paradoxically new and old at the same time. Just as he had latched onto Ari, Haro latched onto this code. Like a man lost at sea, he held on tight and did his best to meditate on it.

Emotion, yet Peace.

Ignorance, yet Knowledge.

Passion, yet Serenity.

Chaos, yet Harmony.

Death, yet the Force.

The code quickly became a mantra. A mantra that slowly but surely grounded Haro. It gave him another thing to latch on to, another anchor in the Force. He began to calm as he did his best to tame the sea of his emotions.

Ari held Haro’s head to her breast. The exceedingly soft pillows pressed against his cheek helped Haro stem his tears. As Haro’s mind calmed, it became increasingly difficult to focus on anything other than Ari’s perfect pink cleavage.

“What do I do now…?” Haro whispered, asking himself that question just as much as he was asking Ari.

“Join me?” Ari offered. “You may not believe me, but I have some experience with reinventing myself. I know what it’s like to lose everything in a single moment. Maybe… Maybe I can help you get back on your feet?”

Haro took advantage of Ari’s open affection to bury his face between her tits, “Even just my presence will put you in danger… The mastermind behind this coup will be hunting me. Maybe not me specifically, but with my connection to the Jedi, I’ll still be putting you in danger.”

“I’m an information broker. I can make you a new identity. I promise we’ll make this work.”

“Why… Why are you helping me?”

“Hmm, fate works in mysterious ways,” Ari hummed, lightly hinting at the attraction between them that she somehow knew was mutual. “Plus, I’m sure having a Jedi around will be useful.”

“I’m not a real Jedi… I’m not even a Padawan…” Haro mumbled.

“But you can use it, right? The Force?”

“I’m a novice at best…”

“Well, you can use it well enough to escape a massacre. I think that’s enough reason for me to take you in right there.”

“So I survive when so many others should have?”

Ari rolled her eyes. She lifted Haro’s head off her chest and leaned forward. Seizing Haro’s lips with her own, she filled the kiss with enough compassion to pull Haro out of his depressing downward emotional spiral. “Sure, others should have lived,” Ari’s kiss said. “But that doesn’t change the fact that you did. I’m glad you lived long enough to meet me.”

Haro’s eyes shot open in shock at the sensation of Ari’s lips against his own. His body subconsciously responded to the kiss, matching Ari’s passion. His eyes slowly hooded and slid closed as the kiss went on. It was perhaps the most magical thing Haro had experienced in his life.

All of the worry and stress in his mind faded away, being replaced by a subtle euphoria and hope. Electricity flowed between them through their connected lips and Haro suddenly felt like he could do anything. Ari moaned into Haro’s mouth as his lips and tongue started to take initiative. He gently dominated the Alien woman in a way that felt as natural to him as breathing.

He didn’t know where this knowledge and skill was coming from. It was like this was his one purpose in life. Like he had always been meant to make women, especially Aliens, submit before him and that purpose had been robbed from him by a childhood in a celibate Order. Like he had finally found his true position in the Force.

Throughout its existence, the Jedi Order has had many schisms. In possibly its darkest moments, this kiss became one more schism. A single spark of light in a sea of darkness, this kiss rang throughout the galaxy like a struck gong. And though it was largely pushed aside for more pressing issues by the galaxy at large, the Force would not be denied. This kiss heralded the rise of a station that hadn’t been seen in thousands of years. It was the true beginning of the life of the last Gray Jedi Lord…



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