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Today I received information from Patreon that they implemented a new billing system. I immediately switched to the new billing system. 

This is how this new billing system will benefit you all :

Previously, the billing cycle on Patreon was fixed at the beginning of the month. This means, if you become a patron at the end of the month you only be able to get benefits for the remaining days of that month… that was hardly fair! To be honest I wasn’t expecting that kind of billing system at first, but there was nothing I can do to change that.

Now, you will be billed on the same date you subscribed. So you can get benefits for a full month. I'm sure this is what you expect when you subscribe, right?




I can understand the annoyance of getting charged the full amount when signing up mid month and only getting a partial month of service. However I personally prefer getting a single charge for all the Patreons I support than getting a bunch of small charges throughout the month. That's just a personal preference for me and I'm sure people who only support one or two creators will feel the opposite. I personally am not looking forward to seeing a couple dozen charges a month from Patreon. Not that Patreon listens to creators or the people that pledge to them, but I think they should give us the option to keep 1 monthly payment if we want.