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Hello fellow translators,

Thank you for your continued support.

This month there are many developments from Translator++. I have a personal project translating a WolfRPG game, so while translating I'm also fixing the “problems” I found in WolfJS to improve our translation experience.

WolfJS ver 1.0

WolfJS is making strides towards maturity and becoming stable.

I've done a lot of testing, and the WolfJS add-on is able to translate commercial-level software doujins.

The latest update also allows us to translate WolfRPG games into languages that don't use the ASCII alphabet like Chinese. (The WolfRPG engine itself only supports a few locales, so there may be some languages that the Wolf RPG engine doesn't support).

Here are some tips for translating WolfJS to your language.

After exporting or injecting the translation, open the Wolf RPG Editor. You can do this easily using the Open Editor button in the WOLF tab.

Then, once you’re in Wolf RPG Editor, navigate to Game Settings → Open Game Settings

This will bring up the Basic Game Settings screen

There are two things you need to do on this screen.

1. Change the font

By default Wolf RPG uses the MS Gothic font which supports Japanese.

You can define a main font and three sub fonts; you do not have to specify anything. However, make sure you input the font names exactly. The sub-fonts defined here can be temporarily switched to in messages using the special code \font[1] (change to sub-font 1).

Also, you cannot use fonts with a .fon extension (Adobe Type fonts like "WST_Engl" or "Small Fonts").

(The moment you try to display text with these fonts, the game apparently force-closes.)

Loading External Font Files

If a font is not installed on the PC being played on, "MS Gothic"(Japanese) is used by default, but you can include the font file and it will be automatically loaded in.

To do this, include the font file (ttf and ttc formats only) in the Data folder (only if not encrypting the entire Data folder), or in the same place as Game.exe.

Please enter the font name exactly (not to be confused with the font's file name). On Windows, you can find font names by right-clicking a TTF file, clicking Properties, and in the Details tab, it is listed as "Title." (It is possible more exactness is required as of Ver. 2.20.)

Also, if you are releasing to English audiences, you will need to input the English font name.

2. Change the character encoding

First of all, Wolf RPG Engine doesn't seem to support Unicode, so games made with Wolf RPG can only be played if the character encoding in the game is the same as the character encoding in the windows locale.

So you need to set the character encoding according to the language you use in this menu.

Besides that, you also need to set the character encoding to the same in Translator++

Open up Options Window → Expand Add-ons → Select wolfJS → In Write Encoding, select the encoding that match your language (In this example Chinese Traditional is GB2312)

Also keep in mind that your game can only be played in the same Windows locale as the character encoding you selected here.

Core update

Of course, this month I'm not just making improvements to the Wolf RPG parser only.

There are also fixes and new features as well in Translator++ core.

For example, the notorious bug that caused Translator++ to crash when opening large files was fixed.

Also a bug that caused tags to not work when injecting translations was also addressed.

A new visual guide for the multi context translatable texts.

Now we have a visual guide for translatable texts that have more than one context (the same sentence or word appears multiple times in one file).

A gray plus sign means the text has more than one context but has no context level translation.

A red plus sign means the text has more than one context and has one or more translation level contexts, like the following figure:

Here is the detailed changelog for this month:


  • Fix : Translator++ crashes when handling a big file
  • Update : WolfJS ver. 1.0.1
  • Fix : WolfJS - Can not launch Wolf Editor from Translator++
  • Add : WolfJS - Option to change the write character encoding into 26 character encoding. Including Chinese Traditional (BIG5), Chinese simplified(GB2312), Korean(CP949), and more
  • Info : If you're translating Wolf RPG into non alphabetic characters, please also set the language at Game Settings ->2-Byte Character Language on your Wolf RPG Editor(You can open the editor via Translator++)


  • Update : WolfJS ver. 1.0.0 - stable
  • Add : WolfJS - Added WOLF tab menu
  • Add : WolfJS - A button to launch translated game directly from Translator++
  • Add : WolfJS - A button to edit your translated game with Wolf Editor (english version)
  • Fix : smaller memory consumption for grouped translation data
  • Add : Autobackup feature. Never lose your works again by setting up autobackup of your trans file
  • Fix : Wordwrap by tag doesn't work when exporting the project the second time
  • Fix : Wordwrap by tag doesn't work when injecting project the project the second time
  • Fix : Whitelist/blacklist by tag doesn't work in inject mode


  • Update : WolfJS ver. 0.7.2
  • Fix : WolfJS miss translation assignment for grouped items (common events, database etc)
  • Fix : WolfJS Bug when applying translation into map data in WolfJS ver.0.7
  • Fix : Bug in row-by-row translation mode. Blacklisted tags still sent to the translator endpoint. This was causing unnecessary loading time and cost.


  • Update : WolfJS ver. 0.7.1
  • Add : WolfJS supported context level translation.
  • Add : More high risk rows are marked in red or blue tag
  • Add : Visual information on the grid if a row that has multiple context
  • Add : Visual information on the grid if a row has any context level translation


  • Update : WolfJS ver. 0.7
  • Add : WolfJS supports partial export now!
  • Fix : WolfJS - The translation doesn't applied correctly for db and Common event files


  • Fix : Tidying up open project procedure
  • Add : TPP option in Save-as menu, the more sensible way of saving a TPP file.
  • Add : Translator++ can now open TPP file using open command.
  • Add : dropdown menu for main toolbar.
  • Fix : Opening Trans & TPP file from explorer will cause endless loading screen


  • Update : JSON Parser ver. 0.2
  • Add : Inject procedure for JSON project
  • Fix : Sometime open the wrong file when opening project from start screen


  • Add : JSON Parser - Start a translation project from JSON files.
  • Update : RMMVJS ver. 2.6.4
  • Update : VNTextPatch 0.3.5
  • Update : VNTranslationTools binary update to ver 0.0.14

Please update your Translator++ to the latest version.





I would also like to report two bugs I noticed in the latest versions of translate++. Some texts that have single quotes inside double quotes are being cut by the program, when they will turn into lines. Example: Using translate++ 4.10.30C (Game RenPy) The line in the translator is: -- I don't have to lie to you anymore, I -- Original text: -- le "Okay look, as much as I love talking to you and as happy as I am that I don't have to lie to you anymore, I'm very very tired." -- =-=-= Another bug is that it is not possible to apply tags using search on files that have spaces in their names. Example: Searching for the "play" context and applying a red tag to all lines in this context will only work if the game file has no spaces. (If the folder has space in the name, it doesn't apply either) game_test.rpy (Applies to Tag) game test.rpy (Does not apply tag) sorry for my english


Reporting a bug. When translating rmmz games, control characters are literally being spelled out on the output for plugin commands. e.g. Original: ["SSW_Stand","Activate","立ち絵登録",{"code":"Mana","mode":"Slide","position":"{\"auto\":\"true\",\"pos\":\"8\",\"wait\":\"1\",\"ease\":\"None\"}","base":"{\"auto\":\"false\",\"damage\":\"Break\",\"seal\":\"false\",\"fallen\":\"false\"}"}] Translated (not actually translating, just using the original text to see what has changed between the original source code and translator++'s generated translation): ["SSW_Stand","Activate","立ち絵登録",{"code":"Mana","mode":"Slide","position":"{\n \"auto\": \"true\",\n \"pos\": \"8\",\n \"wait\": \"1\",\n \"ease\": \"None\"\n}","base":"{\n \"auto\": \"false\",\n \"damage\": \"Break\",\n \"seal\": \"false\",\n \"fallen\": \"false\"\n}"}] Notice the "\n" showing up? And no, it's not the actual endline character, but "\n" spelled out. The whitespace characters are being added inside of this function: RMMVData.prototype.fetchMzPluginCommand in the line: var translation = jsonTranslate.toString(); I got around it by using this: var translation = JSON.stringify(jsonTranslate.translated, undefined, null); instead of return JSON.stringify(this.translated, undefined, 2); Which is basically stringifying without whitespace characters instead of adding double spaces and newlines for human readability. But there might be a reason behind the 2 that would make my suggested fix an edge case. But I had to do this or the plugin itself will not correctly parse the JSON string. I.e. when I tested the changes, the application errored out telling me that the next function was expecting a long datatype. I'm guessing the extra "\" and "n" was causing it to think that we were sending a string or something.


Thank you for your feedback. In the MV/MX Parser V2 options, did you turn on Beautify JSON data?